OiO.lk Blog python Python function to create a network graph

Python function to create a network graph

I hope some kind soul can help me out. I am getting myself confused. I am trying to write a python3 function that takes in a list of network pairs eg [[‘A’,’B’],[3,2]] with the step/vertex distance to a common hub vertex, eg [‘A’,’B’] , either A is 2 or 3 steps, to the common hub/vertex with B being 3 steps if A is 2 or B being 2 steps if A is 3.

I have a list of overlapping pairs and the possible dual distances.

[['B','C'],[0,1]]] ```

[[‘B’,’C’],[0,1]]] 0 means it is its own relative localised hub/vertex, see below

[['B','D'],[0,2]] B and D will have an intervening vertex (it will be C in the final result)

Note that vertex B connects directly to C and C connects directly to D and D connects to the overall common hub/vertex with the same distance as E.

I am trying to find if there is a logical network graph solution and if there is a solution what are the number of steps to that common hub/ancestor for each of A,B,C,D,E

How would other people approach a solution please?

The final result should look something like this…

Common Hub ( Common Hub with 3 family tree branches 1,2,3)

  1. Ax, A
  2. D,C,B
  3. E


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