October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Problem with memcpy implementation in x86_64 assembly language

I have a task to implement memcpy function in x86_64 assembler with this signature:

extern void* my_memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, uint32_t count);

I wrote it:

.intel_syntax noprefix

.global my_memcpy

    mov ecx, edx
    shr rcx, 3
    rep movsq

    mov ecx, edx
    and ecx, 7
    rep movsb

- mov rax, rdi


In my implementation there is a problem with the test when the value from src = “abcde” is copied to dest = “00000”. When comparing memcpy result and dest, it turns out that the result is “abcde” and dest is empty. And I seem to copy the result to rax before ret correctly. Moreover, if I don’t write mov rax, rdi, this test will pass and everything will work correctly. Could you please tell me how it works here and what the problem is?

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