OiO.lk Blog SQL How to separate category based on invoice number and category

How to separate category based on invoice number and category

I have a table like below

Date Bill No Category
30-09-2024 1 VSS
1-10-2024 2 RSS
01-09-2024 3 VSS
1-10-2024 3 RSS

I need new category like below

Date Bill No Category New Category
30-09-2024 1 VSS VSS
1-10-2024 2 RSS RSS
1-10-2024 3 VSS VSS
1-10-2024 3 RSS VSS
1-10-2024 4 RSS RSS
1-10-2024 4 RSS RSS

Note: If bill Date is same and Bill No is duplicate then consider VSS.

I tried

SELECT Date, BillNo, Category 
    , case when [Category]='VSS' then 'VSS' else 'RSS' end [New CATEGORY] 

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