October 27, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics

Knowledge Base plugin for WordPress with built-in Analytics

!!! Please, read this before purchasing. Guys, thank you for choosing this product for all these years. Due to ongoing war in my country I decided to join the Army, which means I will not be providing any support in the near future. The plugin was tested with recent version of WordPress and should work without issues hopefully. If not, you can always request a refund. In any case, I will use money from sales to support my unit, so you can consider it a donation :) Stay safe

Add documentation and track its performance instantly!

MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics - 1

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us in comments or via contact form in Envato profile. We try our best to respond right away (or within 1 hour) during working time (we’re at GMT+2, EET) or within 1 day otherwise.

Vote for New Features

MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics - 2

MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics - 3

MinervaKB Knowledge base Live search with analytics

MinervaKB smart options panel with 500+ settings

MinervaKB integrations with top plugins and services

MinervaKB Content Restriction feature

MinervaKB FAQ module

MinervaKB Limitless design options

MinervaKB Automatic table of contents

Version 1.4.4 is out – now with WPBakery Page Builder elements!

Great news! New major update added in version 1.4.2: MinervaKB now has a powerful WordPress FAQ module, with instant filter and categories. Plus a ton of flexible style options for it! As a bonus, you can save up to $20 not buying a separate FAQ plugin. This time we decided to go against the grain a bit. Instead of adding every feature available in WordPress FAQ plugin today we spent a great deal of time to investigate how FAQ module is used by largest companies and businesses, collected the key features and dropped the rest, so it has only the important stuff. Let us know what your think!

Read more details about restrict content feature in this blog post

MinervaKB Knowledge Base for WordPress with Analytics - 4


  • Ajax intuitive Live Search with multiple themes
  • Analytics dashboard, with views, likes and dislikes weekly / monthly graph
  • Search analytics – see what users searched for and which results they received
  • Shortcode builder
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Elementor widgets
  • Support tickets (ticketing system)
  • Guest tickets and user tickets
  • Support agents and managers
  • Gutenberg ready
  • Article attachments
  • Guest posting / Frontend submission
  • Software versions labels
  • WPBakery Page Builder elements available
  • One-click demo import
  • Articles feedback with optional email notifications
  • Content restriction. Restrict access to articles based on user role. Show login form and teaser to users who are not registered.
  • 1000+ Google Fonts with flexible load options
  • Articles text color and typography
  • FAQ module
  • Glossary Tooltips
  • Feature Requests module
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Search on articles and topics pages
  • Search for articles using tags
  • Custom order of topics (drag n drop)
  • Custom order of articles (drag n drop)
  • Home page box or list layout, with 2, 3 or 4 columns
  • Dynamic Table of Contents in articles
  • Custom post type slugs
  • Breadcrumbs on topics and articles pages
  • Nested categories support
  • Multiple sidebars for each page type
  • Optionally can display page content on knowledge base page
  • Icons for topics or articles (600+ icons)
  • Show or hide article views, likes and dislikes buttons and count with custom icons
  • Estimated reading time for articles
  • Enable or disable comments
  • Automatic updates
  • Use our templates or switch to your theme default templates
  • Override plugin templates from theme
  • Topic and articles widgets
  • Topics, articles and search shortcodes
  • Tip, Info and Warning content shortcodes for use in our articles, with custom colors and icons
  • Responsive design
  • Documentation
  • Optimized for speed
  • Translation & WPML ready
  • RTL support


* Code highlight shortcodes support
* External site KB widget
* More widgets
* ...


Version 2.0.9 – Feb 5, 2023

* Fixed: Minor 6.1.1 compatibility fixes
* Fixed: TwentyTwentyTwo / TwentyTwentyThree and other official themes layout fixes
* Fixed: WooCommerce - warning in KB tab when adding a new product

Version 2.0.8 – Nov 17, 2021

* New: Actions & filters for ticket events (create / reply / close).
* New: Option to open all faq items by default
* New: Lots of Elementor Pro templating compatibility improvements
* New: Floating Helper display options improved
* New: Feature Requests submit form
* New: Categories added to FAQ posts list view
* New: Added category column for Feature Requests
* New: Email notification on new feature requests
* New: Russian translation file
* New: Options to change button colors in widgets
* New: Admin email notification on new tickets
* New: Added separate color settings for the search results page & detailed topic view. Also, topic custom colors can now be enabled for the search results page
* Fixed: Child topics duplicated in content tree for multiproduct setup
* Fixed: New ticket type was rendered without background by default
* Fixed: Missing translations added
* Fixed: Table of contents didn't work in Elementor Pro template preview
* Fixed: Admin tickets list mobile view is improved
* Fixed: Table of contents layout is broken in Elementor Hello theme
* Fixed: Notice in recent articles widget in Elementor Hello theme
* Fixed: Broken widget styles in Elementor Template editor
* Fixed: noindex tag added to article print view
* Fixed: Terms checkbox could not be deleted and inserted again
* Fixed: Shortcode builder inserted wrong shortcode name for guest post form
* Fixed: Icons in Elementor blocks in admin
* Fixed: Feedback form not showing without the rating buttons enabled

