October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL Testimonials Showcase – WordPress Plugin

Testimonials Showcase is a plugin to display testimonials, reviews or quotes in multiple ways!

It’s Perfect to:

  • Display Testimonials from your clients or supporters;
  • Display reviews of your product or service;
  • Display a list of quotes;
  • Link Case Studies.

Main Features:

  • Grid or Slider Layouts
  • More than 15 layout customisation options
  • Star Rating System
  • Rich Snippets/Structured Data compatible
  • Front-End submission form available
  • Translation Ready

You can display the entries in 2 different ways


The entries will display in a grid with a specified number of columns and with the elements aligned depending on your settings. Other options include image shape and effects and different themes.


The entries will display in a slider, with the settings you defined. You’ll be able to control the transition effect, number of entries to display in each slide, and what type of controls. This is a very simple WordPress solution to display testimonials in a slider.

There are 5 built-in theme options

  • Rounded Speech Bubbles
  • Flat Speech Bubbles
  • Flat Card Box
  • Quote Marks
  • Simple Separator

The plugin has several options for your links. You can include a link in the subtitle of the entry, in the image and also a ?read more? link, that will lead to a single page entry for that particular testimonial, perfect for case studies! In addition you can also use lightbox links in the featured image!

Front End Submission Form

What if you want your clients to submit testimonials directly from a page on your website? Easy! Just create a shortcode to display a frontend submission form! This way your clients will be able to submit testimonials easily and once you approve them they will display where you want them to! You can choose which fields to display and the messages to display!

Rich Snippets Compatible

The plugin includes a set of options that enable you to include structured data for search engines. When used properly this information might display in the search engine result pages! The code is included in JSON-LD format, as recommended by Google.

Shortcode Generator With 10+ Visual Customisation Options

It couldn?t be more easy to generate the necessary code to display the entries. Just go to the Shortcode generator, choose the settings you want and the shortcode and the php function that you can use will be generated and ready to copy and paste where you want! Shortcodes are to be used in posts, pages and widgets, while the php function will be necessary if you want to hard code the team showcase layout in your theme files.

The generator will make a preview of how the layout looks with the selected settings.

Widget Ready

The plugin includes a Widget that can be used to display the layouts. Simply create a layout in the shortcode generator page, save it and you can use it in the widget! This will also work in the Layers WP framework.
If you’re using WPBakery (previously known as Visual Composer), you’ll also have a Testimonials module available to add to your page via the WPBakery interface.

Retina Ready

The plugin only makes use of CSS and font-icons to build the layouts so it will be retina ready. The user can install the free WP Retina 2x Plugin to make sure also the uploaded images used will also be retina ready!

Translation Ready

The plugin is localisation ready, supporting .po and .mo language files! If you want the administration of the plugin in another language, you just need to create your own language files.

Other Features

  • Possibility to change the plugin name in the settings
  • Advanced Shortcode Generator, with advanced query options
  • Display random entries with a shortcode
  • Control the image sizes ? 2 custom plugin specific sizes
  • Gravatar compatible, if no featured image is set
  • Different control styles for the slider layout
  • Custom Lighbox class and rel attribute possibility
  • Documentation included ? extensive online examples

Update Log

10.09.2024 – v1.9.16

PHP8 improvements and security improvements

09.01.2023 – v1.9.14

PHP8 improvements

16.09.2022 – v1.9.13

str_replace PHP8 warning fix

6.04.2022 – v.1.9.12

- Labels fix
- Admin Pagination fix
- WP Editor Fix

25.05.2021 – v.

- jQuery related updates
- Translation improvements

07.06.2020 – v.

- float comparasion for halfstars
- remove unwanted code
- check for null on build_layout
- remove multiple taxonomy feature for current_page_id filter

08.10.2019 – v.1.9.9

- apply content filters to short testimonial to render embeds and other shortcodes
- is_post_type_archive function check
- Add 'brand' parameter to structured data for Products
- Fix for recent browser updates regarding links inside bxslider
- Improvements to slider layout
 Implemented workaround to fix pending global testimonial $post
- Removed Drag&Drop ordering feature - incompatible with recent updates
- Improve new nofollow URL option in the Advanced Image Settings
- New form shortcode paramater confirmation_url=''
- Add new nofollow URL option in the Advanced Image Settings
- Add new read more url option: custom url (nofollow)

