October 21, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL WooCommerce B2B

WooCommerce B2B - Intro

WooCommerce B2B – #1 WooCommerce wholesale plugin to grow your business

WooCommerce B2B is the best solution to easily build a complete and advanced hybrid B2B or B2B / B2C store.

A single, incredibly powerful plugin that solves the most diverse needs of a B2C/B2B store: diversified price lists, discounts for quantities, minimum purchase quantities, quotes, separate registration forms, management of payment and shipping methods, advanced tax management, and many others functionality, WooCommerce B2B takes care of everything.

WooCommerce B2B - 5 years


Unlike other plugins that require annual renewals or others that fake advantageous offers for a limited time, our philosophy is to guarantee a constant, transparent and honest price, providing you with a complete suite, in one payment.

Plus, you have access to future updates forever, at no extra cost.

Our team is constantly working to add new features with targeted updates, which do not compromise the stability of your site, analyzing the most requested features based on the evolution of the ecommerce world.


Let us introduce the best solution for B2B and B2B+B2C WooCommerce stores.

WooCommerce B2B - Video


Why choose WooCommerce B2B? Because we listen to our fantastic users, mixing their ideas with the experience of each team member, each with their expertise, to make the plugin simple, complete and satisfying.

Unlike other plugins that try to distract with eye-catching graphics that slow down, WooCommerce B2B is attentive to performance, security, compatibility.

Our commitment is constantly aimed at improving your satisfaction as a user, take a look at the experiences of users who have already trusted WooCommerce B2B and their opinions.

A success we are proud of and that pushes us to do better and better!

WooCommerce B2B - Features


WooCommerce B2B includes many features, that you can combine to create infinite scenarios and contexts for each customer group, depending on your needs:

  • Automatic group change based on customer total purchase amount
  • Wholesale prices and prices by quantity (tier prices)
  • Hide product prices
  • Different registration forms with approval
  • Estimated delivery time
  • Minimum/Maximum product quantity and stock packages
  • Minimum purchase amount and different fees
  • Shipping and Payment methods management
  • Product categories and pages visibility
  • Shortcodes to show different content
  • Coupon usage restriction rules
  • Display prices including or excluding tax differently
  • Custom price suffix
  • Barcode, shipping class and RRP

but that’s not all:

  • Save carts for later
  • Quote requests and convert quotes to orders
  • Invoice payments gateway
  • Purchase order payment gateway
  • Enable/Disable Quote requests, Invoice payments, Purchase order, according to choosed shipping method
  • Prevent new orders if customer has previous unpaid orders
  • Quick order via CSV upload
  • Quick and advanced product search
  • Tax exemption by country
  • Dedicatd field to upload business certificate file
  • VAT support and validation
  • Hide shop and access restriction
  • Extended registration form

and many unique, special features, designed to improve your and your users’ experience:

  • Thank you page preview from admin order details page
  • Display order total weight in admin order details page
  • Display customer group in admin order details page
  • Display external invoice number in admin order details page
  • Separate email address field for invoices
  • Show shippings table preview in product details page
  • Show shippings class in product details page
  • Show purchase history table preview in product details page
  • Show product sales number in product details page
  • Show message in product details page if customer has already bought product
  • Bulk edit groups options
  • Statistics section in backend user profile page with total spent and total orders
  • REST API full integration
  • Advanced debug mode
  • WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility
  • Show a lot of new columns and filters in admin
  • Fully integrated in WordPress/WooCommerce
  • No useless CSS / JS to guarantee incredible performance and prevent security issues compared to other competitors, who look after the graphic appearance rather than the usability

… and many more!

We believe that WooCommerce B2B is the best solution to the needs of B2B and hybrid B2B / B2C stores, in a single product.

Get WooCommerce B2B now without wasting your money on multiple plugins and your time trying to resolve incompatibilities between them.

Take advantage of our community and benefit of language packs provided by our amazing users to use WooCommerce B2B in the language of your choice.

WooCommerce B2B - Groups overview

WooCommerce B2B - Quotation requests

Quick bulk orders

A single click to make bulk orders of many products, simple and fast

WooCommerce B2B - Quick bulk orders

Tier prices

Offer specific prices according to purchase quantity

WooCommerce B2B - Interactive tier prices

Real time search to semplify product search and purchase

WooCommerce B2B - Advanced live search

WooCommerce B2B - Must

Due to the limitations imposed by the new WooCommerce cart and checkout shortcodes, we recommend using the classic shortcodes for full compatibility and full functionality.

Is the product right for your needs?


Since this is a downloadable product you receive the full code for after purchase (unlike SaaS solutions), we can’t provide a trial. We do have a full live demo that you can test both backend and frontend:

BACKEND: https://demo.woocommerce-b2b.com/wp-admin/

FRONTEND: https://demo.woocommerce-b2b.com/

WooCommerce B2B - Demo

WooCommerce B2B - Demo

Need help?