Version 2.0.7 – Aug 5, 2021

* New: Feature Requests module added, with permissions, settings and drag-n-drop sorting.
* New: ReCaptcha added for ticket / login / register forms.
* New: Option to open tickets on behalf of registered customers as admin/agent/manager.
* New: Excerpt layout for Glossary list module, with configuration settings.
* New: Responsive size controls added in Elementor KB modules.
* New: Option to disable KB search form submit - search results page on pressing the Enter key.
* New: Added option for Related block to display other articles from the current topic. Also added in Gutenberg, Elementor and VC.
* New: Option to exclude specific pages from Glossary highlighting.
* New: Options to configure form button colours on ticket forms.
* New: Multiple translation client-side strings added as options for tickets (upload, credentials, etc.).
* New: Added Category filter in FAQ questions admin post list.
* Fixed: WordPress 5.8 compatibility fixes.
* Fixed: Ticket count in Dashboard now only includes New and Open statuses.
* Fixed: Form Editor now allows adding system fields, which were removed by the editor. Also many other form editor fixes and improvements.
* Fixed: RTL layout for a ticket reply.
* Fixed: Attachments icon missing in admin on Font Awesome v5.
* Fixed: Glossary not highlighted on some Elementor pages.
* Fixed: Unnecessary shortcodes render removed in ticket replies in the admin.
* Fixed: More informative ticket error messages on the client-side.
* Fixed: POT file for translations updated.

Version 2.0.6 – May 12, 2021

* New: Added Font Awesome 5 support for all the major modules.
* New: FAQ views tracking.
* Update: Visual Composer (WPBakery Page Builder) fixes and compatibility updates, tested on the latest version.
* Update: Mobile_Detect library updated to the latest version (better mobile devices support).
* Fixed: Form Editor field changes not saved when switching to a different row.
* New: Added many translation options for tickets.
* New: Added standalone file upload button for ticket forms.
* New: Custom redirect option for non-logged-in users when trying to view tickets.
* Fixed: Post ID instead of dynamic ticket ID displayed in user tickets list shortcode.
* Fixed: Glossary tooltip not fully visible when near the page left/right edge.

Version 2.0.5 – Mar 16, 2021

* New: Print button added in articles
* New: WooCommerce integration - KB Tab on Product pages
* New Workflow for Tickets: New => Pending => Open => Closed
* Added filter to show / hide attachments links
* Added an option to include empty KB Topics in WP Sitemaps XML
* Added 200+ Google Fonts
* Added options to edit ticket statuses (name, colors, icon)
* Fixed: page zoom on mobile when focusing in search
* Fixed: not equal item width when Topic rows are not full
* Minor PHP8 compatibility fixes
* Added an option to control ticket replies order on the client side
* Fixed: wierd behavior of widget title when setting it to empty value
* Fixed: restricted articles were not removed from tree of contents widget
* WordPress 5.7 compatibility checks & fixes
* Fixed: Apply topic restriction filter option conflict with article restriction

Version 2.0.4 – Feb 2, 2021

* New feature: Possibility to highlight Glossary terms on any page/post type
* Fixed: Child topics not added into reordering in Gutenberg terms select
* Fixed: Cyrillic search terms not tracked
* Fixed: Unicode search terms not highlighted in a detailed layout
* Fixed: Settings import is broken
* Fixed: Minor Divi compatibility fixes
* Fixed: Restricted articles removed from content tree widget

Version 2.0.3 – Jan 12, 2021

* New feature: New admin tickets list, with live filters, search and sorting
* New feature: Glossary display on mobile (link/popup or off)
* New feature: Custom ticket IDs
* Fixed: Admin pages headers with wrong height on some themes
* Fixed: Glossary limit per page working incorrectly
* Fixed: Fancybox errors after WordPress update
* Fixed: remove KB from global search removed from archives also
* Fixed: now admin users can open tickets from the client-side without additional permissions
* Fixed: admin resources loading optimized, unused templates and scripts removed from some pages
* Fixed: errors on some pages when plugin user roles are deleted manually

