Nr. 24 Sinhala Subtitle Download: Here you will get the Sinhala Subtitle of the movie Nr. 24 (2024). The story was directed by John Andreas Andersen, with screenplay by Erlend Loe and Espen Lauritzen von Ibenfeldt. The movie stars Lisa Loven Kongsli, Ines Høysæter Asserson, and August Wittgenstein. Nr. 24 is a Docudrama, Epic, Period Drama, Biography, Drama, War movie. It has received an IMDb rating of 7.7/10 from approximately 4.8K votes, with a popularity score of 64 based on 4,070 ratings. This movie was released in 2024 with a runtime of 1h 51m.
Nr. 24 Movie Info:
- Movie: Nr. 24
- Director: John Andreas Andersen
- Writers: Erlend Loe, Espen Lauritzen von Ibenfeldt
- Genre: Docudrama, Epic, Period Drama, Biography, Drama, War
- Language: Norwegian
- Release Date: 2024
- Run Time: 1h 51m
- Rating: 7.7/10
- IMDb Votes: Approximately 4.8K

A Tale of the Dark Days of War
The elderly man I met last week was a Norwegian resistance fighter named Gunnar. His life story was an extraordinary one. When the Nazis invaded Norway in 1940, he was just a young accountant. But he quickly became a key member of the secret resistance movement.
“One thing I will never forget is my meeting with the king in London,” he said. “It was like an order for me to fight for my country.”
Gunnar’s life was a fearful one. He never slept more than two nights in one place. He woke up at four-thirty in the morning, trying to avoid being caught by the Germans. He lived under different names, always acting with a plan.
“In war you have a choice,” he said. “You can either submit to the new situation, or you can fight against it. But in fighting you risk everything.”
Gunnar and his friends rebelled against the Nazi army during the resistance movement. They used explosives and collected secret information and sent it to London via Sweden. But he lost eight friends in the fighting.
“How much is freedom worth?” he asked. “There is no answer. But I know what we did was right.”
After the war, Gunnar divided his memories into five compartments. He closed the bottom compartment on May 8, 1945, never to open it again. It helped him move on with his life.
“Some people had a hard time rebuilding their lives after the war,” he said. “But most of us managed it well.”
This story shows the sacrifices people made for freedom and the challenges they faced. It teaches us that peace and freedom are values that should never be given up.
What is the price of life?
Gunnar’s story went deeper, recounting the difficult decisions he faced. In particular, he spoke of dealing with Norwegians who supported the Nazi regime.
“We sometimes had to act against our own people,” he said with regret. “It was a very difficult decision. But in war everything is black and white. There is no middle ground.”
He described the murder of a Nazi leader named Martinsson. “He was responsible for sending Jews to the Holocaust concentration camps. But after he was killed, the Germans took revenge. In two days, 28 of our people were killed.”
“Are these correct?” I asked.
“In war, right and wrong are different things,” he replied. “We fought for freedom. The price we paid for it was very high.”
Gunnar used various identities in his secret operations. He worked under names such as Erik Fjeld, Gunnar Lehr, and Harald Sørensen. His careful planning prevented the Gestapo from catching him.
“I was always ready,” he said. “I decided to fight for my country, even if it meant risking my life.”
He also spoke about the transition to normal life after the war. “It was difficult for some. My friend Andreas became addicted to alcohol on Independence Day. Twenty years later, he committed suicide.”
“But I realized that we had to move on. We had to leave the past in the past and look to the future.”
Today, Gunnar shares his experiences with the younger generation. “I say this to make them understand the value of freedom. We have to learn from history so that things like this never happen again.”