October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Kendo UI for Angular – filterable DropDownList – Search icon misaligned

I have the following code:

<kendo-dropdownlist formControlName="documentType" [data]="filteredDocumentTypes" [filterable]="true" [valuePrimitive]="true" textField="name" valueField="code" (filterChange)="filterDocumentTypes($event)" [class.is-invalid]="uploadDocumentType.invalid && isUploadInvalid"> </kendo-dropdownlist>

The built-in Search icon is misaligned (see screenshot below). It was ok before.

enter image description here

The screenshot also shows the automatic kendo-popup tag in the Browser Developer tools, seen when a user clicks in Choose Document Type dropdown. As this popup is very dynamic, I can’t inspect further the Search icon in Developer Tools to see the automatic Kendo HTML tags and CSS classes so that I can potentially override a CSS class related to the icon.

How can I align the Search icon properly (to be at the beginning of the input field and vertically seen fully)?

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