October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Locust POST request does not return expected validation message from form submission

I am trying to simulate a form submission using Locust in Python. When manually submitting the form in a browser with incomplete data, I see the expected validation message: "Please make sure all fields are correctly filled in!". However, when I simulate the same form submission using Locust, the message does not appear in the response.text.

URL – https://www.globalsqa.com/


  1. Manual Testing:

    • I opened the form page in a browser.

    • Navigate to the Contacts Us page

    • I filled in the form with incomplete data.

    • Upon submitting, the validation message "Please make sure all fields are correctly filled in!" appeared, indicating that the server correctly detects the incomplete data.

  2. Locust Simulation:

    • I wrote a Locust script to simulate the form submission with the same incomplete data.

    • The form is submitted via a POST request, but the expected validation message is not present in the response.text.

    • Instead, the submission seems to be processed as if no validation error occurred.

Here’s the Locust test script I’m using:

from locust import HttpUser, task, between

class DemoTest(HttpUser):
    wait_time = between(1, 5)  # Users will wait between 1 and 5 seconds between tasks

    def load_homepage(self):
        print("Loading Home page")
        res = self.client.get("/")
        print("res status_code home page:", res.status_code)

    def load_contact_us(self):
        print("Loading Contact Us page")
        headers = {'Accept': 'text/html'}
        res = self.client.get("/member/login", headers=headers)
        print("res status_code contact us page:", res.status_code)
        print("res url:", res.url)
        print("res headers:", res.headers)

    def submit_contact_form(self):
        form_url = "/contact-us/"
        form_data = {
            "comment_name": "John Doe",
            "email": "johndoe@example.com",
            "subject": "Test Subject",
            "comment": "This is a test message from Locust."
        print("Submitting contact form")
        response = self.client.post(form_url, data=form_data)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            print("Form submission successful (200 OK)")

        # Check for expected validation message
        if "Please make sure all fields are correctly filled in!" in response.text:
            print("Validation message displayed: 'Please make sure all fields are correctly filled in!'")
            print("Form submission was processed, no validation errors detected.")

Even though I expect the validation message "Please make sure all fields are correctly filled in!" to appear after the form submission, it doesn’t show up in response.text.

Am I missing something in my form data or request setup that could prevent the validation message from appearing?
Is there a better way to debug or inspect the actual server response to understand why this message is missing?
Could this issue be related to server-side form validation logic, and if so, how can I simulate this more accurately?
Any help would be appreciated!

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