October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Error on Using AutoComplete Widget (showing error controller is dispose)

when i am using AutoComplete widget in flutter to take name from list and fill manually also .Now i want to assign a value to its controller and close screen .its ok but if open again it show error , controller is dispose

import 'package:shunya_core/models/claims_model/claims_list_model.dart' as c;

class OfficeAndEpcExpenseScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  cData.Data? data;
  String userLoginId;
  String expenseTypeId;
  c.Data? voucherData;
  OfficeAndEpcExpenseScreen({super.key, required this.data, required this.userLoginId, required this.expenseTypeId, this.voucherData});

  State<OfficeAndEpcExpenseScreen> createState() => _OfficeAndEpcExpenseScreenState();

class _OfficeAndEpcExpenseScreenState extends State<OfficeAndEpcExpenseScreen> {

  late AppLocalizations appLanguage;
  final OfficeAndEpcController _controller = Get.put(OfficeAndEpcController());

  void initState() {
    // TODO: implement initState
    _controller.fileMaxSize.value = false;
    if(widget.voucherData != null){
      log('Moit tnilllsdf');
      _controller.onAutoFillVoucherData(voucherData: widget.voucherData);

  void dispose() {
    // TODO: implement dispose
    _controller.selectedEntityId.value = null;
    _controller.selectedGlcId.value = null;
    _controller.selectedPaymentModeId.value = null;
    _controller.selectedBillerId.value = null;
    // _controller.billerNameData.clear();
    // // _controller.billerNameList!.clear();
    _controller.filePath.value = null;
    // _controller.billerNameController.text="";


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final mq = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
    appLanguage = AppLocalizations.of(context)!;
    return Expanded(
      child: Form(
        key: _controller.formKey,
        child: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Column(
            children: [
              const SizedBox(height: 10),
              const SizedBox(height: 10),
              const SizedBox(height: 10),
              const SizedBox(height: 10),
              const SizedBox(height: 10),
              const SizedBox(height: 40),
              const SizedBox(height: 100,),
              _buildSaveButton(appLanguage: appLanguage, mq: mq),
              const SizedBox(height: 15),

  Widget _buildEntityTypeAndGlcField(){
    return Row(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
      children: [
        // Expanded(
        //   child: CommonWidgets.buildDropdownField(label: appLanguage.entity_type, items: widget.data!.entityTypes!.map((v)=>v.entityType).toList(),
        //       onChanged: (val){
        //     _controller.onEntityTypeOnChanged(val: val!, data: widget.data);
        //       }, hint: appLanguage.please_select, fontSize: mq.height * 0.016, value: null,validator: (val){
        //         if(val != null && !val.isBlank!){
        //           return null;
        //         }else{
        //           return appLanguage.required;
        //         }
        //       }),),
        Expanded(child: CommonWidgets.buildDropdownField<String>(
          label: appLanguage.entity_type,
          items: widget.data!.entityTypes!.map((expenseType) {
            return expenseType.entityTypeId.toString(); // Use ID as item
          onChanged: (selectedId) {
            if (selectedId != null) {
              _controller.onEntityTypeOnChanged(selectedId: selectedId, data: widget.data, voucherData: null);
          hint: appLanguage.please_select,
          fontSize: mq.height * 0.016, // Adjust font size as needed
          value: _controller.selectedEntityId.value, // The currently selected expenseTypeId
          displayItem: (id) {
            final entityType = widget.data!.entityTypes!.firstWhere(
                  (type) => type.entityTypeId.toString() == id,
              orElse: () => cData.EntityTypes(entityTypeId: int.parse(id), entityType: ''),
            return entityType.entityType ?? ''; // Display the expense name
        const SizedBox(width: 10,),

        // Expanded(
        //   child: CommonWidgets.buildDropdownField(label: appLanguage.glc, items: widget.data!.glcs!.map((v)=>v.glcName).toList(),
        //       onChanged: (val){
        //     _controller.onGlcListOnChanged(val: val!, data: widget.data);
        //       }, hint: appLanguage.please_select, fontSize: mq.height * 0.016, value: null,validator: (val){
        //         if(val != null && !val.isBlank!){
        //           return null;
        //         }else{
        //           return appLanguage.required;
        //         }
        //       }),)
        Expanded(child: CommonWidgets.buildDropdownField<String>(
          label: appLanguage.glc,
          items: widget.data!.glcs!.map((glcs) {
            return glcs.glcId.toString(); // Use ID as item
          onChanged: (selectedId) {
            if (selectedId != null) {
              _controller.onGlcListOnChanged(selectedId: selectedId,data: widget.data, voucherData: null);
          hint: appLanguage.please_select,
          fontSize: mq.height * 0.016, // Adjust font size as needed
          value: _controller.selectedGlcId.value, // The currently selected expenseTypeId
          displayItem: (id) {
            final glcType = widget.data!.glcs!.firstWhere(
                  (type) => type.glcId.toString() == id,
              orElse: () => cData.Glcs(glcId: id, glcName: ''),
            return glcType.glcName ?? ''; // Display the expense name

