OiO.lk Blog GPL Free GPL The Grid – Responsive WordPress Grid Plugin

Free GPL The Grid – Responsive WordPress Grid Plugin

The Grid – WordPress Plugin

The Grid is a premium wordpress grid plugin which allows you to show off any custom post types in a fully customizable and responsive grid system. It is perfectly suited for displaying your blog, portfolio, e-commerce or any kind of WordPress post type. This plugin support the following post format: standard, video, audio, gallery, link, quote. Possibilities are unlimited and can be easily controlled thank to a powerful admin panel.

Highly Optimized

We especially took care about the loading speed performance by optimizing the queries and have created a custom and lightweight jQuery script. We have also built a custom cache system in order to boost performances.
The Grid plugin is the most advanced grid plugin for WordPress and also the only one with a 100% responsive touch slider. You can filter any kind of grid in this touch slider which is just unique.
We have also added several filters for developer in order to add new skins, animations, navigation skins, preloaders animations. The Grid can be easily integrated in any WordPress theme and with a custom style…

Main Features

  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Works with Shortcode
  • Works with Visual Composer
  • Works with Cornerstone
  • Works with any post types
  • Skin builder
  • Post format support
  • WordPress media library support
  • Woocommerce Integration
  • Instagram user posts up to 12 post per grid
  • Public Youtube stream (Channel, Playlist, Videos)
  • Public Vimeo stream (User, Album, Group, Channel)
  • Facebook stream (Public page, Group page, Album)
  • Twitter stream (User timeline, Tweets by search, User favorites, User list)
  • Public Flickr stream (Public photos, Photoset, Gallery, Groups photos)
  • RSS feed (from any valid XML RSS url)
  • WPML Ready
  • Built-in Lightbox
  • Compatible with PrettyPhoto, FancyBox & Foobox (premium)
  • Built-in post like system
  • Vertical/Horizontal (slider) layout
  • Multi row slider
  • Full width & full height (slider) layout
  • Mix Contents & Styles
  • Combination filters
  • Instant search
  • Up to 12 columns
  • 30+ Item Skins
  • 13+ preloader animations
  • 40+ Animation Styles
  • Hosted/Vimeo/Youtube video
  • Hosted/SoundCloud Audio
  • Multiple Instances (multiple grid per page)
  • Adjustable Rows/Columns/Spacings
  • One Click Import/Export
  • Built-in cache system
  • 100% Responsive
  • Mobile Friendly
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • SEO Optimized
  • Developer Friendly
  • And so much more…

Note To WordPress theme developers: The Skin Builder functionality requires a valid licence of The Grid in order to be activated.


Version – January 25, 2021

- Fixed an issue with Youtube banner

Version 2.7.9 – December 15, 2020

- Added compatiiblity with PHP 8.0.0
- Fixed an issue with the lightbox

Version 2.7.7 – August 23, 2020

- Fixed issue with JSON.parse() in grid settings

Version 2.7.6 – July 18, 2020

- Added compatibility with WordPress 5.5
- Fixed issue with Jetpack lazy load
- Fixed issue with WP Rocket lazy load

Version 2.7.5 – July 1st, 2020

- Fixed Instagram feed source
- Fixed warnings with PHP 7.4.x
- Updated jQuery compatibility

Version 2.7.4 – January 8th, 2020

- Fixed minor CSS/JS issues
- Fixed an issue with Instagram feed scrapper

Version 2.7.3 – August 24th, 2019

- Fixed a Javascript issue in admin
- Fixed CSS layout issue with Masonry layout
- Fixed CSS issue in settings
- Fixed an issue with Instagram and European based servers (GDPR issue)

Version 2.7.2 – May 22th, 2019

- Fixed an issue with Vimeo API
- Fixed an issue with Gutenberg block
- Fixed minor JS/CSS issues

Version 2.7.0 – December 05th, 2018

- Added compatibility with WordPress 5.0
- Added compatibility with Gutenberg
- Added Grid block for Gutenberg
- Fixed minor JS/CSS issues

