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Free GPL ARMember – WordPress Membership Plugin

Discover ARmember, the Best WordPress Membership Plugin of 2024. It is a one-stop solution for selling subscriptions, managing tiered plans, and providing gated content like a pro. With its all-in-solution and multiple features, you can create a high functioning membership website, without any coding knowledge.

Experience magic of ARMember with personal Frontend/Backend demo or quick video overview

ARMember is the best WordPress Membership Plugin with latest features and an easy to use interface. It is an all-rounder membership management solution that covers all the membership website requirements. The platform customizes as per your requirement, thus, a tailor-made solution with a Plugin. Using it is not Quantum Physics. It’s easy to grasp and user-friendly. Can you imagine launching a membership site without any coding or programming knowledge? The answer is yes, you can. Now, stop imagining and start doing it with ARMember.

ARmember provides a complete bundle of features for running a functional membership site. From setting up various plans to member levels, payment gateways, gated content, scheduled content, setting up an e-commerce store and a lot more is possible with a single Plugin.

How to Use ARMember Membership Plugin: Basic Tutorial & Setup Guide ▶️

Premium ARMember Features

  • Manage Multiple Plans: With ARMember, you can set up as many free and paid membership plans as required from the Membership Setup Wizard. You can create a plan of four different types. A Free Plan, Paid (Infinite), Paid (Finite), and lay down a membership subscription model with Recurring Payment Plan. Set up duration for finite plans and also provide options to upgrade and downgrade at the end of the period.

  • Easy Member Management: You can view all your members in one place from your Dashboard. ARMember allows you to edit/delete member details and view payment history of each member with an easy interface. The user registration tool will help you manage user profiles efficiently.

  • Advanced Content Restriction: With ARMember, you get a high-range of flexibility to restrict and protect your content. With features like Content Access Rules and Drip Content, you allow only a selected group of members to get access to your content regularly. Thus, avoiding all the freeloaders to steal your content.

  • In-built Advanced Form Builder: With ARMember, you get a built-in form builder that allows you to create all the necessary membership forms. The most required forms for such a business include Signup, Login, Forgot Password, and Change Password. A library of form templates along with full freedom to customize the form fields is available with ARMember. It also helps you comply with GDPR rules.

  • Advanced Drip Feed Setup: Content Dripping is one of the crucial features for a membership site. As a membership provider, you cannot give away everything all at once. Drip Content helps you set up a schedule in which your Content will be released to the members, gradually, step-by-step. It can also be curated as per membership plan. You can even partially drip content to entice members to subscribe for more.

  • Pay Per Post (Paid Post): It is possible to sell individual posts and courses with this subscription plugin. The Pay Per Post feature allows you to monetize single posts like templates, designs, an advanced blog, or online course. This benefits the users who do not want an entire membership plan but just a single piece of content.

  • Proration of Memberships (Pro-rata): Your members might want to upgrade or downgrade their plan in between their current billing period. ARMember supports that by prorating the billing amount based on the number of days used. Thus, they would have to pay only the difference in plan. This automatic proration helps in maintaining a positive image in the user’s mind as you are not charging them unnecessarily.

  • Multiple Payment Gateway Support: To make your membership site truly global, you require various payment gateways and currency support. ARMember provides 17+ payment gateways compatible within several regions. You can change the currency accordingly and also calculate Country-wise tax. Access Stripe, Mollie, PayPal Pro, Pagseguro, PayUMoney, WorldPay, RazorPay, PayFast, Paystack, Square, Skrill, Braintree, Klarna, Paddle, and Mercado Pago and more.

  • Member Directories: Let your members connect with each other over the platform with the help of easy member directories. You can customize the look of it and enable easy search.

  • Umbrella/Group Memberships (Family Membership Plans): Umbrella Membership allows you to offer group memberships to corporate organizations, families, teams, or any group where one person pays for access to multiple people. Group Memberships users can access your content individually.

