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Free GPL WooCommerce Advanced Shipping

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping - 1

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping - 2

The most advanced WooCommerce Shipping plugin

With WooCommerce Advanced Shipping you can create your own shipping rates based on conditions. This allows you to have the ultimate flexibility in what you want to charge to which people. Best of all, you don’t need to code anything to get started! Using the simple User Interface you can set the conditions based on your shipping needs.

You can create your own table rate shipping based on the conditions. To give a couple examples, you can use ‘Weight’, ‘Volume’, ‘Country’, ‘State’ conditions to set your table shipping rates.

Recommended read; Introducing WooCommerce Advanced Shipping

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping features
WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Customizations
WooCommerce Advanced Shipping conditions
WooCommerce Advanced Shipping conditions
WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Extensions

Multiple WooCommerce shipping methods

With these conditions you can create as many shipping methods as you’d like. Without any programming language knowledge you can set your own specific shipping rate needs.

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping – Shipping Zones

With the Shipping Zones extension you can create a group of locations such as countries, states and zipcodes and set that as a condition. This is ideal when you have the same rate for a list of countries such as entire Europe.

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping – Advanced Pricing

With the WAS Advanced Pricing extension is is possible to set more specific pricing. Using this extension will allow you to;

  • Setup weight based shipping cost
  • Shipping cost per shipping class
  • Shipping cost per category
  • Shipping per product / shipping cost per variation

For example, you can set shipping cost per (specific) product, per shipping class, per category.

Need something more specific? The extension is made to be easily extendable so you can also add your own shipping cost option.

Common shipping rate use cases

Shipping by Weight is one of the most common use cases. There are multiple ways to setup shipping rates by weight that are very flexible. Learn more about setting up shipping rates by weight.

Shipping by Subtotal/Order Amount is also a popular way to setup shipping cost. Setup rates based on the order amount and possibly give free shipping above a certain amount.

Shipping cost per shipping class/category/product are useful when offering products that have separate cost to be shipped. Shipping rates can be setup to be summed together or to only use the most expensive for example.

What users say about WooCommerce Advanced Shipping

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping - 3


The power of this plugin is the use of the conditions. This way you can setup shipping in WooCommerce to your own requirements. For instance it will allow you to setup shipping per city, role based shipping, shipping per zipcode etc.

Not there what you need?
It could be that you need a condition that isn’t available by default. Luckily the plugin has been build to be easily extensible. This means that it will be easy to add your own custom conditions. There are also already a lot of these extension scripts made for WooCommerce Advanced Shipping. You can reach out to me through my support page to see if the one you’re looking for is available. If its not available I might be able to offer to build it for you.

There’s also a doc available that describes how you can build a custom condition on your own. More information about the documentation site below.


1. There is some general documentation delivered in the downloaded package
2. You can find more documentation online here; https://aceplugins.com/doc/advanced-shipping-for-woocommerce/


== Changelog ==

= 1.1.3 - 18/03/2024 =

* [Update] - WP Updater to 1.1.1
* [Update] - WP Conditions
* [Update] - PHP 8.2 compatibility
* [Update] - Admin script loading performance
* [Fix] - Issue with weight condition
* [Fix] - Admin link

= 1.1.2 - 01/06/2023 =

* [Add] - Declared HPOS compatibility
* [Add] - Links on the plugins page to extensions
* [Update] - Improve messaging on plugins page
* [Fix] - Using comma not working as decimal in WC Zones
* [Fix] - PHP 8 error when weight condition is empty

= 1.1.1 - 20/03/2023 =

* [Add] - Param to 'was_after_meta_box_settings' hook
* [Update] - Gulp structure
* [Fix] - % sign not saved on some shipping zone instance fields
* [Fix] - Incidental license key not being accepted

= 1.1.0 - 03/01/2022 = Extended changes: https://aceplugins.com/doc/advanced-shipping-for-woocommerce/update-1-1-0

* [Important] - Changed shipping rate ID to 'legacy_advanced_shipping' read more: https://aceplugins.com/doc/advanced-shipping-for-woocommerce/update-1-1-0/#updated-shipping-method-id
* [Update] - Conditional framework
            - Improved user interface
            - Improved user experience
* [Add] - Updater functionality - enter license at plugins page
* [Add] - WooCommerce Shipping Zones support
* [Add] - Basic condition validation
* [Improvement] - Better styles for smaller screens
* [Fix] - Overview not displaying decimals
* [Fix] - Overview not showing future rates
* [Tested] - Support for PHP 8+, WP 5.8, WC 6.1

= 1.0.14 - 20/09/2017 =

* [Improvement] - Also allow comma separated values for additional cost fields
* [Improvement] - Add a better 'is WC active' check
* [Remove] - 'Priority' field from overview. No longer used.
* [Tested] - WooCommerce 3.2 - Everything works <img src="/images/smileys/happy.png" alt=" :-)" title=" :-)" />