Version 2.6.70 – September 29th, 2018

- Updated Vimeo API
- Fixed minor JS/CSS issues

Version 2.6.60 – July 14th, 2018

- Changed logic for public taxonomies
- Fixed minor JS/CSS issues

Version 2.6.56 – May 29th, 2018

- Fixed an issue with public taxonomies

Version 2.6.55 – May 29th, 2018

- Fixed an encoding issue with special characters in taxonomy terms

Version 2.6.50 – May 26th, 2018

- Changed fetch only publicly queryable taxonomies
- Fixed minor JS/CSS issues

Version 2.6.20 – April 27th, 2018

- Updated Facebook API

Version 2.6.17 – April 13th, 2018

- Updated Instagram API methods

Version 2.6.16 – April 10th, 2018

- Updated Instagram API methods

Version 2.6.1 – April 5th, 2018

- Updated Instagram API

Version 2.6.0 – January 16th, 2018

- Fixed an issue with Facebook OAuth method
- Fixed a warning with Envato API
- Fixed minor JS/CSS issues

Version 2.5.5 – November 9th, 2017

- Fixed an issue with Ajax animation delay
- Fixed an issue with WP Color Picker (v4.9)
- Fixed minor css/js issues

Version 2.5.0 – August 10th, 2017

- Added new method to connect to Vimeo from Client ID and Secrets
- Fixed an with Vimeo API and newly created Token
- Fixed minor css/js issues

Version 2.4.0 – May 25th, 2017

- Fixed an issue with X Theme Pro and Cornerstone
- Fixed a php issue with excerpt functionality
- Fixed minor css/js issues

Version 2.3.5 – April 3rd, 2017

- Added compatibility with Woocommerce 3.0.0
- Fixed an issue with Pinterest shared URL with query string parameters
- Fixed an issue with sort by Woocommerce price order (format value issue)
- Fixed minor css/js issues

Version 2.3.1 – March 26th, 2017

- Updated Facebook API

Version 2.3.0 – February 3rd, 2017

- Fixed an issue with Youtube duration format
- Fixed an issue with download skin file for developers (PHP issue)
- Fixed an issue with element icon settings not clickacble in rare cases
- Fixed an issue with Twitter search by Tweets feed in preview mode
- Fixed a typo issue for RSS transient expiration set to 3600s
- Fixed an issue with overlay hover state styles not correctly applied for custom skins
- Fixed an issue with cache not correctly cleared when updating/saving/deleting a post
- Fixed an issue with infinite scroll with Vimeo/Youtube stream source
- Fixed an issue with Smart Resize option generating warning in rare case
- Fixed minor CSS/JS issues
- Updated grid demo files available in the main downloadable .zip package on CodeCanyon

Version 2.2.0 – October 31th, 2016

- Fixed an issue with IOS which not trigger click JavaScript event without a cursor style applied on the DOM (bug from IOS)
- Fixed an issue with Smart Resize option and WPML
- Fixed an algorithm logic issue with carousel (horizontal layout) in Justified style
- Fixed an issue with text shadow values not correctly applied in skin builder (on front end)
- Fixed an issue with Youtube banner subscribe button on small browser widths
- Fixed an issue with url target (_self/_blank) setting in skin builder and Woocommerce cart button/url
- Fixed minor css issues
- Updated documentation
- Added new custom skins available in the main downloadable package on CodeCanyon

Version 2.1.2 – September 14th, 2016

- Added new custom skins (.json) in the main downloadable .zip package on CodeCanyon
- Fixed an issue with terms color option in the skin builder
- Fixed an issue with metadata value as attribute value
- Fixed an issue with import grid demo button
- Fixed an issue with load more on scroll skin appearance
- Fixed a slow query
- Fixed minor css and jquery issues
- Updated the online documentation
- Improved by 2x the loading speed of skin elements
- Improved general loading time by 30%