  Widget _buildBillNumberField(){
    return CommonWidgets.buildTextField(appLanguage: appLanguage, label: appLanguage.bill_number.replaceAll('*', ''),
      controller: _controller.billNumber, hint: appLanguage.enter_number, maxLines: 1,
      onChanged: (val){ },
      onTap: () async{ },validator: (val){
          if(val != null && !val.isBlank!){
            return null;
            return appLanguage.required;

  Widget _buildBillDateAndBilAmountField(){
    return Row(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
      children: [
        Expanded(child: CommonWidgets.buildTextField(appLanguage: appLanguage, label: appLanguage.bill_date,
            controller: _controller.billDate, hint: 'dd/mm/yyyy', maxLines: 1,
            onChanged: (val){ },
            onTap: () async{
              DateTime firstD = DateTime.now().subtract(const Duration(days: 365));
              final date = await CommonMethods.onDatePicker(context: context, initialDate: DateTime.now(), firstDate: firstD, lastDate: DateTime.now(),);
              if (date != null) {
                String? d = CommonMethods.showFormattedDate(date, formatFor: 1);
                _controller.billDate.text = d ?? '';
            inputFormatters: [LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(10)],
            validator: (val){
              if(val != null && !val.isBlank!){
                return null;
                return appLanguage.required;
        const SizedBox(width: 10,),
        Expanded(child: CommonWidgets.buildTextField(appLanguage: appLanguage, label: appLanguage.bill_amount,
            controller: _controller.billAmount, hint: appLanguage.enter_amount, maxLines: 1,
            onChanged: (val){ },
            onTap: () async{ },
            validator: (val){
              if(val != null && !val.isBlank!){
                return null;
                return appLanguage.required;

  Widget _buildBillerNameAndPaymentMode(){
    return Row(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
      children: [
        Expanded(child: Column(crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
          children: [
            const SizedBox(height: 7),
              optionsBuilder: (TextEditingValue textEditingValue) {
                return _filterBillerNameList(textEditingValue.text);
              onSelected: (cData.Vendors selectedVendor) {
              fieldViewBuilder: (BuildContext context,
                  TextEditingController textEditingController,
                  FocusNode focusNode,
                  VoidCallback onFieldSubmitted) {
                _controller.billerNameController = textEditingController;
                _controller.billerNameControllerFocusNode = focusNode;
                return TextFormField(
                  controller: textEditingController,
                  focusNode: focusNode,
                  decoration: CommonMethods.onTextFieldDecoration(hintText: appLanguage.enter_name),
                  onChanged: (text) {
                    // Check if the entered text matches any vendor
                    var matchingVendors = _controller.billerNameData.where((vendor) {
                      return vendor.vendorName?.toLowerCase() == text.toLowerCase();

                    if (matchingVendors.isEmpty) {
                      // If no vendor matches, set selectedBillerId.value to "0"
                      _controller.selectedBillerId.value = "0";

                  },onTap: () {
                  // Refocus and show filtered list when user taps on the text field again
                  if (!_controller.billerNameControllerFocusNode.hasFocus) {
                    _controller.billerNameControllerFocusNode.requestFocus(); // Focus on the text field
                  validator: (val) {
                    if (val != null && val.isNotEmpty) {
                      return null;
                    } else {
                      return appLanguage.required;
              optionsViewBuilder: (BuildContext context,
                  AutocompleteOnSelected<cData.Vendors> onSelected,
                  Iterable<cData.Vendors> options) {

                double maxDropdownHeight = 300.0; // Maximum height for the dropdown
                double minDropdownHeight = 110.0; // Minimum height for the dropdown
                double itemHeight = 48.0; // Approximate height of each item
                double calculatedHeight = itemHeight * options.length; // Calculate height based on number of items