= 1.0.13 - 12/03/2017 =

* [Add] - Full WC 3.0 compatibility (earlier versions are also compatible, but can show (harmless) notices)
* [Add] - PHP 7.1 compatibility
* [Improvement] - Ensure the products within a shipping package are shown in the admin order screen
* [Fix] - 'Not equal to' operator not working properly with continents
* [Fix] - Zipcode range character (-) was filtered from zipcodes when it shouldn't

= 1.0.12 - 19/10/2016 =

* [Add] - Continent support inside the 'country' condition
* [Improvement] - Restructure conditional logic parts
* [Improvement] - Use autocomplete select (select2) for conditions with many options
* [Improvement] - Improved 'product' condition value fields (allow searching) and supports huge amounts of products
* [Improvement] - Allow variations to be searched / set in the 'contains product' condition

= 1.0.11 - 01/06/2016 =

* [Fix] - Make sure WPML translated rates only show for the right language
* [Add] - Show the shipping rate ID in the admin table when on shipping debug mode
* [Improvement] - Comma separated cities can now have a space after the comma (previously this didn't work as expected)
* [i18n] - Add Hungarian translation
* WooCommerce 2.6 ready since 1.0.10!

= 1.0.10 - 11/04/2016 =

* [Add] - Shipping rate translation compatibility for WPML
* [Add] - Condition descriptions for all conditions
* [Improvement] - Mobile optimization for the overview table
* [Improvement] - Allow 'coupon' condition to have a percentage of flat amount to match against given discount

= 1.0.9 - 01/03/2016 =

* [Improvement] - When adding condition groups real fast it won't collide with another.
* [Improvement] - Condition (groups) are added in a more smooth way (especially when adding multiple fast).
* [Improvement] - Stock (status), length, weight condition shipping package support.
* [Tweak] - Ensure all allowed countries are in condition list (including ones you don't sell, but do ship to).
* [Add] - Wildcard (*) support for zipcode condition, use asterisk to allow anything after the entered value.
* [Add] - 4 new arguments to 'was_condition_value_field_type_{$type}' hook for more flexibility.

= 1.0.8 - 30/09/2015 =

* [Add] - Option to set default chosen shipping rate priority
* [Improvement] - Better conditional support for shipping packages

= 1.0.7 - 16/08/2015 =

* [Improvement] - 'hide other shipping when free is available' option now shows ALL free shipping rates.

= 1.0.6 - 27/07/2015 =

* [Fix] - Not being able to change post status - introduced in 1.0.5

= 1.0.5 - 18/07/2015 =

* [Improvement] - Load improvement on shipping method pages
* [Improvement] - Only load style + javascript on required pages
* [Improvement] - Add escaping
* [Improvement] - Allow either comma or dot for subtotal, weight conditions
* [Improvement] - Allow comma separated city value
* [Improvement] - Soft deprecated WAS() function, use WooCommerce_Advanced_Shipping() instead
* [Add] - Shipping cost decimal validation
* [Fix] - Add jQuery UI Sortable dependency

= 1.0.4 - 12/03/2015 =

* [Add] - Shipping method sorting
* [Fix] - typo in filter name 'was_condition_value_field_type_'
* [Fix] - Always showed '(kg)' instead of actual weight unit (text only, actual calculations are ok)
* [Improvement] - Shipping title field width was shorter than other in WC 2.3+ (visual improvement)

= 1.0.3 - 23/01/2015 =

* Language - Add Portugese translation
* Improvement - Overview table background color
* Improvement - Use shipping class of variation to calculate shipping cost
* Fix - Notice on overview table when no shipping cost are filled in
* Add - Filter for the matching values 'was_match_condition_values'

= 1.0.2 - 13/12/2014 =

* Fix - Weight mismatches in rare cases
* Fix - Row actions for shipping methods visibility
* Improvement - Use WC() singleton instead of $woocommerce global
* Improvement - Different loading stucture of files and classes for more control

= 1.0.1 - 11/10/2014 =

* Add - 'Contains shipping class' condition
* Fix - Error on WC check
* Fix - Load textdomains
* Fix - Tax calculation
* Improvement - Remove globals, use WAS() function now
* Improvement - Even better code comments/quality
* Improvement - Add filter 'was_shipping_rate'
* Improvement - Add filter 'was_calculate_shipping_costs'
* Improvement - Remove duplicate 'or' when removing condition group

= 1.0.0 - 23/08/2014 =

* First version

Update notices

- When updating from version 1.0.0 to version 1.0.1 or later, please check your tax settings, in the previous version this couldn't be calculated. This was fixed in 1.0.1.
This plugin is not developed by or affiliated with WooCommerce/WooThemes in any way.


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