Version 2.1.0 – August 28th, 2016

- Added Twitter stream as source
- Added Flickr stream as source
- Added RSS feed as source
- Added Fit Rows option for Masonry style
- Added Taxonomies to available filters in the grid settings (automatically fetch all terms)
- Added search input for icons list in the skin builder
- Fixed an issue with social share buttons on ajax
- Fixed an issue with checkbox list if empty (post format settings)
- Fixed an issue with snap to grid feature in the skin builder
- Fixed an issue with duplicate Taxonomy slug
- Fixed an issue with empty suffix for excerpt in the skin builder
- Fixed an issue with clone custom skin and special characters in skin name
- Fixed an issue with duplicate lighbtox content
- Fixed an issue with layer action above content (z-index issue)
- Fixed an issue with HTML5 audio player visibility
- Fixed a rare issue occuring when creating custom table for the Skin Builder

Version 2.0.5 – August 8th, 2016

- Added Facebook stream as source
- Changed skin builder inputs behaviour in FireFox browser
- Fixed an issue with php7+ and the skin builder
- Fixed an issue with negative margin and dragged elements in the skin builder
- Fixed an issue with error output format
- Fixed an issue with exclude item ID in the grid settings
- Fixed an issue with sortby SKU metadata

Version 2.0.0 – August 5th, 2016

- Added Skin Builder
- Added import custom Skins & Elements
- Added support for social sharing links with Media library
- Improved post type page compatibility
- Improved Media Library behaviour with orderBy parameter
- Improved loading speed in backend
- Improved query performances
- Fixed an issue with insert Gallery and missing thumbnails
- Fixed an issue with Oslo, Maputo skins in justified layout
- Fixed an issue with quote/link format and default thumbnail placeholder
- Fixed an issue when fetching first media content in the Worpdress content editor
- Fixed an error generated with SounCloud API to fetch the Artwork (rare issue)
- Fixed an issue with dropdown filters on mobile devices
- Fixed several layout issue and improve css transform performances
- Fixed css transform performances with scale
- Fixed minor css/js issue
- Changed color schemes class names (.tg-light & .tg-dark)

Version 1.6.0 – May 25th, 2016

- Improved performances in the back-end (Fixed a slow query)
- Fixed an issue with Maputo skin with audio and video player
- Fixed a rare issue with Woocommerce add to cart button
- Fixed an issue with filter buttons in admin skin preview
- Fixed an issue with Youtube API and touch devices
- Fixed a rare issue with wrong thumbnail ID
- Fixed an issue in Masonry style an margin bottom of the whole grid
- Fixed an issue with SortBy on load if sort list empty
- Fixed an issue with Instagram header and follow url
- Fixed an issue with mediaelement lightbox poster image
- Fixed an isue with media attachment post mine type
- Fixed a layout issue with Mediaelement styles from The Grid
- Fixed an issue with mute button from Mediaelement.js
- Fixed several layout issue and improve css transform performances

Version 1.5.0 – March 29th, 2016

- Added compatibility from php v5.3.0
- Added default image option in Masonry style
- Added child terms in filter area if option enabled
- Added possibility to use a grid as a template to replace index.php, archive.php, search.php template and Woocommerce archive-product.php
- Added new php filters (to change the query args)
- Fixed a layout issue with horizontal layout, basic navigation and masonry style
- Fixed an issue with default image for grid/justified styles
- Fixed an issue with justified layout and missing/broken image url
- Fixed an issue with new Cornerstone API
- Fixed an issue with ajax pagination and mediaelement script
- Fixed an issue with ajax cart button (Woocommerce)
- Fixed an issue with random order and WordPress media library as post type
- Fixed minor css/js issue
- Changed cached method
- Changed method to retrieve skin css files to avoid issue with HTTP Basic Auth
- Improved loading speed

- The Grid API was completely rebuild for performance reason and flexibility
The methods to create new skins have changed. Please refer to the developer guide in order to update your skins: https://theme-one.com/docs/the-grid/#!/developer_guide

Version 1.4.0 – February 19th, 2016

- Added Justified Layout
- Added 2 new skins (Roma & Lisboa)
- Added Global Library option in Global Settings
- Added Full compatibility with Cornerstone builder (X Theme)
- Added Vimeo Channel sort by manual
- Improved Praia & Sofia skin js script
- Fixed a rare issue with empty value in the settings
- Fixed an issue with sort area filter in alphabetical order with numeric value
- Fixed a rare issue with media Taxonomy on update in attachment detail page
- Fixed an issue with update plugin class
- Fixed an issue with Full-height option
- Fixed an issue with orderby value
- Fixed a,n issue with preserve post IDs and post type page
- Fixed an issue with Dacca skin in Firefox