Version 2.0.2 – Nov 28, 2020

* Added: option to disable tickets
* Added: global option to limit the number of times each glossary term is highlighted on the page
* Fixed: draft articles are displayed as restricted for editors
* Fixed: error message on deleting ticket taxonomy term
* Fixed: some settings not saved on setups with max_input_var < 1000
* Fixed: conflicts between BuddyPress templates and ticket templates
* Fixed: options saving issue due to caching
* Fixed: default permissions for support user role
* Fixed: article navigation heading was displayed when there're no next/prev articles

Version 2.0.1 – Oct 26, 2020

* New: Permissions Editor
* Fixed: Permissions model reverted for admin users. Now admins can access all sections, as previously
* Fixed: Performance issues for systems with 5K+ users
* Fixed: FAQ sorting being reverted to previous values
* Fixed: multiple small bugs
* Changed: Some default permissions for agents / managers

Version 2.0.0 – Oct 3, 2020

IMPORTANT: This is a major release, we strongly advise to make a backup of your database and files via hosting tools.

* New: Support Tickets (beta)
* New: Admin permissions for KB, FAQ & Glossary based on capabilities instead of user roles
* Fixed: multiple fixes and improvements

Version 1.6.9 – Aug 21, 2020

* Fixed: Multiple WordPress 5.5 compatibility fixes
* Fixed: WPML + Restriction cache not updated properly
* Fixed: deprecated module console warnings in Gutenberg blocks.
* Fixed: non-static method called statically warning.
* Changed: Permission check for settings changed from administrator role to manage_option permission

Version 1.6.8 – Jun 2, 2020

* New feature: added option to include FAQ matches in live search results
* New feature: added option to include KB Topics in live search results
* New feature: added option to include glossary matches in live search results
* New feature: topic template elements drag n drop reorder
* New feature: use page content as topic template globally
* New feature: topic template elements now available as text shortcodes (Breadcrumbs, Title, Description, Search, Child Topics, Loop, Pagination)
* Added: option to remove glossary term from articles highlight
* Added: global option to disable glossary terms highlight
* Added: experimental blog posts glossary highlight option
* Fixed: glossary tooltip console error in Firefox
* Fixed: font awesome google page speed insights warning
* Added: option to configure floating helper offsets
* Added: glossary list scroll offset option
* Added: option to enable standalone glossary pages & slug edit option
* Fixed: new articles and FAQ items now appear after sorted items when drag n drop sorting enabled

Version 1.6.7 – Apr 2, 2020

* Added: KB Search Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Topics List Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Topic Elementor Widget
* Added: FAQ Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Related Articles Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Guest Post Form Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Tip Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Info Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Warning Elementor Widget
* Added: KB Article Content Elementor Widget
* Fixed: Incorrect date format in topic / search detailed layout - updated time
* Fixed: page template override in theme not working

Version 1.6.6 – Mar 10, 2020

* Added: prevent multiple voting on articles [via cookie]
* Added: validation for many settings
* Added: do not show articles in list when number of articles is 0
* Added: widget heading settings
* Added: size field for remote attachment files
* Added: detailed list now uses article excerpt when defined
* Added: related articles in KB Articles widget
* Added: option to scope Tree of Content to product
* Added: option to display helper only on certain pages
* Fixed: glossary matches partial words in Unicode
* Fixed: do not show tag label & icon if there're no tags for article
* Fixed: empty checkboxes in articles list screen options menu
* Fixed: incorrect glossary uppercase / lowercase grouping
* Fixed: Webpack bundle conflict in some themes
* Fixed: custom order in some themes
* Fixed: video iframe width in some themes
* Fixed: incorrect Fancybox selector logic
* Fixed: warning when opening search in specific topics on a separate page
* WordPress 5.4 compatibility tested

Version 1.6.5 – Jan 1, 2020

* Added: optional email field to feedback form
* Removed Show All link in list view when all articles are displayed on home page
* Fixed: Floating helper display on mobile Safari
* Fixed: Glossary adding overlapping tooltips when one term is substring of the other
* Added: optional custom labels for external files
* Fixed: custom ordering on some themes
* Added: 1-col layout for topics
* Added: option to hide helper for globally restricted users
* WordPress 5.3 compatibility check
* New feature: Glossary synonyms
* Fixed: external attachments link labels changed on admin page reload / edit + CSS fixes
* Changed styles of local / external attachments for better visibility

