October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

How to fetch parent data and all it's children, then aggregate to array?

There are transactions table and logs table. logs are linked to transactions by transaction_id. I need to query logs by address, join it with transactions, aggregate logs to array, LIMIT transactions (example is LIMIT 2) and FETCH ALL LOGS that were in that transaction (but query only by one address field). transactions.hash is varchar.

create table transactions
(hash varchar,
 t_value varchar
insert into transactions values 

create table logs
(transaction_hash varchar,
 address varchar,
 l_value varchar
insert into logs values 
('h1', 'a1', 'h1.a1.1'),
('h1', 'a1', 'h1.a1.2'),
('h1', 'a3', 'h1.a3.1'),
('h2', 'a1', 'h2.a1.1'),
('h2', 'a2', 'h2.a2.1'),
('h2', 'a2', 'h2.a2.2'),
('h2', 'a3', 'h2.a3.1'),
('h3', 'a2', 'h3.a2.1'),
('h4', 'a1', 'h4.a1.1'),
('h5', 'a2', 'h5.a2.1'),
('h5', 'a3', 'h5.a3.1')

create index on transaction(hash);
create index on logs(address);

Result must be with query WHERE log.address="a2" LIMIT 2:

hash    t_value  logs_array
h2      v2       {"{"address" : "a1", "l_value" : "h2.a1.1"}","{"address" : "a2", "l_value" : "h2.a2.1"}","{"address" : "a2", "l_value" : "h2.a2.2"}","{"address" : "a3", "l_value" : "h2.a3.1"}"}
h3      v3       {"{"address" : "a2", "l_value" : "h3.a2.1"}"}

Problem: sql query below works correct, but on very high amount of logs (100k+ logs for 1 address) it can take many minutes for search. The solution would be set LIMIT in MATERIALIZED, but in that case I can get transactions with not fully correct list of logs. How to fix? Either rewrite query without MATERIALIZED and use multiple SELECT inside each other, but I don’t know how, or fix with MATERIALIZED.

So problem is that Postgres does not understand correct in MATERIALIZED that I need limited number of transactions, it first searches all logs, only then append them to transactions with limit (as I guess). Index on logs(address) is set.

        SELECT lg.transaction_hash
        FROM logs lg
        WHERE lg.address="a2"
        -- this must be commented, otherwise not correct results, although fast execution
        -- LIMIT 2
    (SELECT array_agg(JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('address',address,'l_value',l_value)) FROM logs WHERE transaction_hash = t.hash) logs_array
FROM transactions t 
WHERE t.hash IN 
    (SELECT transaction_hash FROM b)

Real-world example, query was executing ~30 seconds (in db I have transaction_id integer, but it’s not increasing primary key):

        SELECT lg.transaction_id
        FROM _logs lg
        WHERE lg.address in ('0xca530408c3e552b020a2300debc7bd18820fb42f', '0x68e78497a7b0db7718ccc833c164a18d8e626816')
    (SELECT array_agg(JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('address',address)) FROM _logs WHERE transaction_id = t.id) logs_array
FROM _transactions t 
WHERE t.id IN 
    (SELECT transaction_id FROM b)
LIMIT 5000;
                                                                    QUERY PLAN
 Limit  (cost=87540.62..3180266.26 rows=5000 width=32)
   CTE b
     ->  Index Scan using _logs_address_idx on _logs lg  (cost=0.70..85820.98 rows=76403 width=8)
           Index Cond: ((address)::text = ANY ('{0xca530408c3e552b020a2300debc7bd18820fb42f,0x68e78497a7b0db7718ccc833c164a18d8e626816}'::text[]))
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=1719.64..47260423.09 rows=76403 width=32)
         ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1719.07..1721.07 rows=200 width=8)
               Group Key: b.transaction_id
               ->  CTE Scan on b  (cost=0.00..1528.06 rows=76403 width=8)
         ->  Index Only Scan using _transactions_pkey on _transactions t  (cost=0.57..2.79 rows=1 width=8)
               Index Cond: (id = b.transaction_id)
         SubPlan 2
           ->  Aggregate  (cost=618.53..618.54 rows=1 width=32)
                 ->  Index Scan using _logs_transaction_id_idx on _logs  (cost=0.57..584.99 rows=6707 width=43)
                       Index Cond: (transaction_id = t.id)
   Functions: 17
   Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true
(17 rows)

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