OiO.lk Blog CSS i want to site responsive toggle button in mobile screen

i want to site responsive toggle button in mobile screen

i want to site responsive toggle button in mobile screen in bottom side and when the toggle button open that time button is atteched with form in things board…

key point

  1. in desktop mode toggle button should show in the right edge end to center and attched join with the form and smoothly open and close when we drag or the click on that
  2. in mobiel mode same toggle button is apperes in the bottom of the edge in the center bcoz we do responsive and that menu should opetion like in upper side show map and lower side show the menu with the good ui ux level not overlap not any thing ok

so i wnat this two in same custom widget with toggle button open and close as ishare image with you check this

i want to give anyone their code or give link for website which is display like that and have that logic

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