                // Ensure height is at least minDropdownHeight but not more than maxDropdownHeight
                double dropdownHeight = calculatedHeight.clamp(minDropdownHeight, maxDropdownHeight);

                return Align(
                  alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
                  child: Material(
                    child: SizedBox(
                      width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 80,
                      height: dropdownHeight,
                      child: ListView.builder(
                        itemCount: options.length,
                        itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                          final cData.Vendors vendor = options.elementAt(index);
                          return GestureDetector(
                            onTap: () {
                            child: Container(
                              margin: const EdgeInsets.all(5),
                              child: Column(
                                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                                children: [
                                  Text(vendor.vendorName ?? '', style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16)),
                                  Divider(thickness: 1, color: AppColors.grey),
        const SizedBox(width: 10),
        Expanded(child: CommonWidgets.buildDropdownField<String>(
          label: appLanguage.payment_mode,
          items: widget.data!.paymentModes!.map((paymentMode) {
            return paymentMode.paymentModeId.toString(); // Use ID as item
          onChanged: (selectedId) {
            if (selectedId != null) {
              _controller.onPaymentModeOnChanged(selectedId: selectedId,data: widget.data, voucherData: null);
          hint: appLanguage.please_select,
          fontSize: mq.height * 0.016, // Adjust font size as needed
          value: _controller.selectedPaymentModeId.value, // The currently selected expenseTypeId
          displayItem: (id) {
            final pMode = widget.data!.paymentModes!.firstWhere(
                  (type) => type.paymentModeId.toString() == id,
              orElse: () => cData.PaymentModes(paymentModeId: int.parse(id), paymentMode: ''),
            return pMode.paymentMode ?? ''; // Display the expense name

  Widget _buildPurposeOfExpense(){
    return CommonWidgets.buildTextField(appLanguage: appLanguage, label: appLanguage.description,
      controller: _controller.purposeOfExpenseController, hint: '', maxLines: 1,
      onChanged: (val){ },
      onTap: () async{ },
        validator: (val){
          if(val != null && !val.isBlank!){
            return null;
            return appLanguage.required;

  Future<Iterable<cData.Vendors>> _filterBillerNameList(String query) async {
    if (query.isEmpty && _controller.billerNameControllerFocusNode.hasFocus) {
      return _controller.billerNameData;
    } else {
      return _controller.billerNameData
          .where((vendor) => vendor.vendorName?.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase()) ?? false)

  Widget _buildFilePickerSection() {
    return Obx(() {
      final filePath = _controller.filePath.value;
      final fileName = _controller.fileName.value;

      return Row(
        children: [
            child: Column(
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                AutoSizeText('${appLanguage.photo} :',
                    style: CommonMethods.getTextStyleBold(
                        fontSize: mq.height * 0.015, fontColor: Colors.black)),
                AutoSizeText('(${appLanguage.file_max_size_is_2mb})', style: TextStyle(fontSize: mq.height * 0.01, color: _controller.fileMaxSize.value ? AppColors.red : AppColors.black),)
          const Spacer(),
            child: Column(
              children: [
                  onTap: _controller.onFilePicker,
                  child: filePath != null
                      ? _buildFileContainer(filePath, fileName)
                      : _buildPlaceholderContainer(),

  Widget _buildFileContainer(File file, String fileName) {
    // Check if it's an image file
    final isImage = fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith('.jpg') ||
        fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith('.png') ||
    return Container(
      height: 100,
      width: 90,
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        border: Border.all(width: 1),
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
      child: ClipRRect(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
        child: isImage
            ? Image.file(file, width: 90, height: 115, fit: BoxFit.fill)  // Show image
            : const Center(child: Icon(Icons.picture_as_pdf, size: 40)),  // Show PDF icon

  Widget _buildPlaceholderContainer() {
    return Column(
      children: [
          height: 100,
          width: 90,
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            border: Border.all(width: 1),
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
          child: const Icon(Icons.add_a_photo, size: 40),

  Widget _buildSaveButton({required AppLocalizations appLanguage, required Size mq}) {

    return CommonMethods.onMainAppButton(textLength: 0, maxTextLength: 0, text: appLanguage.save, height: 46, fontSize: mq.height * 0.025, clr: AppColors.lightblue,
        onTap: (){
          // if(_controller.filePath.value != null){
          //   log('file2');
          //     _controller.isFileSelected.value = false;
          // }else{
          //   _controller.isFileSelected.value = true;
          // }
          if(_controller.filePath.value == null){
            _controller.fileMaxSize.value = false;
          if(_controller.fileMaxSize.value == false){
              _controller.onSaveOfficeAndEpcExpense(context: context, appLanguage: appLanguage, userLoginId: widget.userLoginId, expenseTypeId: widget.expenseTypeId);
              log('Success validate');
              log('Failed validate');}
import 'package:shunya_core/models/claims_model/claim_reimbursement_data_model.dart' as cData;
import 'package:shunya_core/models/claims_model/claims_list_model.dart' as c;

class OfficeAndEpcController extends GetxController {

  RxnString selectedEntityId = RxnString();
  RxnString selectedGlcId = RxnString();
  RxnString selectedPaymentModeId = RxnString();
  TextEditingController billNumber = TextEditingController();
  TextEditingController billDate = TextEditingController();
  TextEditingController billAmount = TextEditingController();
  TextEditingController purposeOfExpenseController = TextEditingController();
  // RxBool isFileSelected = RxBool(false);

