October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Need To Save A HTML2PDF PDF Without Backend Code

I have a static HTML site using Bootstrap 4, JQuery and HTML2PDF.

On submit I have a button which when clicked displays my HTML2PDF PDF using the blow code

let page = document.getElementById('cloa_pdf');
let pdfName = document.getElementById('company-name').value

pdfName = pdfName.replace(/ /g,"_")

const opt = {
    margin:       .25,
    filename:     pdfName + '_' + date + '_CLoA.pdf',
    html2canvas:  { scale: 2 },
    jsPDF:        { unit: 'in', format: 'letter', orientation: 'portrait' }


I have been asked to automatically save the PDF to a file in the project folder but the only solutions I can find require a backend (PHP, C#) which the site doesn’t have so I need to do client side

This is my folder structure

enter image description here

I want them to be saved in the ‘PDF’ folder WITHOUT backend code

Just to point I am a newbie to HTML2PDF and have looked on the HTML2PDF site and cant find a solution either.

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