OiO.lk Blog java Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Path Rewrite Issue (noVNC Context Path Problem)

Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Path Rewrite Issue (noVNC Context Path Problem)

I’m deploying an application using noVNC on a Kubernetes cluster. I am using NGINX Ingress to expose the application externally and handling user-specific pods via context paths.

The Issue
Each pod is accessed through a user-specific path appended to the domain, like http://example.com/podPath. The index.html page loads correctly when accessed.
However, when clicking on internal links such as vnc.html, the path reverts to http://example.com/vnc.html, losing the context path /podPath. I need the links to maintain the context path, so they should be accessed as http://example.com/podPath/vnc.html.

What I’ve Tried

NGINX Ingress Annotations:
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/x-forwarded-prefix: /podPath
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/add-base-url: true

Despite these settings, the internal links still lose the context path and fall back to the root (/) path.

NGINX Ingress Path Rewrite:

I tried rewriting the paths in the Ingress using rewrite-target, but the internal links do not retain the /podPath and revert to the base domain instead.
Is there a recommended way to maintain the context path when using noVNC behind NGINX Ingress?
How can I ensure that internal links always retain the podPath prefix without having to modify the noVNC HTML files? Is there any Ingress annotation or another method to solve this?

full code

public void createOrUpdateIngress(PodRequest podRequest) throws ApiException {
        String ingressName = podRequest.getName() + "-ingress";
        String serviceName = podRequest.getName() + "-service";
        String baseDomain = "example.com";  
        String podPath = "/" + podRequest.getName();  
        System.out.println("podPath = " + podPath);

        V1Ingress ingress = new V1Ingress()
                .metadata(new V1ObjectMeta()
                                "nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target", podPath + "/$1",  
                                "nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/x-forwarded-prefix", podPath, 
                                "nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/add-base-url", "true" 
                .spec(new V1IngressSpec()
                                new V1IngressRule()
                                        .http(new V1HTTPIngressRuleValue()
                                                        new V1HTTPIngressPath()
                                                                .path(podPath + "(.*)")  
                                                                .backend(new V1IngressBackend()
                                                                        .service(new V1IngressServiceBackend()
                                                                                .port(new V1ServiceBackendPort().number(6901))))))))));

        NetworkingV1Api networkingV1Api = new NetworkingV1Api();
        try {
            networkingV1Api.readNamespacedIngress(ingressName, defaultNamespace, null);
            networkingV1Api.replaceNamespacedIngress(ingressName, defaultNamespace, ingress, null, null, null, null);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            if (e.getCode() == 404) {
                networkingV1Api.createNamespacedIngress(defaultNamespace, ingress, null, null, null, null);
            } else {
                throw e;

Thanks in advance!

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