  Rx<File?> filePath = Rx<File?>(null);  // This will hold both image or PDF file
  RxString fileName="".obs;
  RxString fileBase64 = ''.obs;
  RxString fileExt="".obs;
  RxBool fileMaxSize = false.obs;

  RxList<cData.Vendors> billerNameData = RxList<cData.Vendors>();
  RxnString selectedBillerId = RxnString();
  TextEditingController billerNameController = TextEditingController();
  FocusNode billerNameControllerFocusNode = FocusNode();
  GlobalKey<FormState> formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();

  onAssignBillerList(List<cData.Vendors>? l) {
    log('OnBillerName ka listt ');
    billerNameData!.value = l ?? [];
    log('OnBillerName ka listt2  :: $billerNameData');

  onBillerSelected(cData.Vendors selectedVendor) {
    billerNameController.text = selectedVendor.vendorName ?? '';
    // You can store the selected vendor's ID in a variable
    selectedBillerId.value = selectedVendor.vendorId;

      {required String selectedId, cData.Data? data, c.Data? voucherData}) {
    if(voucherData == null){
      if(data != null){
        // Find the ExpenseTypes object that matches the selected expenseTypeId
        var selectedEntityType = data!.entityTypes!
            .firstWhere((expenseType) => expenseType.entityTypeId.toString() == selectedId);

        // Set the selectedExpenseId and log it
        selectedEntityId.value = selectedEntityType.entityTypeId.toString();
        // Optionally log or update other fields if needed
        log('Selected Expense Type ID1 :: $selectedEntityType');
        log('Selected Expense Name1 :: ${selectedEntityType.entityTypeId}');

      // Set the selectedExpenseId
      selectedEntityId.value = selectedId;
      // Optionally log or update other fields if needed
      log('Selected Expense Type ID2 :: ');
      log('Selected Expense Name2 :: ');

      {required String selectedId, cData.Data? data, c.Data? voucherData}) {
    if(voucherData == null){
      if(data != null){
        // Find the ExpenseTypes object that matches the selected expenseTypeId
          var selectedGlc = data!.glcs!
              .firstWhere((glcList) => glcList.glcId.toString() == selectedId);

          selectedGlcId.value = selectedGlc!.glcId.toString();
        // Optionally log or update other fields if needed
        log('Selected Glcc Type ID1 :: $selectedGlc');
        log('Selected Glc Name1 :: ${selectedGlc.glcId}');

      // Set the selectedExpenseId
      selectedGlcId.value = selectedId;
      // Optionally log or update other fields if needed
      log('Selected Expense Type ID2 :: ');
      log('Selected Expense Name2 :: ');

      {required String selectedId, cData.Data? data, c.Data? voucherData}) {
    if(voucherData == null){
      if(data != null){
        // Find the ExpenseTypes object that matches the selected expenseTypeId
        var selectedPaymentModeType = data!.paymentModes!
            .firstWhere((pMode) => pMode.paymentModeId.toString() == selectedId);

        // Set the selectedExpenseId and log it
        selectedPaymentModeId.value = selectedPaymentModeType.paymentModeId.toString();
        // Optionally log or update other fields if needed
        log('Selected Payment Type ID1 :: $selectedPaymentModeType');
        log('Selected Payment Mode Name1 :: ${selectedPaymentModeType.paymentModeId}');

      // Set the selectedExpenseId
      selectedPaymentModeId.value = selectedId;
      // Optionally log or update other fields if needed
      log('Selected Expense Type ID2 :: ');
      log('Selected Expense Name2 :: ');

  Future<void> onFilePicker() async {
    // Reset file
    filePath.value = null;
    fileMaxSize.value = false;

    // Ask user for file type
    final result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
      allowMultiple: false,
      type: FileType.custom,
      allowedExtensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'pdf'], // Restricting to image and PDF formats

    if (result != null && result.files.single.path != null) {
      final selectedFile = File(result.files.single.path!);
      fileName.value = result.files.single.name;

