OiO.lk Blog HTML Data Dog Rum Session Recording isnt stopping when user goes to new url

Data Dog Rum Session Recording isnt stopping when user goes to new url

On the login page when i click the hyperlink to go to signup page and try to go to a new url like google.com then the data dog session recording isnt stopping despite the code below in signup page which executes a beforeunload event handler when it detects user going to new url & handles it by calling stopSession() which a DataDog SDK helper function to stop recording in data dog.

window.addEventListener(‘beforeunload’,(event) => externalNavSessionRecordStopper(event));

function externalNavSessionRecordStopper(event) {
    if(!isUserNavigation()) {
        console.log('externalNavSessionRecordStopper() was triggered by generated event:', event.type);  // Log the event type

        if (event.type === 'beforeunload' || event.type === 'unload') {

        try {
            if (window.DD_RUM) {
                console.log('mysignuppage-externalNav- Attempting to stop session recording');
                console.log('mysignuppage-externalNav- Successfully stopped session recording');    
                console.log('mysignuppage-externalNav- Attempting to stop session');

                //sync calling stopSession()

                //sync calling stopSession() with null check
                //window.DD_RUM && window.DD_RUM.stopSession()
                // async calling stopSession() using onReady
                window.DD_RUM.onReady(function() {

                console.log('mysignuppage-externalNav- Successfully stopped session');

                // Force small delay to ensure commands complete
                const startTime = Date.now();
                while(Date.now() - startTime < 200) {}
            else {
            console.warn('mysignuppage-externalNav- Failed to stop session recording (DD_RUM not avail)');
        } catch (sessionRecordingStopError) {
            console.error('mysignuppage-externalNav- Failed to stop recording:', sessionRecordingStopError);

// Stop session recording should autosave the replay of the recording (accessible on DD dashboard)
function stopSessionRecording() {
    try {
        if (window.DD_RUM) {
            console.log('mysignuppage-createBtn- Attempting to stop session recording');
            console.log('mysignuppage-createBtn- Successfully stopped session recording');  
            console.log('mysignuppage-createBtn- Attempting to stop session');
            window.DD_RUM.stopSession(); //async
            console.log('mysignuppage-createBtn- Successfully stopped session');
        else {
            console.warn('mysignuppage-createBtn- Failed to stop session recording (DD_RUM not avail)');
    } catch (sessionRecordingStopError) {
        console.error('mysignuppage-createBtn- Failed to stop session recording:', sessionRecordingStopError);

I read the Data Dog API Docs to do sync and async call to stopSession() helper function.

I also debugged the js code and walkthrough it on the html page interaction.

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