OiO.lk Blog PHP TYPO3 Forms + Hook interaction

TYPO3 Forms + Hook interaction

Im currently trying to implement a form in TYPO3 with typo3/cms-forms.

My Form has to be a bit more dynamic, i need to fetch some data from an API and represent it in the form. To achieve that, i thought of using a hook to manipulate the basic structure of my form.

    = \SchmelzermedienGmbh\ImApi\Hooks\Forms\FormHook::class;
class FormHook
    public function initializeFormElement(FormElementInterface $renderable)
        error_log('initialized formElement hook');
        if ($renderable->getIdentifier() === 'text-1') {
            $renderable->setProperty('placeholder', 'somePlaceholderTexts');

This is not working and i already tried different hooks, like beforeRendering, afterBuildingFinished and so on.
My changes to some properties like the placeholder are not getting through and are not getting displayed in the frontend.

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