OiO.lk Blog templates Overload resolution of const and non-const function fails on template

Overload resolution of const and non-const function fails on template

In the following code, when calling arr.begin() on a const Array<10> object, it fails to find the const function Accessor::begin() const, and instead only tries MutableAccessor::begin() and fails because arr is const.

When using arr.cbegin(), it works correctly.

Also when both the const and non-const overload of a function are defined in the same class, it works correctly.

I see that inside the definition of Array and MutableAccessor, begin() would be a dependent name on the template arguments, but what is the reason why when called from outside, MutableAccessor::begin() seems to have priority?

#include <array>
#include <iostream>

template<std::size_t Size, class Derived>
struct Accessor {
    const int* begin() const { return this_()->array.data(); }
    const int* cbegin() const { return this_()->array.data(); }
    const Derived* this_() const { return static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }

template<std::size_t Size, class Derived>
struct MutableAccessor : Accessor<Size, Derived> {
    int* begin() { return this_()->array.data(); }
    Derived* this_() { return static_cast<Derived*>(this); }

template<std::size_t Size>
struct Array : MutableAccessor<Size, Array<Size>> {
    std::array<int, Size> array;

void f(const Array<10>& arr) {
    std::cout << *arr.begin() << std::endl;  // fails to find Accessor::begin()

int main() {
    Array<10> arr;

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