Version 1.6.4 – Oct 28, 2019

* New sorting logic, fixed order of articles when articles/FAQ questions belong to multiple topics (need to re-save ordering)
* New feature: Glossary List shortcode [mkb-glossary]
* New feature: External links in attachments
* Fixed articles / FAQ custom order saving speed
* Next/Previous articles links now work according to ordering in settings
* Read more button added in the topic detailed view
* Plugin updater updated to latest stable version to fix warnings

Version 1.6.3 – Aug 18, 2019

* New feature: Glossary tooltips added
* New feature: Next / Previous article links
* New feature: email notifications on article feedback
* POT file added for manual translations
* Topic simple view style settings added: background color, icons switch, paddings
* Font Awesome 5 compatibility fixed in some themes
* Import parser conflict fixed in some themes
* Fixed scripts dependency issue with Gravity Forms
* Article settings regrouped
* Settings home page sidebar search now uses selected topics from home page

Version 1.6.2 – Jun 9, 2019

* New related articles meta box with article search
* New related articles Gutenberg block with article search
* New related articles Shortcode Builder module with article search
* New option to open floating helper by button click
* Fixed: subtopics order was not saved
* Fixed: permission role labels too small
* Fixed: Topics not visible in reorder in Gutenberg 
* Fixed: related articles / feedback conflict in article edit screen

Version 1.6.1 – Apr 14, 2019

* Added: Gutenberg support for demo import
* Fixed: TwentyNineteen, TwentySeventeen and other theme block editor compatibility fixes
* Fixed: Multiple admin screen editor fixes
* Fixed: uasort warnings  
* Fixed: Subtopics ordering was not saved

Version 1.6.0 – Feb 4, 2019

Important upgrade info:1. This version adds support for new WordPress 5.0 Block editor. However, if you want to use Classic editor for Articles and FAQ Questions you can disable the new editor interface for these items in MinervaKB plugin Settings (it’s enabled by default). Classic Editor plugin is not required for this. 2. This version adds many changes, so please backup before upgrading on production sites. 3. All Classic Editor functionality (like shortcode builder) is present and will be supported in the future releases.

* Added: Block editor support for Articles
* Added: Block editor support for FAQ questions
* Added: KB Search block
* Added: KB Topics block
* Added: KB FAQ block
* Added: KB Related Content block
* Added: KB Tip block
* Added: KB Info block
* Added: KB Warning block
* Added: KB Guest post block
* Added: KB Single topic block
* Added: KB Article content

Version 1.5.8 – Jan 7, 2019

* Fixed: FAQ Sorting fixed
* Fixed: Notice when opening sorting without content

Version 1.5.7 – Dec 3, 2018

* New: Topics custom ordering via drag n drop
* New: Multiple columns layout for topic pages
* New: Article Content shortcode (instead of content filter). Useful for single page built with page builders
* New: Display child topics list in List view
* Added: Switch to use topic colors in live search labels
* Added: Indicator of product on home page search when in multi-product mode
* Fixed: Table of Contents mobile width incorrect
* Fixed: Limit search by topic doesn’t work on search results page
* Added: Dynamic css classes for each FAQ category
* Added: HTML option after search results in floating helper
* Added: new content actions in floating helper

Version 1.5.6 – Oct 10, 2018

* Added: attachments downloads statistics
* Added: switch to replace topic link with article if only one article
* Fixed: sorting page not loaded (preloader not removed) when changing post type
* Fixed: special characters in search results excerpts with unicode
* Fixed: search background image styles not removed
* Added: tooltip for not registered badge
* Added: option to remove title in articles and topics
* Added: width setting for ToC in body
* Fixed: live search not always returning articles with unicode characters
* Added: switch to use POST request for live search
* Fixed: removed Vonino UA string in Mobile Detect plugin to avoid false detections in AV software
* Fixed: related content margins in article

Version 1.5.5 – Aug 27, 2018

* New feature: Article attachments
* Fixed compatibility with Envato Market plugin
* Added detailed layout for topics pages
* Added optional base HTML styles for articles
* Added new mode for Articles widget - show only from current topic
* Added option to show views and likes in topics list view
* Added possibility to show excerpt in live search results
* Added filter to control content restriction status
* Fixed WPML compatibility with Live search

Version 1.5.4 – Aug 3, 2018 (minor update)

* floating helper responsive display fixed
* added option to display floating helper per platform
* option to remove TOC from restricted articles
* restricted settings labels improved