Other Outstanding Features

  • No Coding Knowledge Required
  • Informative and Analytical Dashboard Widgets
  • Unlimited Style and Formatting Options
  • Conditional Nav Menus
  • Multisite Compatibility
  • Developer Friendly API Support
  • Access Rules for Individual Posts/Pages/Custom
  • Coupon Code Discounts
  • Free/Paid Trial Period
  • Social Login with Facebook, Twitter (X), Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, VKontakte, & Tumblr.
  • Custom CSS Support
  • Member Profile and Directory Templates
  • Brute Force Login Protection
  • BuddyPress, BuddyBoss, WooCommerce supported
  • Customized Email Templates
  • Best security options to Ban Users/Email/IPs
  • Pop-up/Modal Forms
  • Lightweight Code with Optimized SQL Queries
  • Redirection Setup to Custom URLs
  • Translation Ready/Multi-language Support
  • Powerful Shortcode Library
  • Loading CSS/JavaScript Only When Needed
  • WordPress User/Member Role Option for Team Management
  • Captcha-free anti-spam facility and many more.

These features simplify the process of managing memberships. Our aim is to keep the membership building process as simple as possible. The following in-built add-ons provide more functionality to your membership.

The ARMember is Ideal for Various Businesses

  • Business Consulting Services
    Build a membership platform for training services, offer your expertise within specific plans, or provide sessions based on online courses.
  • Membership Communities / Social Community
    Create a group around a specific niche or interest to bring together people with similar interests and goals of learning.

    ➡️ How to Build a Social Community Website
    in WordPress with ARMember

  • Professional Organizations and Nonprofits
    Professional organizations and nonprofits frequently rely on membership plugins for WordPress to handle member directories, event sign-ups, exclusive content, and special perks for members.
  • Yoga & Health Websites
    Fitness & Health online training, wellness website, Yoga training, Individual personal training using subscription.
  • OTT (over-the-top) Platform websites ▶️
    Start offering television, movie, and video content online according to the consumer’s requirement and in line with their demands for starting a recurring subscription platform.
  • Coaching and Training Membership Sites
    Online training, online classes, and media on subscription-based programs for niche specific training.
  • Dance & Fitness website
    Take personal dance classes, offer various plans based on expertise level, and teach any form with videos and courses (salsa, hip-hop, zumba, folk, classical).
  • Podcasts website
    Publish your podcast content of various genres like – entertainment podcasts, educational podcasts, non-fiction storytelling, scripted fiction podcasts, limited-run podcast series, and interview podcasts with subscription-based modules for your membership site.
  • Marketing Tools Subscription website
    Bring together marketing enthusiasts and launch a marketing firm. Offer services and tools for online marketing, guidance to market well, and cheat sheets of the biz.
  • Cooking and Recipes Membership Sites
    Create a website focused on providing culinary knowledge from quick tiffin recipes, to keto food, high-protein meals, detailed recipes, and even shopping lists based on recipes with a membership website.
  • Programming language scripts & tutorial website
    Start your online membership site for coding tutorials and scripts using the subscription and membership level module.
  • Content Production Service Website
    Start a business for providing writing content services on a weekly or monthly basis.
  • Educational & LMS Membership site
    To create the best learning management systems, online tutoring, coaching classes online, private tuition classes, language tutoring class, live online seminars & webinars, and school or college websites with students as a member on the site to access specific authenticated data.

    ➡️ How to Create Online Course, LMS, Educational Website (using WordPress & ARMember Plugin)

  • Parenting and Counseling Websites
    If you are a certified psychologist or therapist, create a membership site to offer parenting solutions, couple counseling, coping mechanisms for depression and anxiety.

Upgrade to ARMember Pro for full access to features and enhanced membership website management. Explore the ARMember Addons Bundle Pack for additional functionalities.


Official Website || ARMember Plugin Demo || Documentation || Facebook || YouTube Tutorials || LinkedIn || Join Facebook Community|| Get Support

Here are some Unique Features of ARMember

  • Dripping Content
  • Pay-Per-Post (Paid Post)
  • Content Access Rules
  • Pro-rata Integration
  • Membership Cards
  • Live-Form Editor
  • 17+ Payment Gateways
  • Multiple Membership Plans
  • User Private Content
  • Tax Management
  • Social Connect
  • MyCred Integration for Gamification
  • Coupon and Invoice Management
  • ARMember is fully compatible with all standard page builders, ensuring seamless integration and a smooth design experience.
  • In-built Opt ins with MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, MadMimi and more.
  • Import/Export Users and Settings
  • Badges and Achievements

ARMember is Compatible with All Standard Page Builders:

Additional Functionality Addons:

Various Payment Gateways for Secure Payments:

Powerful Third-party Integrations

Enhance Your Membership Site with ARMember In-Built Addons:

Stay informed on the latest trends and best practices in membership site management by exploring our informative Blogs visit here.

