October 21, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Radar signal processing

I have a set of measurement data on which I want to apply blind source separation to separate mixed signals. But the no.of source is unknown and the measurement consists of 4 channels and 1000 range gates in each of the channels.

I am using this code (given below) to compute fastica, since I have no idea about the no.of sources, so I am not sure what value to use under n_components. If I keep n_components as None, then the no.of elements in S comes out be the no.of range gates that I use at the input. Can anyone suggest how to do it correctly?

`def complex_FastICA(X,epsilon=.1,algorithm=’parallel’,
"""Performs Fast Independent Component Analysis of complex-valued


X : array, shape (n_features,n_samples)
    Input signal X = A S, where A is the mixing 
    matrix and S the latent sources.

epsilon : float, optional
    Arbitrary constant in the contrast G function 
    used in the approximation to neg-entropy.

algorithm : {'parallel', 'deflation'}, optional
    Apply a parallel or deflational FASTICA algorithm.

w_init : (n_components, n_components) array, optional
    Initial un-mixing array.If None (default) then an 
    array of normally distributed r.v.s is used.

tol: float, optional
    A positive scalar giving the tolerance at which the
    un-mixing matrix is considered to have converged.

max_iter : int, optional
    Maximum number of iterations.

whiten : boolean, optional
    If True, perform an initial whitening of the data.
    If False, the data is assumed to be already white.

n_components : int, optional
    Number of components to extract. If None, 
    n_components = n_features.


W : array, shape (n_components, n_components)
    Estimated un-mixing matrix.

K : array, shape (n_components, n_features)
    If whiten is 'True', K is the pre-whitening matrix 
    projecting the data onto the principal components. 
    If whiten is 'False', K is 'None'.

EG : array, shape(n_components,max_iter)
    Expectation of the contrast function E[G(|W'*X|^2)]. 
    This array may be padded with NaNs at the end.

S : array, shape (n_samples, n_components)
    Estimated sources (S = W K X).

n,m  = X.shape

if n_components!=None:
    n = n_components

if whiten:
    Ux,Sx = eig(np.cov(X))
    K     = np.sqrt(inv(np.diag(Ux))).dot(Sx.conj().T)[:n]
    X     = K.dot(X)
    del Ux,Sx
    K = None

EG = np.ones((n,max_iter))*np.nan

if algorithm=='deflation':

    W = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=complex)

    for k in range(n):
        if w_init!=None:
            w = w_init[:,k]
            w = np.random.normal(size=(n,1))+\


        n_iter  = 0

        for i in range(max_iter):

            wold = np.copy(w)

            #derivative of the contrast function
            g  =  1/(epsilon+abs_sqr(w,X))
            #derivative of g
            dg = -1/(epsilon+abs_sqr(w,X))**2

            w  = (X * (w.conj().T.dot(X)).conj() * g).mean(1).reshape((n,1))-\
                 (g + abs_sqr(w,X) * dg).mean() * w

            del g,dg


            # Decorrelation

            EG[k,n_iter] = (np.log(epsilon+abs_sqr(w,X))).mean()


            lim = (abs(abs(wold)-abs(w))).sum()
            if lim<tol:

        if n_iter==max_iter and lim>tol:
            warnings.warn('FastICA did not converge. Consider increasing '
                          'tolerance or the maximum number of iterations.')

        W[:,k] = w.ravel()

elif algorithm=='parallel':

    if w_init!=None:
        W = w_init
        W = np.random.normal(size=(n,n))+\

    n_iter = 0

    #cache the covariance matrix
    C = np.cov(X)

    for i in range(max_iter):

        Wold = np.copy(W)

        for j in range(n):

            #derivative of the contrast function
            g  =  (1/(epsilon+abs_sqr(W[:,j],X))).reshape((1,m))
            #derivative of g
            dg = -(1/(epsilon+abs_sqr(W[:,j],X))**2).reshape((1,m))

            W[:,j]  = (X * (W[:,j].conj().T.dot(X)).conj() * g).mean(1)-\
                      (g + abs_sqr(W[:,j],X) * dg).mean() * W[:,j]
            del g,dg

        # Symmetric decorrelation
        Uw,Sw = eig(W.conj().T.dot(C.dot(W)))
        W     = W.dot(Sw.dot(inv(np.sqrt(np.diag(Uw))).dot(Sw.conj().T)))
        del Uw,Sw

        EG[:,n_iter] = (np.log(epsilon+abs_sqr(W,X))).mean(1)


        lim = (abs(abs(Wold)-abs(W))).sum()
        if lim < tol:

    if n_iter==max_iter and lim>tol:
        warnings.warn('FastICA did not converge. Consider increasing '
                      'tolerance or the maximum number of iterations.')

S = W.conj().T.dot(X)

return K,W,S,EG`

The code that I have tried is given above

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