October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

PHP Composer Autoload does not Load Class: 'Class Not Found

I’m encountering an issue with my PHP project where the Composer autoload functionality is not working correctly. Specifically, I get a "Class ‘App\Controllers\UserController’ not found" error when trying to access routes defined in my application.

I have set up the autoloading in my composer.json file as follows:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "App\\": "src/app/"

├── src/
│   └── app/
│       ├── config/
│       ├── controllers/
│       │   └── UserController.php
│       ├── models/
│       │   └── User.php
│       └── views/
├── public/
│   ├── routes.php
│   └── router.php
│   └── index.php
├── vendor/
└── composer.json

Despite running composer dump-autoload and ensuring the classes follow PSR-4 naming conventions, the autoloading does not seem to recognize my UserController class. I’ve confirmed that the file exists and that it contains the correct namespace declaration.

I also checked the output of class_exists('App\Controllers\UserController') and it returns false. This indicates that the autoloader is not properly set up or that there might be a misconfiguration somewhere.

Could someone help me troubleshoot this issue? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

What I Tried and What I Expected

I have tried the following steps to resolve the autoloading issue:

  1. Run composer dump-autoload: I executed this command to regenerate the autoload files. I expected it to include my UserController class and all other classes in the src/app/ directory.

  2. Verify Namespace Declaration: I checked the namespace declaration in the UserController.php file to ensure it matches namespace App\Controllers;.

  3. Use Full Namespace in Routes: In my routes.php file, I am using the full namespace when creating an instance of UserController, like this:

$userController = new \App\Controllers\UserController();

Despite all these efforts, I still receive a "Class ‘App\Controllers\UserController’ not found" error when trying to access my routes. I expected that after following these steps, the autoloading would work correctly, but it still fails to recognize the class.


// public/routes.php

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use App\Controllers\UserController;

var_dump(class_exists(UserController::class)); // Deve retornar true

return [
    '/' => function () {
        include_once __DIR__ . '/../app/views/home.php';
    '/users' => function () {

//        // Instanciando UserController corretamente com autoload do Composer
//        var_dump(class_exists('App\Controllers\UserController')); // Verifica se a classe está carregada
//        die(); // Para a execução aqui

        $userController = new \App\Controllers\UserController();


include_once 'router.php';

$routes = include_once 'routes.php';

run($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $routes);


// app/controllers/UserController.php

namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;

class UserController {
    private $userModel;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->userModel = new User(); // Instancia o modelo de usuário

    // Listar todos os usuários
    public function index() {
        $usuarios = $this->userModel->getAll(); // Obtém todos os usuários
        include __DIR__ . '/../views/user/index.php';

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