October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL WordPress eCards

NEW! Version 5.4.3 is out, and it brings more speed and more block editor compatibility! Create your personalized email templates and use tags and shortcodes to include custom details and content. Read more here. No more external CSS, everything is now inlined for Critical CSS benefits! Faster page load and 100% compatibility with the block

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Reveal.js does not load in a dynamic SPA view loader

I am trying to dynamic load Reveal.js inside a basic SPA router in vanilla JS, but I simply can’t get Reveal.js running. I get the background, so it is recognized and the files are loaded. It just doesn’t give me the slides correctly. I simply can’t find the solution neither with Google, LLM’s or anything

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C++ template: access members from source template struct

I want to create following class template: Holds a list of objects of different classes, at compile time. Being alled to do some computation on all members from a function. Has a member to access each object of the list individually. List and members can be created at compilation, no need for dinamic lists. User

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COUNT with WHERE condition doesn't return all rows

I’m writing a solution for a DataLemur SQL question and I almost had it right but there is one row missing. I have written this query myself: WITH CTE AS ( SELECT user_id, transaction_date, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id order by transaction_date) as ranked_transact FROM user_transactions ) SELECT transaction_date, user_id, COUNT(user_id) as purchase_count FROM CTE

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How can I achieve absolute positioning on a flex element?

I created following component <!-- AppBar.vue --> <template> <v-row> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn text="Our plans"></v-btn> </v-row> </template> and when used it looks like this But when I change its position to be absolute like this <div style="background-color: burlywood" class="h-screen" > <v-container class="fill-height position-relative"> <AppBar class="position-absolute top-0" /> </v-container> </div> it is rendered like this What am I

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Create instance of a imported python class with C API

I want to create an instance of a Python class with the C API. My specific use case is the PySerial Object. My Python code would be: import serial test = serial.Serial() I couldn’t find any clue or Tutorial for doing so. The only thing I think to know is to declare it as a

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Horizontal scroll: sticky element starts moving when scrolling to a certain point

Scenario: There are many rows… each row has a sticky element on the left, a larger content div on the right. It should be possible to horizontally scroll all rows together and the sticky elements should stay on their initial position. The issue: When scrolling further than the width of the scrollable container (minus the

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web locate me button is not working on android webview

we have a web app that showing an ezri map with locate me button, the button is working on the web browser, but its not working on the android web view, also the location permission is enabled, see code below: the error we get on the CONSOLE: INFO:CONSOLE(285)] "Error: User denied Geolocation the location permission enabled:

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Fastest way to redirect in PHP

I am building URL shortener with Laravel backend. I want to redirect user from his shortened URL to the destination URL as fast as possible. What would be the best way to do this? I was thinking about editing .htaccess file dynamically, but I am not sure if it is a good solution or if

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How does Linux handle multiple sockets bound to the same port with `INADDR_ANY` and a specific IP address?

I’m developing a server application on Linux and have a question about socket binding behavior when using INADDR_ANY and specific IP addresses. My setup involves two sockets: One socket bound to port 80 with INADDR_ANY, meaning it listens on all available IP addresses. Another socket bound to port 80 on a specific IP address,

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