October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL Blog Manager for WordPress

Blog Manager for WordPress - 1
Blog Manager for WordPress - 2

Blog Manager for WordPress - 3
Blog Manager for WordPress - 4

Present your Blog posts in so many ways

Sometimes WordPress themes come with very limited blog options in terms of layout variation, styling options, content re-arrangement, etc.

Blog Manager for WordPress adds tons of blog functionality to your WordPress based website.

Create as many blog post lists as you like. This plugin comes with over 20 templates to choose from. Select list content, modify layout and style your list to get the content and the look you want. Place your lists anywhere in your site by using the list’s shortcode or a widget.

Over 20 templates to choose from!

Either use the default settings for each template or modify the whole list however you want.

  • Grid – Blog 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns
  • Image left – Blog 1 column, 2 columns
  • Image right – Blog 1 column, 2 columns
  • Newspaper – Blog 2 column, 2 columns, 3 columns
  • Time line
  • Widget style – image left, image right, image top
  • Slider
  • Carousel – 3 columns, 4 columns, 5 columns
  • Carousel Widget style – 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns

Over 15 hover styles to choose from!

Select a hover style for the images in each individual blog posts list you create. The Blog Manger plugin comes with over 15 hover styles to choose form.

Select and re-arrange list item’s content

For each blog posts list you can choose to show or hide the following content. You can also re-arrange it. It is all drag and drop, easy!

  • Title
  • Media
  • Media type icon
  • Meta data
  • Excerpt text
  • Continue reading
  • Social media icons

Another drag and drop interface will allow you to select what part of Meta data you want to show for a specific list. Data can be re-arranged too.

Media Types

Select media types for your blog posts

  • Image
  • Slider
  • Youtube
  • Vimeo
  • Soundcloud

Options when you create Blog Posts Lists

Most of the settings have defaults so you can create lists within just a few minutes.

  • Select the posts for your list – categories, tags, authors
  • Choose template
  • Select and re-arrange list content
  • Select list options – order, pagination, link clicks, popups , excerpt length, hover style and much more.
  • Style your list – easy interface and custom css styling.

Add a list in your site

Once you have created a list you can add it everywhere in your site:

  • In page/post content area (WYSIWYG editor)
  • In template files
  • In a sidebar

Every list has a shortcode you can use to add the list in a page/post content area or in a template file by using the do_shortcode WordPress function. The plugin comes with a widget that can be used to add any blog posts list in a sidebar.

Pagination, load more, infinite scroll

Blog Manager for WordPress offers 3 types of pagination for your blog post lists:

  • Regular pagination
  • Load more button
  • Infinite scroll


Style your list using the plugin options or custom CSS

  • Plugin options – style title, excerpt, continue reading, choose background or border for the items in your list
  • Custom CSS – each list has it’s unique CSS class

Interface and Performance optimizations

  • Fits well into the core WordPress design
  • Optimized performance for large WP installations
  • Building lists is separate in groups
  • Ajax based operations so you don’t have to wait on pages to refresh
  • Live preview

Theme Authors and Developers – ThemeForest or elsewhere

Include this item in your themes and give your users tons of Blog functionality. All you need is 1 extended license for each theme you put on the market and permission from the author which you get by writing us: http://themeforest.net/user/OTWthemes#contact


This plugin comes Localization/Internationalization ready. It is following WordPress I18n standards. It can be easily translated or localized in other languages different than English.


If you have any suggestions on how to improve this item please let us know! We will seriously consider any suggestion and add it to item’s update list


If you like this item please consider rating it as a way of supporting consistent improvements.
Note: If you are rating below 5 stars, please contact us. We’ll try to do our best to assist or fix all your points of criticisms.


Version 2.07 (06.04.2022)

  • Updated: Set default version of sanitized requests

Version 2.06 (17.02.2022)

  • Updated: core components

Version 2.05 (29.10.2021)

  • Updated: admin detection
  • Updated: latest factory
  • Fiexed: conflict with grafityforms
  • Fixed: php8 fixes

Version 2.04 (03.06.2021)

  • Updated: Libraries updated to the latest version: flexislider, colorpicker, datetime picker, select2, footable, animate shadow, countdown, quicksand, nivo-lightbox, owl carousel, waypoints
  • Updated: Translations file
  • Updated: CSS optimizations
  • Updated: post and get sanitizing
  • Updated: strict mode variable
  • Updated: js restriction fixes
  • Updated: remove unused code
  • Fixed: guthenberg fixes

Version 2.03 (14.01.2020)

  • Updated: define var as required

Version 2.02 (23.12.2019)

  • Updated: optimize some js code
  • Updated: excape some html
  • Updated: change post id var since some themes use it
  • Updated: change page variable
  • Updated: apply latest guthenburg requirements
  • Fixed: fix semi column
  • Fixed: add global var

