OiO.lk Blog Android How can i add badge on tabbar in maui android

How can i add badge on tabbar in maui android

I’ve tried to add badge in iOS. I’m able to add successfully. Can someone please help in android. Please not that i don’t want to use shell navigation.

public class CustomTabbedPageHandler : Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Handlers.Compatibility.TabbedRenderer
    public void UpdateTabBadges()
        if (Element is MainTabbedPage customTabbedPage)
            // Ensure that ViewController is not null
            if (ViewController is UITabBarController tabBar && tabBar.TabBar != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < customTabbedPage.Children.Count; i++)
                    var badgeCount = customTabbedPage.GetBadgeCount(i);
                    AddBadgeToTab(i, badgeCount);

    public void AddBadgeToTab(int tabIndex, int count)
        if (ViewController is UITabBarController tabBar)
                // Check if the tabBar has items and if the tabIndex is valid
                if (tabBar.TabBar.Items != null && tabBar.TabBar.Items.Length > tabIndex)
                    // Set the badge value
                    tabBar.TabBar.Items[tabIndex].BadgeValue = count > 0 ? count.ToString() : null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Optionally log the exception or handle it as needed
                Console.WriteLine($"Error adding badge: {ex.Message}");

Here is for android. but getting tablayout always null.

public class CustomTabbedPageHandler : TabbedViewHandler
    public override void UpdateValue(string property)

        var tabs = Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.Platform.CurrentActivity?.FindViewById<FragmentContainerView>(Microsoft.Maui.Resource.Id

        var tabLayout = tabs?.GetChildAt(0);

        if (tabLayout is TabLayout layout)


Not sure, how can i access tablayout and add badge over there.

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