OiO.lk Blog templates incorrect expansion of template handlebars.js

incorrect expansion of template handlebars.js

I can’t figure out how handlebars performs templates generation.
i found one case that gives me unwanted results. it seems that handlebars behaves differently depending on the template to be expanded.
below is an example with the code I ran.
preparing the data and running the template is done like this:

<script type="text/JavaScript">
        function showNumbers() {
            var jsondata="[{"number":"one"},{"number":"two"}]"; //the data
            var data=JSON.parse(jsondata);

            var source = $("#listNumbers").html();
            var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
            var html = template({items:data});


the first template to expand that works as expected (is very simple)

<script id="listNumbers" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
                <div>number {{number}}</div>


<div id="numbers">
           <div>number one</div>
           <div>number two</div>


Now to the template I simply added a div to put a title above and the number below.

<script id="listNumbers" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
                <div>number is</div>


<div id="numbers">
           ** <div>number is
           ** <div>number is


In this case the template expanded incorrectly by putting** one div inside the other**!
the resulting html is invalid and the page is displayed incorrectly.

i have done several tests with more structured html and they all expand badly .
Surely I am missing something but I can’t see it.

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