OiO.lk Blog Android Eclipse ADT with Android 14 SDK?

Eclipse ADT with Android 14 SDK?

I have an app that works with any Android starting from 2.3.3

I did it on Windows XP with Eclipse Luna with ADT.

Now Google Play store requires the app to target the Android 14

SDK Manager in Eclipse does not load the Android 14 SDK platform

So I decided just to try to take that platform from Android Studio

So I copied folder android-34 from


to C:\Users[User]\android-sdks\platforms

and also folder android-34 from


to C:\Users[User]\android-sdks\system-images

After that Eclipse SDK Manager showed me that Android 14 platform is installed
and I was able to choose the Android 14 build target in project properties.

But the build failed, the console shows message

E/ResourceType(10564): ResTable_type entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1314

and a lot of similar messages like

… res\layout\activity_help.xml:1: error: No resource identifier found for attribute ‘layout_width’ in package ‘android’

for different attributes


in Problems tab I have a lot of messages

R cannot be resolved to a variable

I just don’t know enough about Eclipse ADT to continue this brave experiment further so any ideas are welcome 🙂

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