October 21, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Nested if statement in C not executing inner if

Struggling (newbie) with a nested if in C, probably doing something stupid.

Basically a switch down tester which determines whether just down for a second or longer.

void SwitchTest(void) 
    // LEDCOM = LED_ON;            // Connect Bar Common
    LED1 = LED_OFF; 
    LED2 = LED_OFF; 
    LED3 = LED_OFF; 
    LED4 = LED_OFF; 
    LED5 = LED_OFF; 
    if (PORTAbits.RA1 == 1)       // Is the Status Button pressed (high = no)
        GoSleep();                  // No, Sleep    
    else if (PORTAbits.RA1 == 0)  
        __delay_ms(1000);             // Yes, retest in 1 sec
        if (PORTAbits.RA1 == 1)       // Is the Status Button still pressed (low = yes)
            LED1 = LED_ON;               // No, turn on LED1    
            DisplayStep();                // No, display previous step    
            return;                       // Yes, resume main loop 

The GoSleep() and return; parts work but the code for LED1 ON and DisplayStep() never occurs (yet it does seem to recognise that the switch was down for less than 1 second.

This code (asm) works

btfsc  PORTA,0         ; Is the switch pressed (0)
     goto   GoRest          ; No, sleep
     call   Wait0.5s        ; Yes, retest in 1sec
    ; call  Wait0.5s
     btfsc  PORTA,0         ; Is the switch still pressed (0)
     goto   DisplayStep     ; No, Display previous led_step
     return                 ; Yes, resume MainLoop

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