Version 1.5.3 – Jul 9, 2018

* New feature: Scoped search (multi-product mode). Now top-level topics have multiple config options to turn them into separate product pages. Check multi-product demo at http://multiproduct.minerva-kb.com/
* New feature: Floating helper widget with KB search (check on main demo site)
* New feature: Automatic Updates. Purchase code is required to activate.
* Added: switch to remove search from specific topic
* Added: edit page link in settings
* Added: option to customize sidebar per topic
* Added: option to remove breadcrumbs per topic
* Fixed: option to display HTML in topic description resulted in empty description
* Added: option to display page content in top-level topics
* Added: option to remove description from topic
* Added: option to remove page title from topic
* Fixed: wrong sticky sidebar position at bottom on page refresh
* Fixed: pagination links are only on numbers
* Added: CSS Id for topic items
* Added: switch to always display TOC in body on mobile and tablet devices

Version 1.5.2 – May 22, 2018

* New feature: Frontend submission (guest posting). You can insert form on any page that allows guest users (or users with selected role) to submit new content. Articles will appear as drafts in Knowledge base, and you will be able to edit and publish them.
* Version labels. You can assign software version labels to articles to indicate which product version they are written for.
* Added author meta on article page
* Added modified date meta on article page
* Fixed: estimate time is wrong for unicode articles
* Added option to remove article title from breadcrumbs
* Fixed: search page home link is incorrect when using page via shortcodes or builder
* Fixed: WPML redirect for search is incorrect when in directory mode
* Fixed: Unnecessary closing shortcode tag inserted
* Fixed: Roles selector layout break when long role names

Version 1.5.1 – Apr 21, 2018

* New: RTL support
* New: Import / Export of settings
* New: Content Tree widget
* New: Breadcrumbs widget
* New: FAQ drag n drop sorting
* New: Dynamic Recently Updated category
* New: Reset/view stats on each article page
* Added all the article items to theme template render
* Added search template actions
* Added option to remove child topics from home page
* Added option to add FAQ items direct link
* Added setting for topic title, Topics: Topic name
* Added optional separate pages for FAQ items and include in search
* Fixed: padding in settings breaks layout on tablet
* Fixed: VC heading shortcodes do not work in TOC
* Fixed: Table of Contents in theme sidebar has 40% width
* Fixed: Topics column width issues
* Fixed: Multiline search results offset
* Fixed: Back to top not aligned vertically
* Removed nonce checks from some client side requests
* Added option to allow HTML in topic description in box/list view
* Added parse shortcodes switch in TOC
* Added sidebar options filters so that users can modify widgets settings
* Added equal height for box topics option
* Added FAQ items font size setting

Version 1.5.0 – Feb 26, 2018

Important upgrade info: this version introduces some major updates and changes. While it’s backward compatible with previous version and was tested on different environments we still strongly advise to backup your data before upgrading, especially if you use content restriction functionality.

* Major feature: New restriction. Restriction has been rewritten from scratch to allow custom roles and restriction-rules caching. Now you can set restriction globally, per topic and per article for any standard or custom user role.
* New sorting. Articles sorting is made much simpler and has its own page.
* Better image upload button. Now you can either use URL or select from media library.
* Fixed: Recent articles and topics widgets showing links to restricted articles.
* Fixed: Dynamic topics not available in new topic selector.
* Added option to remove search when user has no global access to KB content.
* Restrict roles are now selected via checkboxes to allow more flexible configuration.
* Fixed: Disable article archive switch not working.
* Fixed: Table of contents parser not matching headings with style attributes.
* Added option to exclude specific h1-h6 from table of contents parser.
* Added option to remove numbers in table of contents.
* Fixed table of contents background color when in widget.
* Fixed: Table of contents picks color from headings.
* Fixed: FAQ wrong toggle close icon.
* Removed webkit input style on iOS devices.
* Removed search autocomplete i some browsers.
* Added setting for live search trigger characters length.
* Added toggle (accordion) mode for FAQ.
* Fixed: Incorrect float parse for CSS size.
* Fixed: restriction form inputs width in some themes.
* Added additional var filter check in search handler for better security.
* Added fix for WPML box in topics edit screen.
* Fixed: table of contents links scroll to wrong position when using dynamic elements in content.
* Fixed: sticky sidebar wrong position when content changes dynamically.
* Reorganized and improved table of contents settings tab.
* Regrouped admin menu items.
* Added Quick start admin page.
* Fixed: Incorrect topic count when restriction enabled.
* Fixed: VC image pattern in search shortcode broken.
* Removed FAQ items from global wp search.
* Added generic ol/ul list styles for themes with broken HTML support.