10.09.2018 – 1.9.4

- New style for slider layout - quotes with large text
- Added {current_term_name} to the options for automatic taxonomy
- Added {term_name} placeholder
- Added advanced options for average rating shortcode
- Improved inline read more

12.07.2018 – 1.9

Solved slider bug
Fixed bug related with rating scale
Added option to include yes/no fields in single page.
added Integration options to add shortcodes across a specific post type
Added rel="noopener" to possible external URLs

23.05.2018 – 1.8.5

Added private data export/delete features (included in builtin wordpress system)

17.05.2018 – 1.8.4

Removed NL translation file
Added touch enabled option in settings page for slider layout
Added fieldset classes to form
Added child_of and in_category paramater for frontend form, to help with category dropdown building
Labels in the settings page for the frontend form, will also reflect in the labels for in the administration

19.04.2018 – 1.8

Consent Checkbox to help with GDPR compliance
Better submission duplicate prevention on frontend form
Option to prevent included font-awesome file from loading
New rating scale - 0-10
New Read More option to display cut content inline
Fixed PHP 7.2 deprecated function warning
Added orderby 'random (session)' option, to keep random order for pagination 
added yes/no label fields in settings for boolean fields
order shortcodes by alias name in shortcode generator

03.03.2018 – v.1.7.3

- Added radio button option for boolean fields
- Added 3 more custom boolean fields
- Fixed bug with {short_title} template tag for email
- Improved code to handle star ratings and avoid reported error
- Added filter to add pagination info to yoast generated title and description
- Added data-no-lazy="1" to the images in the slider layout. 
- Improved javascript for slides
- Solved duplicated issue on single page
- Improved code to prevent error on divi editor when using slider shortcode
- Removed duplicated extended content when shortcode was rendered

28.10.2017 – v.1.6.7

- improved show-testimonials-count shortcode
- improved shortcode generator to handle commas
- Improved json output
- shortcode generator fix for loading shortcode

13.10.2017 – v.1.6.5

- Improved code to prevent division by 0
- Added boolean post class to confirmation message
- Added URL field to structured data options
- Improvements to json-ld structured data output
- Some changes in the slider.js code

30.08.2017 – v.1.6.1

- Added [show-testimonials-total-count] shortcode with 'status' parameter. 
eg: [show-testimonials-total-count status='pending/draft/publish/trash']
- Added json-ld output for structured data, replacing the microdata
- Improved single page default layout
- Added new fields on settings page for strucutered data
- added rating column to administration

26.07.2017 – v.

- new option for slider navigation - side arrows
- Bug fix with single page publishDate rich snippet info
- New field in settings to translate string 'Pending' for admin bar

27.04.2017 – 1.5.6

- Added option to add answer to entries
- Added new shortcode [show-testimonials-groups] 
- Added shortcode [show-testimonials-total-count]
- Attempt to fix randomly cleared fields
- Added class to images

10.02.2017 – 1.5.3

- Added option to set message for empty shortcodes
- Added pending entries counter in admin bar

04.01.2017 – 1.5.2

- Changes to the 'alt' attribute of images
- Javascript bug fix in shortcode generator. 
- Better integration with WPML and Polylang. 
- Form labels can now be translated in the 'string translation' feature of the language plugins.
- Added new option to prepend text to required fields labels
- [tlang is=''] polylang shortcode added to check conditional

02.10.2016 – 1.4.8

- Layers integration class updated
- Fixed closing div on average rating shortcode
- improved rich snippets code
- Added testimonials custom counter shortcode
- Form rating title and rating breakdown translation fix 
- mandatory fields bug fix

01.08.2016 – 1.4.6

- Added database ID column in administration
- Ajax form submission option
- Fixed bug with the 'use categories as products' option
- Removed custom functions that could cause issues (ttshowcase_manipulate_title)

06.06.2016 – 1.4.3

- Fixed bug on shortcode generator affecting slider preview
- New pagination code

24.05.2016 – 1.4

- Live filter option for grid layout (beta)
- fixed bug on shortcode generator - display cut content inline
- added 'long testimonial' field to form options
- fixed bug from custom js field

