October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Additional cost from multiple custom fields during WooCommerce checkout

I’ve added some custom fields to my website that show up in the checkout. It’s about child registration for a Summer Camp.

They are select fields:

function person_details( $checkout ) {
    global $woocommerce;

    $count = $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count;
    $i = 0;

    for( $k=1; $k<= $count; $k++ ) {
        print ('<h3>Gegevens van kind #'.$i.'</h3>');

        woocommerce_form_field( 'cstm_care'.$i, array(
            'type'                       => 'select',
            'required'                   => true,
            'class'                      => array( 'my-field-class form-row-last' ),
            'label'                      => __( 'Voor- en na zorg' ),
            'options'                    => array(
                    'Geen'                   => __( 'Geen', 'njengah' ),
                    'Voorzorg'               => __( 'Pre-care (€30)', 'njengah' ),
                    'Nazorg'                 => __( 'Aftercare (€30)', 'njengah' ),
                    'Voor- en na zorg'       => __( 'Pre- & Aftercare (€50)', 'njengah' )
        )), $checkout->get_value( 'cstm_care'.$i ));

I want to change the total during the checkout based on the chosen options:

  • Pre-care (€30)
  • Aftercare (€30)
  • Pre- & Aftercare (€50)

How can I achieve this? Is it even possible?

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