Version 1.4.6 – Jan 10, 2018

Note on Automatic Updates feature. We’ve been requested to add automatic updates in plugin several times and we planned to add it in this version finally, but after investigation and testing official Envato Market plugin we decided against developing our own, as this plugin works well, is maintained by Envato and does everything needed. Besides, by enterning your token once, you can update all your purchases in one place. So, please use it, check their site for more details: http://envato.github.io/wp-envato-market/ Of course we are always ready to help, and if this solution has some drawbacks, please let us know, we’ll find a better one.

* New better icon selector with filter
* New terms select, with hierarchy and reorder
* Fixed: FAQ animations shaky
* Option to control FAQ animation speed
* Option to control URL in table of contents navigation
* Fixed compatibility with themes, that styled header/section tags incorrectly
* Added option to use percents for container
* Added max width for images in articles
* Added more actions for home page lists and child topics block
* Fixed bug with Visual Composer caching javascript file
* Tested for compatibility with Envato Market plugin for Auto updates: http://envato.github.io/wp-envato-market/ 

Version 1.4.5 – Nov 19, 2017

* Added articles ordering settings (date, title, last modification, etc)
* Added URL setting to remove global site prefix from KB items
* Table of contents now uses hash navigation, so when opening a link with heading hash, content will be scrolled to section
* Plugin settings now remember the tab you were on after page refresh
* Checked for compatibility with WordPress 4.9
* Added option to disable articles archive. Now you can use articles URL slug, for example /kb for your KB home page.
* Added support for paged articles to table of contents
* Added option to control scroll to top (article or site top)
* Fixed: scrollSpy sometimes highlighted previous item when using together with scroll offset;
* Fixed: table of contents not working in theme templates
* Fixed: admin footer message overlapping page builder
* Fixed: feedback sometimes appeared in search results
* Fixed: warning for missing second argument on old WordPress versions
* Fixed: console error when using theme template for articles

Version 1.4.4 – Oct 9, 2017

* Major feature: Visual Composer elements. Now all KB sections are also available in Visual Composer!
* Major feature: non-blocking search. New search mode added, which sends requests at the server as you type, resulting in much more responsive experience. You can also change it back to blocking mode, if you need to reduce load on your server. Search analytics was also rewritten to play well with new search - only the valuable results are stored in search history.
* Added search request indicator icon for more responsive UX.
* Added reset possibility for Likes, Dislikes, Views and search stats.
* New widget: KB Search.
* Added option to remove icons from widgets.
* Sidebar is now always rendered after content on mobile and tablet.
* Added switch to disable FAQ post type and modules.
* Fixed: search by tags were absent in search results page, while available in live search.
* Fixed: fancybox script loading.
* Fixed: WPML css breaks icon selector.
* Fixed: search is now not performed when search input is empty.

Version 1.4.3 – Aug 28, 2017

* Major feature: WPML compatibility. All the major features were tested for compatibility with WPML. Please, check the multilingual content demo: http://ml.minerva-kb.com/
* Major feature: 2nd restriction mode added: possibility to exclude restricted content from topics and search results. Now instead of showing articles with login form for non-authorized users you can remove these entries completely and show only for allowed user roles.
* Hierarchical table of contents now has proper numbering: 1.2, 1.3.1, etc. Works for any level of depth.
* Post type/slug settings section improved, as many customers were confused by it.
* Articles count was incorrect in some cases, thnx David https://codecanyon.net/user/blackcode777 for reporting
* Added settings to remove title and container for KB home page created via plugin settings.
* Added child theme support for theme overrides.
* Fixed: shortcode builder working only for admin users.
* Fixed: WP pagination setting affecting search results.
* Fixed: undefined topic when search result has no topic.

Version 1.4.2 Translation Hotfix – Jul 23, 2017

Big thank you to David https://codecanyon.net/user/blackcode777 for reporting!

* Fixed: bug with translations that caused some settings to not work when using plugin on non-English WordPress installs.
* Settings pages responsive layout improved

Version 1.4.2 – Jul 11, 2017

Upgrade notice: this version has many new features added, so it is advised to backup your data before updating.

* Major feature: FAQ added with live filter and categories
* FAQ home page section
* FAQ shortcode
* FAQ page builder section
* FAQ demo page and content added to one-click import
* Added possibility to reorder and remove global home page sections
* Added topics and tags columns in articles list admin page
* Added topics and tags filters in articles list admin page
* Added better CSS size controls to page builder and shortcode builder
* Improved font awesome styles compatibility with some themes

Version 1.4.1 – May 29, 2017

* Fixed: custom articles order broken on multisite
* Fixed shortcode builder compatibility issue with ACF plugin
* New search option: allow multiline results. Works in page builder and shortcodes as well.
* Fancybox improvement: now fancybox works without titles and captions as well
* Added confirmation popup for restore defaults in settings
* Added possibility to remove feedback directly from articles pages
* Fixed bug with rating buttons inlined with images when using aligned image as the last item in content
* Fixed bug with Related shortcode showing current article link when no articles selected
* Fixed CSS bug with 3 columns displayed as 2 in some themes when using shortcodes

Version 1.4.0 – May 11, 2017

Upgrade notice: If you are using shortcodes, it is important to check your pages after update, as shortcodes code have been significally rewritten in this version to support Shortcode Builder, and some defaults were changed.

