October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Failed lookup for key [site_header] when extending admin/change_list.html

i tried to extend change_list.html template from using this two guide
this is my view

class StaisticsSummery(ModelAdmin):
     change_list_template ="admin/stat_summary_change_list.html"
     def changelist_view(self, request,extra_context=None):
          extra_context = extra_context or {}
          filterUser = request.GET.get("q","")
          filterStart  = request.GET.get("startDate","")
          filterEnd  = request.GET.get("endDate","")
          if filterStart=="":
               filterStart = "1300-01-01"
          if filterEnd=="":
               filterEnd = "1500-12-29"
          result =  list(User.objects.values("username").annotate(
          if(filterUser!="" and filterUser is not None):
               result =result.filter(username=filterUser)
          return  super().changelist_view(request,extra_context)

i request when there was’nt any start and end to querystring everything looks works fine and all result are valid
i use the given query in django shell an everything were valid but somehow opt context variable is changing when trying to query with dates via the browser
is there any better way to debug this problem related to context object

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