October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


used in multiple contexts: generic programming (especially C++), and data/document generation using template engines, web template


Variadic template class: Allow for float and int arguments cast to float?

I have the following class: template <size_t N, float... Lam> requires (sizeof...(Lam) == N) class Spectrum { public: Spectrum() : wavelengths{ static_cast<float>(Lam)... } { values.fill(0.f); }; template <IsNumeric T> Spectrum(T v) : wavelengths{ static_cast<float>(Lam)... } { values.fill(static_cast<float>(v)); }; template <IsNumeric... T> requires (sizeof...(T) == N) Spectrum(T... v) : wavelengths{ static_cast<float>(Lam)... }, values { static_cast<float>(v)... }

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Parameter pack to initialize member std::array

I have a class Color which is a thin wrapper around std::array. I would like to be able to use it in 2 ways: Color<5> color{1,2,3,4,5} should produce color.values = [1,2,3,4,5] Color<5> color{3} should produce color.values = [3,3,3,3,3] What I currently have is: template <size_t N> class Color { public: Color() = default; Color(std::array<float, N>

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Can I add default Api Controller in C# in VS Code?

I am using a MacBook. How can I add default api controller in C# in VS Code? I have downloaded the C# Dev Kit in VS Code, but if I add a new api controller, it will be an empty api controller. How can I have the default settings like this: using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System.Collections.Generic;

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incorrect expansion of template handlebars.js

I can’t figure out how handlebars performs templates generation. i found one case that gives me unwanted results. it seems that handlebars behaves differently depending on the template to be expanded. below is an example with the code I ran. first: preparing the data and running the template is done like this: <script type="text/JavaScript"> function

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How can I place a typedef inside a class using macros?

I have a component registry that registers components (classes/types). I’ve succeeded in making it so that the system doesn’t work if you try using it with a class that wasn’t registered. However even if it was registered once with one type of registry then it works with all of them because there’s a: template <typename

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Why can templates only be implemented in the header file?

I’m creating my own C++ tutorial, and I’m immersed in providing some template examples. I know that the C++ Standard Library contains a Stack class, but I’m trying to provide relatively simple examples that don’t rely on using [much of] the C++ Standard Library. I created a version of my own example template Stack class:

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How to correctly include an Eclipse PlugIn Project in Eclipse Committers?

I wrote a PlugIn Project in Eclipse which should Resolve Variables in a custom way. The idea came for faster implementaion of getter/setter methods: public ${type} get${varNameUpper}(${type}${varNameLower}){ return ${varNameLower}; } This template should take the "varNameUpper/Lower" Variable and adjust it simultaneously. For this I wrote the PlugIn-Classes: public class Lower extends SimpleTemplateVariableResolver { public Lower()

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MSVC fails to specialize member of template class defined in a separate translation unit

I’ve been trying to compile VTK 9.3.1 with Visual Studio 17 2022, but it fails at the linking stage: vtkCommonCore-9.3.lib(vtkSMPToolsAPI.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __cdecl vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPToolsImpl<1>::IsParallelScope(void)" (?IsParallelScope@?$vtkSMPToolsImpl@$00@smp@detail@vtk@@QEAA_NXZ) referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPToolsAPI::IsParallelScope(void)" (?IsParallelScope@vtkSMPToolsAPI@smp@detail@vtk@@QEAA_NXZ) I found that the issue had already been reported, e.g. here, yet it remains unsolved. I

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How to create type T and value of type T template with default type T?

As question says. I’d like to create a template, e.g. of class, that takes in typename T and T val as parameters, in which I can specify default T type. I tried this: template <typename T = int, T V = 0> class Example { }; Example<int, 1> a; // compiles Example<int> a; // compiles

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Using macros to define large number of convenience aliases/constant: is there a better alternative?

I am writing a constexpr static library, where I have a general_v type that is fairly clunky to use as a type in code, and is intended to be hidden from the end-user. From this, the user-facing aliases are defined, followed by prototypical constants. All of these aliases and constants are templated so that the

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