October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

NiceGUI Table Dynamic Title

I’m using NiceGUI and trying to create a table with a dynamic title. I want to be able to change the title of the table dynamically, just like I can update the columns and rows properties.

# Create the table with an initial title
existing_table_route = ui.table(
    title="Existing - Rate / SKU - Routewise"

# Function to update the table title dynamically
def update_table_title(new_title):
    existing_table_route.title = new_title  # Update the title
    existing_table_route.update()  # Refresh the table to reflect the title change

# Button to dynamically change the title
ui.button('Change Title', on_click=lambda: update_table_title('New Dynamic Table Title'))

However, when I attempt to change the title dynamically using the update_table_title() function, it does not seem to update the table’s title as expected.

Steps I tried:

  • Updated the title attribute of the table directly.

  • Called existing_table_route.update() to refresh the table.

  • The title does not change when I click the "Change Title" button.

Expected behavior:

  • I expect the table’s title to update dynamically when I call update_table_title().


  • Is there a known issue with dynamically updating the title attribute of a table in NiceGUI?

  • How can I correctly change the table’s title dynamically, similar to how you can update columns and rows?

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!

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