October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

next js middleware infinite redirects

I want to protect my home page if the user is not authenticated he shouldn’t have access to it , a user is authenticated if a cookie exists , if the user is logged in and attempts to change url to login page he should get redirected to home page using next js middleware the problem is if I go back and forth between pages in this case the login page and then sign in i get redirected to login page as expected , the page before the home page is now the login page if i attempt to go back i get a too many redirects message on the screen for a few seconds before i am redirected to home page as expected i have attached a screen shot of my requests from the network tab when this issue occurs network tab i have been stuck with this issue for a few days and it’s really frustrating . `

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

export async function middleware(request: NextRequest, response:
NextResponse) {

const isUserLogged = request.cookies.get('chat_accessToken');

const pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname;
const authPaths = ['/login', '/register'];

if (
 (isUserLogged && pathname == '/') ||
 (isUserLogged && authPaths.includes(pathname) && pathname !== '/home/chats')
) {
 return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/home/chats', request.url));
if (!pathname.includes('/login') && !isUserLogged) {

   return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/login', request.url));
   return NextResponse.next();

export const config = {
   matcher: [
   * Match all request paths except for the ones starting with:
   * - api (API routes)
   * - _next/static (static files)
   * - _next/image (image optimization files)
   * - favicon.ico (favicon file)


i have changed a condition to ensure that the page doesn’t redirect to itself (didn’t work)

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