* Main feature: added Shortcode Builder with ability to edit added shortcodes
* Added Uninstall page, with possibility to remove all plugin data
* Fixed bug with topic options not removed after topic removal
* Fixed bug with deleted topics affecting home columns layout, when added
* Fixed articles custom order in topic archives
* Added option to force topic icons selected in section
* Fixed title and color options in topics shortcode
* Added option to show/hide descriptions for topics in section
* Fixed pattern overlay opacity
* Fixed search results overlapping topics in some themes
* Fixed custom background/color for topic labels in shortcodes
* Topics shortcode defaults are not affected by global settings now
* Added force topic color in shortcodes (and fixed for home pages lists)
* Fixed demo import when importing after changed post type option

Version 1.3.9 – Apr 20, 2017

* Main feature: Added one-click import + imported content management panel
* Added option to not load Font Awesome (in case theme loads it already)
* Added more template actions: now you can wrap any template in your containers
* Fixed CSS for search input margin in some themes
* Fixed compatibility issue with WP Mobile Detect plugin
* Added custom link option for breadcrumbs home page
* Added notification for sidebar with no widgets
* Added configuration for comments box: after content, inside or outside of container
* Fixed CSS for images not appearing in some themes when using em size
* Most viewed and most liked topics now fallback to recent if there are no topics to display

Version 1.3.8 – Mar 29, 2017

* Major feature: Full WordPress Multisite Support
* Fixed nested categories display when parent has no articles
* Fixed KB home display when used as site front page
* Fixed bugs when trying to view article not added to any topics
* Added message when using non-existing topic ID in topic shortcode
* Fixed bug with topics shortcode using topics from home page
* Fixed defaults in topic shortcode, now works correctly without limit set
* Demo data fixed for new post type defaults
* ScrollSpy removed on mobile
* Fixed compatibility with older WordPress versions: 4.4, 4.0, 3.8

Version 1.3.7 – Mar 14, 2017

* Added sticky sidebar functionality for articles
* Added table of contents widget + option to disable table of contents in article body
* Added ScrollSpy functionality for table of contents (in widget only)
* Added setting for article, topic and tag URLs. Now you can change post type and taxonomies names and slugs separately, keeping the existing content
* Added option to control nested topics articles display
* Added support for paged articles (using nextpage tag)
* Fixed notice on article pages in some systems
* Header in settings page is now sticky, for easier save button access on long sections
* Added error notifications on failed save/restore actions
* Improved theme compatibility when using plugin templates
* Added option to remove tags archive and tag links from articles
* Added setting for number of articles per page for topics, tags and search results page
* Added preview link to home page selector to quickly open KB home page
* Compatibility checked with WordPress 4.7.3
* Scroll offset option changed to use positive values instead of negatives by default
* Fixed shortcodes in page builder page content section
* Fixed bug with feedback form not appearing without rating message enabled
* Fixed bug with article appearing twice if matched by content and by tag
* Fixed bug with live search finding draft articles
* Improved performance a little

Version 1.3.6 – Feb 23, 2017

* Dedicated search results page added
* Desktop/mobile/tablet device detection added
* Custom css option added
* Added possibility to disable live search by platform. For example, you can keep live search on desktop and tablet, but disable it on mobile and use dedicated search results page instead
* Container and sidebar width settings added
* Added content hooks for tag and archive page templates
* Generic text strings moved to localization tab
* Pagination layout and styles added. Now you can choose between plugin and theme pagination
* Added theme compatibility settings (include/exclude header and footer)
* Fixed bug with notice about is_tax called incorrectly
* Fixed width issues for themes that use flexbox display mode and/or content-box CSS model
* Major code cleanup and refactor
* Public hooks API rewritten
* Search results now returned by relevance
* Login form width fixed on mobile
* Added table of contents scroll offset option
* Twenty Seventeen theme CSS fixes
* Eduma theme compatibility fixed

Version 1.3.5 – Feb 14, 2017

* Added content restriction functionality
* Added possibility to restrict articles globally, by article or by topic
* Added customizable login form for restricted articles
* Fixed compatibility with Impreza theme
* Fixed bug with search results under the breadcrumbs
* Client-side SCSS moved to separate files