30.04.2016 – 1.3.7

- Added other fields to email notification message: email and taxonomies (groups)
- Added new option for the read more option in shortcode generator: display cut content inline
- Layers Widget Integration
- Added imagesLoaded script for masonry support
- Order form fields in settings
- Select mandatory fields in settings
- Improved code to accept more taxonomies

07.02.2016 – 1.3.3

- Added widget to display saved shortcodes
- Added custom js field in the settings
- Honeypot spam prevention technique implemented
- Akismet filter integration
- Ratings breakdown for average info shortcode
- Fixed bug when displaying half stars and empty stars
- Added advanced rich snippets options in shortcode generator

14.12.2015 – V.1.2.9

- Reviewed half-star rating display
- Previous/Next page labels translation bug fixed
- rich snippets code bug fix

11.09.2015 – V.1.2.6

- added order by rating
- default rating for frontend form option / count empty for average layout or not
- expand content 'read more' option for grid layout
- fontawesome version update
- Updated Rich Snippets code
- Improved CSS handling

23.07.2015 – V.1.2.3

- Custom email message
- Adaptive Height Slider
- New shortcode option to choose which content to display
- New option in advanced settings to render layout on single page
- New Schema.org fields

01.04.2015 – V.1.2

- height output option for images
- mandatory form fields in php array
- new 'force refresh' for form submission
- updated bxslider version

29.01.2015 – V.1.1.8

- Fixed get_the_date() for rich snippets
- Fontawesome version update
- Improved image handling (now works with get_avatar())
- Other small improvements

26.09.2014 – V.1.1.7

- Drag&Drop code updated
- Small improvements in administration panel 

06.09.2014 – V.1.1.6

- Fixed small shortcode bug (custom read more url)
- Added Save shortcode options
- Added confirmation page URL option for form
- Added option to display empty text entries or not 
- Some users reported some incompatibility problems with this version, so the version available for download is still 1.1.5, but in case you want to try this version, write me a message via the contact form on my profile

15.07.2014 – V.1.1.5

- New option in settings to choose single page template

01.06.2014 – V.1.1.4

- Added extra 'read more' options to grid layout
- Added Character limit option to grid layout
- New Average Rating Shortcode options: Empty ratings text & Singular/Plural text
- Form: css class added to submit button
- Small fix to wp_editor for WP 3.9
- New captcha option - letter deciphering 

05.05.2014 – V.1.1.3

 - Fixed bug with slider controls when multiple slider where in same page
- Added Captcha Verification to form
- bxslider script updated
- Removed WP version from enqueued scripts
- Added new 'Default URL (only cutout text)' for read more options on slider
- CSS fix in Admin (star rating class) for new WP version
- Changed form file to better support translations
- Added translation function to 'continue reading' default string
- Fixed quotes in testimonial title issue
- Load Shortcode option implemented
- Added #ttshowcase anchor to pagination links
- Shortcode Read More link options
- Pre-implementation half stars in single testimonials
- Display empty stars option
- Current ID Page filter for categories (useful for product/page reviews linked with pages)

18.02.2014 – v.1.0.4

- Frontend submission form improvements: 
Hover Star Rating option, display categories option, simple form styles options, default publish status option;
- Administration improvements: category filter in administration panel;
- New options: Display empty stars option
- New Shortcode options: 
Current ID Page filter for categories (useful for product/page reviews linked with pages)
Custom Read More link
- Better Image handling, if no default image exists

04.02.2014 – V.1.0.3

 - Small Frontend submission form improvements (email validation & page position after submission);
- Option to display date via shortcode on layouts and date format option in settings
- Block contents - choose which elements to display in different blocks (information block and quote block)
- Better markup output 
- Character Limit option for slider

26.01.2014 – V.1.0.2

 - Aggregate review rating shortcode implemented
- Added 'Human Verification' option for frontend form
- Added possibility to render shortcodes inside testimonial content
- Pagination option included
- Added option to allow only registered users to submit entries
- Other small improvement and bug fixes

21.01.2014 – V.1.0.1

- Added Frontend Image Upload Feature
- Added parameters in taxonomy shortcode field to display empty categories
- Small Bugs fixed

18.01.2014 – V.1

Initial Release


The plugin uses the awesome bxSlider to build the thumbnails pager layout and the Font Awesome Icons to display the small icons. Demo pictures by ollyi, from PhotoDune.


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