October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL Interactive Map Builder for WordPress

The Interactive Map Builder is a plugin for WordPress that enables you to create interactive maps for your blog. You can configure an extensive set of options to fit the look and feel of your website.

Our plugin is fully compatible with the new WordPress 6.3!

Interactive Map Builder  •   Changelog   •   Demo Login   •   Docs   •  Map examples

Some information about our plugin

Wide Range of Maps

There are many possible regions to display on a map. For example, you can…

  • Create a map of the whole world
  • Create a map of any continent .
  • Create maps of subcontinents , like Western Europe or North America
  • Create maps of any country . There are more than 200 to choose from. For example: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, India, China,..
  • Create maps of any US-State .

You can find a complete list of all available regions at the end of this page..

US map showing different types of html tooltips

You can find more examples on our demo site

Border resolutions

Depending on the displayed region on the map, you can set the resolution of the maps borders. The following resolutions are available:

  • Country borders are available for world, continent, subcontinent and country maps.
  • State and province borders are available for almost all countries, except for some very small countries and islands.
  • Metro borders are available for the US map and an US-State.

Highlight Regions or Add Markers

There are three different modes available for a map:

  • Regions mode can be used to highlight countries, states/provinces and metro-areas.
  • Marker mode can be used to mark designated locations using bubbles.
  • Text mode can be used to mark designated locations using text.


Additional interactivity can be added with Tooltips . These become visible when the mouse pointer hits a highlighted region or marker. It is possible to edit the following styles:

  • Change the Font
  • Set another Font size
  • Set another Font color

In version 2.0 we also introduced HTML tooltips. This allows you to create tooltips similar to ones from the above animation. The map builder allows to store additional CSS for these tooltips in the map template.

Map templates

Map templates allow to add special behavior to the map when a region or marker is being clicked. The plugin comes with predefined templates:

  • Bars displays a small chart below the map.
  • Open image opens a lightbox with images.
  • Open link opens a link, when a marker, region or text is clicked.
  • Open link in a new window opens a link in a new window, when a marker, region or text is clicked.
  • Show HTML allows to display HTML for the clicked region, marker or text below the map.
  • Show HTML (above map) allows to display HTML for the clicked region, marker or text above the map.
  • Show link displays a link below the map.
  • Storage example shows how the storage for click values work.
  • …or create your own map template:
    • Add your own JavaScript code that will be executed everytime a region or marker is clicked.
    • Customize the HTML around the map
    • Add your own CSS to the map

How do map templates work?

You can set a click value for each highlighted region or marker on your map. Whenever one of them is clicked, it will pass the click value to the JavaScript code.

For example: Imagine a map has the Show HTML template activated. The click values will then be used to store HTML snippets. Whenever a marker or regions is clicked, the JavaScript will then show the stored HTML below the map.

Can I change an existing template or add my own?

Yes, all templates are fully customizable. The plugin has an editor included that has syntax-highlighting and is capable of catching errors from your code. This will ensure comfortable and frustation-free editing.

The Map Builder

The map builder makes it easy to change the styling of a map.

Some of the available customizations are:

  • Background color of the map,
  • Height and width,
  • Border width and color,
  • Marker size and opacity,
  • Marker and region colors,
  • Tooltip styling

All changes become visible right away in a preview. The plugin uses the Google Geo Chart API to render the maps.


Once the map is saved, it can be inserted anywhere in your posts and pages using the shortcode.

Import & Export

Both maps and templates can be exported and imported. So copying from one blog to another becomes very easy. Furthermore, the plugin allows to download an export file of a map to store a backup copy.


The generated output is cross-browser compatible (with VML for older IE browsers) and also works on mobile platforms like iOS and Android. No plugins are needed.


If needed, the maps automatically resize to fit to the available width.


Shows some user ratings


* Added support for Gutenberg and a few minor changes
* Fix for the iframe becoming bigger in Chrome browsers
* Better compatibility with other themes, mainly Divi
* Problems with text markers removed
* Some minor changes and fixed compatibility issues to other plugins and themes.
* Improved compatibility to other plugins and themes. A problem while saving a large amount of markers/regions has also been removed.
* Bigger update. Includes:
    - New: Map Builder allows to edit the HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    - New: Text labels
    - New: HTML Tooltips
    - New: Selectable tooltips trigger "hover" and "click" 
    - New: Virtual Composer ready. List of maps will be displayed in the composer.
    - New: Continent and Subcontinent border resolutions
    - Changed: The "Click Actions" were renamed to "Map Templates" 
* Minor changes. Improved compatibility to other plugins.
* Initial Launch of the plugin

Interactive Map Builder for WordPress - 1


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