Version 1.3.4 – Feb 7, 2017

* Font selector added with 732 Google Fonts
* Article text typography and color options
* Widgets typography and color options
* Headings typography and colors options
* Advanced breadcrumbs style settings added - background color, paddings, bg image, pattern, gradient, etc
* Added body classes for home pages, archives and article pages for custom styling
* Article, topic and home page padding settings
* Fixed bug with topics shortcode ignoring passed IDs
* Fixed bug with icon select not highlighting new icon
* Improved responsive styles for mobile and tablet
* Search results now also include matches by tag
* Inline CSS minified

Version 1.3.3 – Feb 2, 2017

* Added feedback tab in dashboard, with possibility to remove feedback
* Added hierarchical dynamic table of contents, built from H1-H6 heading tags in content. You can use either dynamic TOC or TOC built with shortcodes. Table of contents settings moved to separate tab.
* New feature: Search keywords tracking and analytics
* Search delay setting added
* Added sortable columns to articles list in admin  - views, likes, dislikes, feedback
* Fixed: missing related content shortcode preview image added
* Technical: admin SCSS files organised and cleaned-up
* Admin pages styles minor fixes
* Added dummy data xml for quick initial setup

Version 1.3.2 – Jan 24, 2017

* Dramatically improved performance (up to 20x reduced loading time on some pages). Big thank you goes to @kimekim for noticing this issue.
* New feature: ability to reorder articles inside topic using drag n drop
* New feature: ability to add and display related articles
* New feature: ability to display related content links in article
* Fixed: articles and topics giving 404 on fresh installs due to WP cached rewrite rules
* Fixed: article archive intercepting custom post type archives in some cases
* Extended support down to php 5.3

Version 1.3.1 – Jan 18, 2017

* New feature: added articles feedback functionality
* New feature: Google Analytics integration. Now you can track successful and failed searches, likes, dislikes and feedback directly to your Google Analytics account, using custom GA events. All event fields are configurable and have hassle-free, working out of the box defaults.
* Added possibility to display tags in articles
* Also, search now can be limited to selection of topics
* Every topic now can be attributed to specific KB home page, allowing to separate KB into multiple logical sections (requested feature)
* Added configuration to display messages on like / dislike action
* Some minor dashboard UI improvements

Version 1.3. – Jan 9, 2017

* Added search in articles
* Added search in topics
* Added possibility to use images instead of icons for topics
* Configuration settings added for all visible text so you can easily localize Knowledge base without WPML or other plugins
* Option to remove like / dislike icon
* Added separate defaults for search shortcode
* Fixed: bug with duplicate slashes before quotes
* Added option to show/hide topic in search results
* Added option to show/hide “Show all” link
* Search shortcode now supports all the options you have in page builder
* Added public API for search and topics with all the options available, insert anywhere in theme
* Article and topic templates are rendered via actions, so it is possible now, for example, to put your content before rating or after reading estimate
* Added option to disable search autofocus
* Added featured images support to articles
* Many other small settings and improvements

Version 1.2.1 – Jan 5, 2017

* Fixed: taxonomy templates were not overridden if taxonomy.php existed in theme
* Fixed: icons on the left stack were shifted in some themes
* Fixed: custom topic colors and icons did not show up
* Fixed: list tags custom styles in theme conflicted with plugin styles
* Fixed: page builder had lower render priority than global home page
* Added security check for page builder save process
* Plugin compatibility checked and fixed: SEO by Yoast
* Theme compatibility checked and fixed: Newspaper 7
* Theme compatibility checked: Avada theme
* Added option to configure number of articles on home page and in page builder

Version 1.2 – Dec 27, 2016

* New feature: Added many search themes
* New feature: Added many search style options: background color, image, gradient, pattern and many more.
* New feature: Added Drag n Drop home page builder
* New feature: Dynamic topics - Recent, Most liked, Most viewed
* Requested feature: Added setting for breadcrumbs root page text
* Requested feature: Tip field now allows HTML
* Added container settings for home pages
* Added title settings for home pages

Version 1.1 – Dec 19, 2016

* New feature: Dynamic table of contents in articles
* New feature: Custom topics order on Home page (use drag n drop)
* New feature: Optional FancyBox popup for articles images
* New feature: Add custom HTML at the bottom of articles. Can be used for additional support contacts
More color settings added
Home page container configuration added
Improved compatibility with themes

Version 1.0 – Dec 13, 2016

Initial release

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