OiO.lk Blog SQL Rows matching conditions in a directly related table or another, related indirectly

Rows matching conditions in a directly related table or another, related indirectly

Suppose three tables:

create table table_a(  id int generated by default as identity primary key);
create table table_c(  id int generated by default as identity primary key
                     , active boolean);
create table table_b(  id int generated by default as identity primary key
                     , active boolean
                     , table_a_id int references table_a(id)
                     , table_c_id int references table_c(id));

Rows in table_a can be related to those in table_c through table_b.
The table_c and table_b have each a boolean attribute called active.

How do I write a SQL statement or Active record expression where I get every table_a record

  • with no associated table_b records showing active saved as true
  • having one or more associated active table_b records but all of them linking only to table_c rows with active saved as false?

Example input:
demo at db<>fiddle

with populated_a as 
  (insert into table_a values
     (1) --YES, doesn't have a `b` or `c` at all
    ,(2) --NO, has an active `b`
    ,(3) --YES, has a `b` but it's inactive
    ,(4) --NO, has both an active `b` and active `c`
    ,(5) --YES, has an active `b` but it links to an inactive `c`
    ,(6) --YES, has an inactive `b` and it links to an inactive `c`
   returning *)
,populated_c as 
  (insert into table_c values(2,false)
                            ,(7,true)--no associated `a` or `b`
   returning *)
insert into table_b(active,table_c_id,table_a_id)
values (true,2,2)
      ,(true,4,4)--also links to active `c`
      ,(true,5,5)--links to inactive `c`

My attempt:

SELECT "table_a".* FROM "table_a"
ON "table_b"."table_a_id" = "table_a"."id"
AND "table_b"."active" = true
ON "table_b"."table_c_id" = "table_c"."id" 
AND "table_c"."active" = true
WHERE "table_b"."id" IS NULL OR "table_c"."id" IS NULL

The expected output is rows (1,3,5,6). My code returns them all, but it also incorrectly returns 2, which has an active b.

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