If you need more information, you can consult the numerous resources available, it is very likely that the solution to your doubts is already there! If not, you can contact our fantastic support, our team will be happy to help you.

WooCommerce B2B - Presale

WooCommerce B2B - Faq

WooCommerce B2B - Changelog

WooCommerce B2B - Snippets

WooCommerce B2B - Support

Grow your business

Are you looking for a definitive solution to expand your shop to the B2B world?
Stop your search, WooCommerce B2B is here!

WooCommerce B2B

Finally, the first plugin for WooCommerce compatible with all your B2B needs. The best features collected in a single suite, simple and performing.

WooCommerce B2B is a plugin that allows you to enable Business-to-Business mode in your WooCommerce shop, to use it for wholesale.

With WooCommerce B2B, you can organize customers in groups, display prices only to logged in customers, approve customers registration, allow orders only reaching a minimum amount, enable / disable payment and shipping methods by group, manage product categories visibility and much more!

Whether yours is a B2B shop, or if you prefer a hybrid B2C / B2B solution, WooCommerce B2B is the ideal solution for you.

For more information, see OFFICIAL PLUGIN PAGE.

Why choose WooCommerce B2B over other plugins?

WooCommerce B2B introduces the concept of group, different from the default WordPress role.

This may seem strange, but the choice is dictated by performance and compatibility needs, one of our strengths!

– Roles, in WordPress, are a simple piece of data assigned to the user entity, nothing more.

– Groups, in WooCommerce B2B, is a complex entity, which can be managed in a complete way with its own data and rules and treated in depth with the REST API, for those with a more advanced need.

This small but important difference implies:


    Other plugins: Role is a concept that is often used by thousands of different plugins. When a single plugin alters its standard logical and semantic meaning, it can lead to unexpected behavior or even malfunctions, as other plugins may not “understand” this change in meaning. In addition, some plugins may not include the use of non-standard roles, creating serious incompatibilities.

    WooCommerce B2B: the group, on the other hand, has a similar meaning to the role, but limited to WooCommerce B2B that does not interfere with any other third-party assets.

    :: What would happen if you had a plugin that applies its features only to the WooCommerce customer role?

    Other plugins: Many similar plugins allow you to create rules with application conditions (ex: apply to category X). From our tests and benchmarks, this is a risky choice that causes a loss of performance. This happens because to find the rules to apply, a lot of data and information must be compared, which increase as the number of products and rules increases, impacting the speed of the site.

    WooCommerce B2B: with the concept of group, each rule is information already linked directly to the entity to which it applies, without complex computations.

    :: What would happen if you had hundreds of rules and hundreds of products and your site had to check them all each time to understand what to apply?

    Other plugins: Many similar plugins allow you to create rules with application conditions (ex: apply to category X). Rules created at different times, perhaps by different people, over time lose sight and create confusion. Not only that, for example there could be two rules that refer to the same entity and overlap, causing unexpected behavior and loss of money without you noticing it (eg: double discounts).

    WooCommerce B2B: with the concept of group there are no overlapping rules, each rule is linked to the entity to which it applies and they are always visible on the edit page (product / group).

    :: What would happen if you had multiple rules that apply a discount to the same product for different reasons (ex: category and brand)?

    Other plugins: some competitors usually apply rules to product categories, entities that cannot be massively modified in WordPress / WooCommerce.

    WooCommerce B2B: our technical analysis and our experience have led us to make a different choice, to improve your user experience. Applying the prices dedicated to products through groups, in fact, not only guarantees you more control (direct marginality) and at a deeper level, but you can manage this data massively using the predefined WooCommerce import / export tools or the REST API, which WooCommerce B2B is fully compatible with.

    What if you want to change the discount to hundreds of categories?

In WooCommerce B2B each choice is the result of a detailed analysis and attempts that sift through the different roads and different scenarios, mixed with decades of experience in the ecommerce sector. In addition, to this are added the precious suggestions of our fantastic users, tips that we treasure every day as food for thought and improvement.

