October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Is there a better way to combine two DataFrames from two SQL queries into a single DataFrame?

Currently I’m querying two separate tables in a SQL database – one from which I get "data" from my_table and the other from which I get "units" from a config table. The units correspond 1:1 with the values in the data, i.e., each column of data values has a corresponding unit.

Because the query_units returns a single column of info, I end up transposing the resulting DataFrame with T. Then I concat that transposed DataFrame with my main data to end up with my desired result, i.e. a row of "units" followed by the rest of the data rows (see the example at the bottom).

Ultimately I’m trying to determine if there’s a more efficient way to handle this setup.

Running two separate queries and concatenating the results (albeit with some transposition) works, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to, say, handle this with a single SQL query which I can use to get a single DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
import pyodbc

# connect to database
conn = pyodbc.connect(('<connection info here>'))

# query to get all data from 'my_table' between these two timestamps
query_data = "SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2024/10/24 11:00:00' AND '2024/10/24 12:00:00'"
# query to get units from the 'config' table for the items in 'my_table'
query_units = "SELECT units FROM config WHERE t_name=my_table"

# get a DataFrame containing the requested data
df = pd.read_sql_query(query_data, conn, 'timestamp')
# and a DataFrame of the units for each data item, transposed because this returns a
# single column and I want it as a row (using the data column names as its index)
eu = pd.read_sql_query(query_units, conn, index=df.columns).T

# combine (concat) the units row and the rest of the data, joined along 'df.columns'
# (the name of each data value)
df = concat(objs=(eu, df))

This is an example result of the above (NB: this is correct)

       data1    data2    data3    ...    dataN
units  volts    amps     temp     ...    volts  (this is the row that gets inserted)
11:00  10       5        69       ...    9
11:30  11       5        70       ...    10
12:00  12       6        72       ...    9

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