October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Handle multiple calls to same client id in twillio

My use case is that if two calls are initiated for the same client ID at the same time, I don’t want the client’s device to ring twice. The mobile device should only connect with one call, and the other call should be routed to a different phone number.

I am initiating a conference call and adding participants to the conference. Before adding a participant, I check their status as follows:

$callsQueued = $twilio->calls->read([
    'to' => 'client:' . $driver,
    'status' => 'queued'

$callsRinging = $twilio->calls->read([
    'to' => 'client:' . $driver,
    'status' => 'ringing'

$callsInProgress = $twilio->calls->read([
    'to' => 'client:' . $driver,
    'status' => 'in-progress'
 if (count($callsqueued)>1||count($callsRinging)>1 || count ($callsinProgress)>1 ){
call to manual phone number 
else {
adding driver into conference 

Here, $driver = 235242 refers to the mobile app client ID.
These checks when 2nd call started after a while
The issue arises when two calls are started at the same time. In such cases, $callsQueued = [], $callsRinging = [], and $callsInProgress = [].

How can I prevent this behaviour? I don’t want the client’s device to ring twice."

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