Features in detail


  • Organize customers in groups
  • Automatic movement of users between groups based on their total purchase amounts
  • Group-based minimum product quantity to purchase
  • Group-based maximum product quantity to purchase
  • Group-based product packages to increase quantity
  • Group-based fee (percentage or amount) to add to order total
  • Group-based price suffix
  • Group-based Terms&Conditions
  • Group-based percentage discount
  • Group-based product pricelists
  • Group-based product discount per quantity
  • Group-based minimum cart total amount to purchase
  • Group-based hide some products
  • Group-based hide prices only for some products
  • Group-based hide stock only for some products
  • Group-based product category visibility
  • Group-based pages visibility
  • Group-based shipping methods
  • Group-based payment methods
  • Group-based coupon restrictions
  • Separate registration forms for each group via shortcode


  • Group-based global percentage discount
  • Different prices for different groups for the same product (pricelists)
  • Different prices for different groups that gets lower as quantity increases (tier prices)
  • Group-based minimum cart total amount to purchase
  • RRP (Recommended Retail Price)
  • Coupon restriction by customer total spent


  • Enable tax exemptions only for users in particular countries
  • Enable/Disable tax exemptions group-based
  • Show prices tax included or excluded according to customer group
  • VAT number support


  • Hide prices to guests
  • Hide shop to guests
  • Group-based hide contents
  • Group-based hide some products
  • Group-based hide prices only for some products
  • Group-based hide stock only for some products
  • Group-based product category visibility
  • Group-based pages visibility


  • Customers can start quote requests from cart and ask for a custom quote for their current cart contents
  • Quote requests are received by the website admin in the backend
  • Website admin is notified by email when a new quote request occurs
  • Quotation section added in “My Account” for each individual user
  • Convert quotes to orders easily


  • Enable/Disable shipping methods by group
  • Enable/Disable payment methods by group


  • Separate registration forms for each group via shortcode
  • On registration, user chooses role from dropdown
  • Set approval as automatic or manual for each group
  • Automatically assign customer to group on registration
  • Add billing fields to registration form
  • Add business certificate field in dedicated registration forms and myaccount
  • Make business certificate field required or not
  • Add invoices email field in registration and checkout
  • Make invoices email field required or not
  • Add VAT number field in registration and checkout
  • Option for automatic VAT number field VIES Validation for each group
  • Make VAT number field required or not


  • Save cart content and restore them when need
  • Manage saved carts in “My Account”


  • Bulk add products to cart with CSV
  • Shortcode allows you to add the bulk order form anywhere in the website


  • Instant AJAX-powered product search form
  • Search by SKU
  • Add to cart button in live search results


  • Email notifications that a new customer needs approval/customer account has been approved
  • Email notification to admin about a new customer
  • Email notification to admin that a new customer needs manual review and approval
  • Email notification to customer that his account requires manual review
  • Email notification to customer that his account has been approved
  • Email notification to admin and customer that there is a new quote request
  • Email notification to customer that his quote request has been negotiated


  • GUEST special group to have hybrid B2C/B2B shops
  • Different rules for guest customers
  • Separate B2B and B2C registration, either via dropdown, either completely via shortcode


  • RESTI API support and compatibility
  • Advanced debug mode
  • Import/Export tools
  • Custom hooks
  • Community snippets
  • Pluggable functions
  • Order total weight
  • Customer group in order
  • Customer total spent
  • Barcodes
  • Shipping class display
  • Filters, columns and bulk actions in admin


  • Group registration form
  • Quick order form
  • Live search form
  • Terms&Conditions
  • Hidden prices message
  • Restricted contents
  • Last orders related products


  • Tested with wide range of themes
  • Compatible with top WooCommerce Envato themes: Flatsome, Woodmart, Porto, Avada, Betheme, Enfold, Xstore, Uncode and much more
  • Compatible with WooThemes themes: Storefront and much more
  • Working out-of-the-box with 99% themes out there: Divi, Astra, OceanWP, Generatepress and much more


  • 100% translateable, built based on WordPress internationalization standards
  • WPML Support
  • Currently we have native translations for: ENGLISH, ITALIAN
  • Currently we have customer-provided translations for: GERMAN, DUTCH, GREEK, SPANISH and more


  • Compatible with WordPress multisite setup


We have integrated WooCommerce B2B to work perfectly with our popular WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents plugin.

The following features REQUIRE WooCommerce B2B Sales Agents also installed and active:

  • Organize customers into groups and choose a default group for each customer registered by sales agent


We have integrated WooCommerce B2B to work perfectly with our popular WooCommerce B2B Warehouses plugin.

The following features REQUIRE WooCommerce B2B Warehouses also installed and active:

  • Each group can have a dedicated warehouse to consider for products stock

Definition of roles and capabilities

WooCommerce B2B offers new features that add to default ones of WooCommerce, here are the main ones:


  • Manage groups
  • Assign a group to customers
  • Change status of customer accounts
  • Set a dedicated price by group for each product
  • Set dedicated tier prices by group for each product
  • Set minimum, maximum and package quantities for each product
  • Set pages and product categories visibility by group
  • Select payment methods by group
  • Select shipping methods by group
  • Set up tax exemption by group
  • Set a minimum purchase amount by group
  • Set an additional order fee by group
  • Manage quotes

What CUSTOMER can do?

  • Search products by SKU
  • Save cart for later
  • Make large orders via CSV file
  • Choose his own group


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