Version 1.3.5 – January 20th, 2016

- Added automatic update (with new Envato API) and system requirements panel
- Improve loading speed with media iframes (new method for deferring iframe loading)
- Changed shortcode icon
- Fixed an issue with first quote content (if empty content)
- Fixed an issue with creating a new grid button with no grid list
- Fixed an issue with Google+ icon missing
- Fixed mirror css/js issues

Version 1.3.1 – January 13th, 2016

- Fixed a small issue about missing wp.media script in admin panel in rare case.

Version 1.3.0 – January 12th, 2016

- Added Instagram as source content
- Added Youtube as source content
- Added Vimeo as source content
- Added 5 new skins for Instagram/Youtube/Vimeo
- Added 1 new skin with parallax effect (Dacca skin)
- Fixed an issue with metabox save on attachment edit page
- Fixed minor css/js issue
- Changed css layout for admin panel
- Changed select dropdown list script to prevent any conflict

Version 1.2.0 – December 18th, 2015

- Added Woocommerce recently viewed product in orderby field
- Added possibility to show all media images and to filter by category (Media image feed)
- Added new method for template part for all grid areas
- Added new Google Plus icon
- Fixed a css issue with Woocommerce skin icon
- Fixed an issue with Woocommerce product image on hover with standard skins
- Fixed an issue with Wistia Video on Ajax
- Fixed an issue with data sort functionality
- Fixed an issue with random order and ajax
- Fixed an issue with Mediaelement extended option and css stylesheet
- Fixed an issue with The Grid Lightbox video source and attribute
- Fixed an issue with save grid with WordPress v4.4
- Fixed an issue with Vimeo video auto pause while loading in rare case
- Fixed small skin issues

Version 1.1.0 – November 17th, 2015

- Fixed an issue with multiple instances options
- Fixed an issue with Visual Composer grid selection in backend
- Fixed an issue with Visual Composer refresh Grid on Frontend
- Fixed an issue with SoundCloud play on mobile device (now play manually)
- Fixed an issue with Polylang Plugin
- Changed Aq_Resize class to prevent any conflict with Themes/Plugins
- Added The Grid lightbox only dispaly visible images in the grid
- Added Gallery images in lightbox

Version 1.0.8 – November 11th, 2015

- Fixed a rare issue generating a warning
- Fixed small css issues

Version 1.0.7 – November 10th, 2015

- Added post like shortcode [to_post_like]
- Added SortBy Popular Post
- Added Wistia video compatibility
- Added autoplay video lightbox functionnality
- Added FooBox v2 Lightbox plugin compatibility
- Added custom metadata to SortBy
- Fixed an issue with SortBy value
- Fixed an issue with sort name with active filter on load
- Fixed an issue with no post message breaking all page
- Fixed an issue with WPML plugin and category in 3rd language
- Fixed an issue with fullheight mode in preview mode (backend)
- Updated The Grid documentation

Version 1.0.5 – October 26th, 2015

- Added Native WordPress Media Library as a source content
- Added Media Library drag & drop selector to build Gallery
- Added media taxonomies (categories and tags) to filter gallery
- Added custom link and target options in each post
- Added a new options in metabox to set/force custom post format
- Added on option in Global setting to force post format for any post type
- Added the possibility to mix gallery and post types.
- Added close lightbox functionnality with escape key
- Fixed rare issue with select2 z-index (plugin conflict)
- Fixed preserve post ID order option for custom grid order
- Fixed issue with filters conflict (dropdown list and buttons) on touch devices
- Fixed css issue in metaboxes popup form on preview mode
- Fixed an issue with multiple instances of wp.media frame
- Fixed an issue with wrong names in dropdown filters
- Fixed an overflow issue in grid skin preview selector
- Fixed minor css issues

Version 1.0.0 – October 19h, 2015

- Initial release


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