Join Community for Help & Support: AR Plugins Community

With ARmember, there are unlimited possibilities. All the features, in-built add-ons, and third-party integrations can help you set up a robust membership website. If your niche is clear and ready, try ARmember and fall in love with the ease of membership management. You will be provided with detailed documentation and Customer support to solve the hiccups on the way.


Version 6.9 (24 Sep 2024)

  • Added new facility to set Custom Fields for Opt-ins.
  • Added new facility to assign Opt-ins list per Membership Plan.
  • Added new facility to Sync existing members to Opt-ins.
  • Added 7 Opt-ins: MailChimp, GetResponse, Aweber, Constant Contact, MailerLite, Mailster, Brevo as Free Addon.
  • Improved: Password Strength Meter verification after form submission.
  • Fixed: ACF Plugin date time picker conflict issue.
  • Fixed: Email Notification issue when assigning paid post while purchasing membership plan.
  • Fixed: Checkbox selection issue on Edit Profile form.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.8 (02 Aug 2024)

  • Added New Facility to set ‘Inclusive and Exclusive Tax’ in the Membership Plan Prices.
  • Added New Facility to ‘Inclusive and Exclusive Tax’ in the Paid Posts Prices.
  • Improved: Admin Panel Drip Rule page Speed loading performance.
  • Updated Success message Design for Reset Password Form.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.7 (06 Jun 2024)

  • Added New Inbuilt Add-on – Pro-Rata
  • ,

  • Added New Facility to view Upcoming Subscriptions from Admin Panel
  • ,

  • Added Conditional Redirection for Add/Change Membership Plan Purchase
  • ,

  • Updated Twitter Social Network Login default Icons
  • ,

  • Improved Database Structure for the Subscriptions Activities.
  • ,

  • Other minor bug fixes.
  • ,

Version 6.6 (12 April 2024)

  • Added new facility to assign paid post upon purchase membership plan.
  • Added compatility with courses addon to assign courses upon purchase membership plan.
  • Added facility to change card lebels for the Stripe SCA payment method.
  • Improved Admin Panel “ARMember Widgets” design.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.5 (17 Feb 2024)

  • Added New inbuilt addon ‘Bricks Builder Integration’
  • Added: Current password field for change password form.
  • Added Elementor widget for the Pay Per Post Addon.
  • Improved Stripe SCA Popup design.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.4.1 (29 Dec 2023)

  • Added Elementor Restriction options for Any Plan, Logged-in and Non-Logged In user.
  • Fixed: Sending test email error with Gmail SMTP.
  • Fixed: Payment Transaction shortcode pagination issue.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.4 (22 Dec 2023)

  • Added New 12 in-built Languages Translation.
  • Added New inbuilt addon “Avada (Fusion) Builder Restriction”.
  • Added New inbuilt addon “Oxygen Builder Restriction”.”
  • Added New inbuilt addon “SiteOrigin Builder Restriction”.
  • Added New page “Growth Plugins” for administrator.”
  • Added facility to display “Membership Plan” on Member Profile
  • Added facility to display “Membership Expiry Date” on Member Profile.
  • Added facility to display “Membership Renewal Date” on Member Profile.
  • Added Compatibility for WooCommerce Version 8.4.0.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.3.2 (28 Nov 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 6.3 (10 Nov 2023)

  • Added New inbuilt addon “Divi Builder Restriction”.
  • Added New inbuilt addon “WPBakery Page Builder Restriction”.
  • Improvements on Manage Subscriptions page.
  • Improvements in code with respect to security concerns.
  • Updated MailChimp API.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.2

  • Added New inbuilt addon “Gutenberg Block Restriction”.
  • Added New inbuilt addon “Beaver Builder Restriction”.
  • Updated Sendinblue API to Brevo API.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.1

  • Added New inbuilt addon “Membership Limit”.
  • Added Facility to show Member name on the “Manage Subscriptions” Page.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.0 (22 Jul, 2023)

  • Added Setup wizard for new installation.
  • Added new page “Manage Subscriptions” for an administrator.
  • Added new facility for an administrator to initiate a refund to payment transactions.
  • Added new “GMail SMTP” method to send email notifications.
  • Added new facility to set the restriction for the Elementor Elements.
  • Added new facility to upload multiple files at frontend forms.
  • Updated Aweber Integration opt-ins process with latest API.
  • Other Minor bug fixes.


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