Version 2.01 (10.07.2019)

  • Updated: escape translatable texts
  • Updated: dont prefix external js and css
  • Updated: use wp_filesystem api for file operations
  • Updated: setting for earesing the plugin data
  • Updated: escape all attributes
  • Updated: put js in strict mode
  • Updated: remove empty files and unused code
  • Updated: escape html
  • Updated: sanitize post data
  • UPdated: use string for text domain
  • Updated: sanitize copy blog list add nonce field while copy blog list
  • Fixed: fix select2 so it can work without prefix

Version 1.25 (05.10.2018)

  • Fixed: IE middle screens image resizing fix
  • Updated: apply patch for multisite
  • Updated: OTW api plugin update and verify

Version 1.24 (12.12.2017)

  • Fixed: php7 compability – fix class constructor name

Version 1.23 (07.12.2017)

  • Updated: new version of select 2
  • Fixed: add missing loader
  • Fixed: enable secutiry checks
  • Fixed: prevent checkings when api is not responding
  • Fixed: error mode modification

Version 1.22 (26.07.2017)

  • Fixed: check images for transparency
  • Fixed: if post meta data is empty initialize it as array

Version 1.21 (20.06.2017)

  • Updated: Migrate to select2 v4

Version 1.19 (15.05.2017)

  • Added: Better SEO for images: alt and title in list media
  • Added: Exclude current post option
  • Added: Sticky post support
  • Update: Pagination for themes that use page query var for current pages instead of paged
  • Fixed: Grid 2 columns standard pagination when multiple lists are on one page
  • Fixed: Current page call in a widget
  • Fixed: Image loader conflicts with other libs
  • Fixed: Use term ids for filters instead of slugs
  • Fixed: Last child in mobile view

Version 1.18 (28.09.2016)

  • Updated: Better responsive videos
  • Fixed: Remove raw shortocode
  • Fixed: Remove some global definitions

Version 1.17 (19.04.2016)

  • Updated: OTW core componets update
  • Updated: Carousel enabable animation loop
  • Updated: Laziload image scripts handle
  • Updated: WPML full compatibility verified by the WPML team
  • Added: Opacity for background color option

Version 1.16 (08.01.2016)

  • Added: support for More tag in the post editor
  • Updated: Ajax posts selection logic
  • Updated: Replace new lines with BR
  • Updated: Blog widget can now inset any kind of post lists, not just widget style
  • Updated: isotope version to 2.2
  • Updated: Posts selection all categories option now automatically add newly added categories
  • Updated: Check for existing css file
  • Fixed: Add default option in VC dropdown
  • Fixed: Replace global clear class definition

Version 1.15 (06.11.2015)

  • Added: New Styling Options – Border & Background Color
  • Updated: Post selection Select all option: automatically add posts from newly created categories, tags, authors

Version 1.14 (15.10.2015)

  • Added: options to exclude category/tag/author from a posts selection

Version 1.13 (11.10.2015)

  • Fixed: prevent usage of pluggable

Version 1.12 (09.10.2015)

  • Added: Post Order random option
  • Added: Create thumbs in different formats
  • Fixed: placeholders
  • Fixed: some global css definitions

Version 1.11 (11.09.2015)

  • Updated: WordPress 4.3 support
  • Added: Strip shortcodes from excerpt option
  • Added: https support
  • Added: Social Icons – select icons to show Option
  • Added: Social Icons – Custom icons field with HTML and Shortcodes enabled
  • Fixed: Standard pagination number of pages fix
  • Fixed: Minor jquery fixes

Version 1.10 (17.07.2015)

  • Added: Strip HTML Tags from excerpt option
  • Updated: Visual Composer: process shortcodes in content

Version 1.9 (04.06.2015)

  • Updated: remove default definitions

Version 1.8 (30.04.2015)

  • Fixed: OTW Blog Manager Media Item metabox – remove metadata when type not selected

Version 1.7 (25.04.2015)

  • Fixed: added a few string translations in the .po/.mo files
  • Fixed: minor jquery fixes
  • Fixed: loading BM scripts in admin only on pages where needed

Version 1.6 (08.04.2015)

  • Added: duplicate blog lists option

Version 1.5 (04.03.2015)

  • Fixed: jquery conflicts

Version 1.4 (27.02.2015)

  • Fixed: Load more fixed to work on multiple lists on one page
  • Updated: better Visual Composer support

Version 1.3 (19.01.2015)

  • Fixed: multiple widgets css styling

Version 1.2 (15.01.2015)

  • Updated: Skins folder changed tp wp uploads folder

Version 1.1 (14.01.2015)

  • Added: .po/.mo files for translation
  • Fixed: DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR definition
  • Fixed: Multi list in same bach custom css include
  • Fixed: jquery issues

Version 1.0 (05.01.2015)

  • Initial release

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