      // If it's an image, compress it
      if (result.files.single.extension != null && ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg'].contains(result.files.single.extension!.toLowerCase())) {
        filePath.value = selectedFile;
        final compressedImage = await PickFileAndCompress.onSingleImageCompressor(
          imageFile: selectedFile,
          atQuality: 55,
        filePath.value = compressedImage;
        fileBase64.value = await PickFileAndCompress.imageToBase64(filePath.value?.path ?? '');

      } else if (result.files.single.extension != null && result.files.single.extension!.toLowerCase() == 'pdf') {
        // Check PDF size
        int pdfSizeInBytes = await selectedFile.length();
        if (pdfSizeInBytes > 2 * 1024 * 1024) { // Check if size is greater than 2 MB
          // Show a toast message
          // log('Pdf size id more  :: $pdfSizeInBytes');
          fileMaxSize.value = true;
          return; // Exit the function to prevent further processing
          fileMaxSize.value = false;
          // Compress the PDF
          filePath.value = selectedFile;
          final compressPdf = await PickFileAndCompress.compressPdf(filePath.value!);
          filePath.value = compressPdf;
          fileBase64.value = await PickFileAndCompress.imageToBase64(filePath.value?.path ?? '');


      if (fileName.value.length >= 3) {
        fileExt.value = fileName.value.substring(fileName.value.length - 3);
        // log("File extension: ${fileExt.value}"); // Output: "pdf"
      } else {
        log("Filename is too short to determine extension.");

  onSaveOfficeAndEpcExpense({required BuildContext context,
    required AppLocalizations appLanguage, required String userLoginId, required String expenseTypeId}) async {
    String? formattedDate = CommonMethods.showFormattedDate(billDate.text, formatFor: 2);
    final body = {
      "control": CommonMethods.getControlMap(),
      "data": {
        "voucher_id": "0",
        "employee_id": "0",
        "expense_type_id": expenseTypeId,
        "expense_purpose": purposeOfExpenseController.text.toString(),
        "payment_mode_id": selectedPaymentModeId.value,
        "entity_id": selectedEntityId.value,
        "bill_no": billNumber.text.toString(),
        "bill_date": formattedDate,
        "total_amount": billAmount.text.toString(),
        "biller_id": selectedBillerId.value,
        "biller_name": billerNameController.text.toString(),
        "cgst_amount": "0",
        "sgst_amount": "0",
        "igst_amount": "0",
        "glc_id": selectedGlcId.value,
        "user_login_id": userLoginId,
        "is_active": "1",
        "file_ext": filePath.value != null ? fileExt.value : '',
        "voucher_image" : filePath.value != null ? fileBase64.value : ''

    final response = await ApiClient.fetchPostWithToast(ApiConst.claimAddOfficeExpenseApiUrl, body, true, false);

    if(response != null){
      var res = response['response'];
      var message = response['message'];

      if (res.statusCode == 200) {
        // Clear list and show response dialog
            context: context,
            title: appLanguage.message,
            msg: message,
            buttonText: appLanguage.ok,
            popTimes: 2,
            refreshKey: 'refreshClaimList'
            context: context,
            title: appLanguage.message,
            msg: message,
            buttonText: appLanguage.ok,
            popTimes: 1


  onAutoFillVoucherData({required c.Data? voucherData}){
    onEntityTypeOnChanged(selectedId: voucherData!.entityId ?? '', voucherData: voucherData);
    onGlcListOnChanged(selectedId: voucherData.glcId ?? '', voucherData: voucherData);
    onPaymentModeOnChanged(selectedId: voucherData.paymentModeId ?? '', voucherData: voucherData);
    billNumber.text = voucherData.billNo ?? '';
    String? dateFormatted = CommonMethods.showFormattedDate(voucherData.voucherDate ?? '', formatFor: 1);
    billDate.text = dateFormatted ?? '';
    billAmount.text = voucherData.totalAmount ?? '';
    purposeOfExpenseController.text = voucherData.expensePurpose ?? '';
    onBillerOnChange(voucherData.vendorName ?? '');

    var matchingVendors = billerNameData.where((vendor) {
      return vendor.vendorName?.toLowerCase() == text.toLowerCase();

    log('BillerName1 :: $text');
    if (matchingVendors.isEmpty) {
      // If no vendor matches, set selectedBillerId.value to "0"
      selectedBillerId.value = "0";
      log('BillerName2 :: $selectedBillerId');
      selectedBillerId.value = "1";
      billerNameController.text = text;
      log('BillerName3 :: $text');
      log('BillerName4 :: $selectedBillerId');


I tried resetting the controller and restarting the mobile app , also changed the logic of controller to not get disposed , still its getting disposed

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