OiO.lk Blog PHP How to Update Textarea Values in Filament Component with JavaScript?

How to Update Textarea Values in Filament Component with JavaScript?

i want to update the value of textarea with java script but when i submit the words i can only get data that users typed directly inside textarea and not changes by javascript
what should i do?
here is my code:

                        ->locales(['fa', 'en'])
                        ->schema(fn (string $locale) => [
                                    'onchange' => 'insertToTextarea("'.$locale.'")'

// javascript

function insertToTextarea(locale) {
const textarea = document.getElementById('data.template.'+locale+'');
const variable = document.getElementById('data.variables.'+locale+'').value;
if (!textarea) return;

const start = textarea.selectionStart;
const end = textarea.selectionEnd;

const value = textarea.value;
textarea.value = value.slice(0, start) + variable + value.slice(end);

textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = start + variable.length;



protected function mutateFormDataBeforeSave(array $data): array

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