OiO.lk Blog PHP Sabre example Carddav permission errors

Sabre example Carddav permission errors

I am trying to setup a very simple carrdav server withing my web directory as described


My directory struction is like

    -- www 
         -- carddav
             --- vendor
             --- carddav.php
    -- data (drwxrwxrwx)

my carddav.php code is from the examples


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);


// Make sure this setting is turned on and reflect the root url for your WebDAV server.
// This can be for example the root / or a complete path to your server script
$baseUri = '/carddav/carddav.php/';

/* Database */
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:../../data/carddav.sqlite');

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Backends
$authBackend = new Sabre\DAV\Auth\Backend\PDO($pdo);
$principalBackend = new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalBackend\PDO($pdo);
$carddavBackend = new Sabre\CardDAV\Backend\PDO($pdo);

// Setting up the directory tree //
$nodes = [
    new Sabre\DAVACL\PrincipalCollection($principalBackend),
    new Sabre\CardDAV\AddressBookRoot($principalBackend, $carddavBackend),

// The object tree needs in turn to be passed to the server class
$server = new Sabre\DAV\Server($nodes);

// Plugins
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Auth\Plugin($authBackend));
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Browser\Plugin());
//$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\CalDAV\Plugin());
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\CardDAV\Plugin());
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAVACL\Plugin());
$server->addPlugin(new Sabre\DAV\Sync\Plugin());

// And off we go!

I run this with

php -S from the www directory

If I go to

I can loging as admin/admin

If I go to addressbooks and try to create a folder I see

<s:message>Permission denied to create directory</s:message>

Also if I go to the principals page and try to create a new principals I see

User did not have the required privileges ({DAV:}bind) for path "principals"

Any idea why I don’t have permissions to do anything even though an admin. The folder permission are liberal and the php server should be running as my user ?

Also can I increase the debugging from Sabre ?

this is Mac OSX if it makes a difference.


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