October 23, 2024
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Free GPL Intense – Shortcodes and Site Builder for WordPress

Intense WordPress Site Builder

Intensity WordPress Theme

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Intense – Shortcodes and Site Builder for WordPress

Intense includes a vast list of 110+ shortcodes (see the complete list near the bottom of this page) and 19 custom post types (FAQ, Portfolio, Project, News, Coupons, Snippets, Templates, and many more).

Intense is built on Twitter Bootstrap. It includes parallax content sections with images. Many image hover effect options with Adipoli and Effeckts CSS. Filter blog, and 15 other custom post types with transition effects using MixItUp.

Photo sources include Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, SmugMug, deviantART, Zenfolio, and 500px.

Easily create shortcodes with the use of shortcode editor dialogs.

Current version: 2.9.3 (See changelog near bottom of this page)

View our plugin documentation at docs.intenseplugin.com

What People Are Saying About Intense

“WOW! I am amazed with the kind of support that I received. Never, have I got a reply or help so quick. I sent a help request by the time I finish my cigarette Solution and reply is ready. Awesome support, Awesome plugin. will recommend to everyone. Worth every penny.” – ironmarine

“Seriously, the best WP shortcode plugin out there hands down and support is second to none. Plugin was causing a conflict with my membership software and support sent me a update to fix the conflict in less than 24 hours.” – kevingeary

“Absolutely incredible. 100% recommend to all, the best plugin for shortcodes anywhere on the market.” – giohawk

“Excellent product and STELLAR customer service…support like I’ve never experienced before…thank you!” – ojfields

“Highly customizable plugin (numerous options) and the most comprehensive library of shortcodes out there. Amazing value for the features offered! Recommended!” – JargonGR

“Great plugin – Awesome (super fast) support – Great documentation – 5 *s from me!” – praviljithpv

“Where have you guys been all my life!
I’ve been using your plugin for the past couple of hours and it is so great! I felt like I was wasting so much time look for plugins before. Now, so much of what I need is right here, in your plugin!
Thank you again – for the plugin and your wonderful customization!” – susannamiles

“Excellent plugin, it has saved my bacon several times.” – asiostudio

“Best shortcode plugin! Guys, it’s even better than Visual Composer! Functions are much wider. Very professional plugin. Love it.” – alexus13

“You guys really have the best plugin AND best user support I have seen here in Envato marketplace.” – akirau

“To anyone considering purchasing this plugin, it’s definitely the most useful and robust. I was using Ether but not anymore. Ether is definitely limited compared to Intense’s plugin.
After dealing with Intense Visions support, I couldn’t be more impressed. Best support on Themeforest.” – ramptny

“Intense Visions has the best customer service I have ever experienced. These guys truly care about the customer and go out of their way to make it work for them. Thank you so much for the fix. I really appreciate the help.” – jkupperstock



  • Animated – Animated allows for animating items on a page.
  • Button – Adds a clickable button to the page.
  • Counter – Displays an incrementing/decrementing number that can be styled.
  • Guests – Show special content for your guests in WordPress. The guests shortcode content will only be shown to non–registered users.
  • Horizontal Ruler – Places a horizontal ruler on the page used for separating content.
  • Icon – Used to add image icons.
  • Lightbox – Add images, videos, html and iframe content within the lightbox shortcode.
  • Members – Show special content for your members in WordPress. The members shortcode content will only be shown to registered users.
  • Permalink – The permalink shortcode allows you to add links to pages or posts on your WordPress site.
  • Progress – Displays a progress bar on the page.
  • RSS – Show RSS feed posts in a list using the RSS shortcode.
  • Siblings – Add a list of sibling pages using the siblings shortcode.
  • Slider – Adds a slider to the page allowing you to rotate between several items.
  • Snippet – You can use the Snippet shortcode to reuse the same snippet across multiple pages, with the luxury of only maintaining the code in one place.
  • Social Icon – Adds a social icon to the page.
  • Social Share – The social share shortcode will allow a user to share a post or page to Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn or StumbleUpon.
  • Sub Pages – The subpages shortcode shows a list of pages that are sub pages/children of a given page.
  • Template – Use the template shortcode to add the content of a file template to the post or page.


  • Alert – Alerts are used to notify the user of information.
  • Collapsible – Adds a collapsible accordion to the page.
  • Content Box – Adds a content box to the page.
  • Content Section – Add a content section to your page.
  • Hover Box – Allows you to add a little style to your images with seven different hover transitions.
  • Icon List – Adds a bulletted list of items to a page with the bullets being an icon of your choice.
  • Layout Row – Organize your content into rows and columns for a clean visual look.
  • Masonry – Show content on your pages in a responsive masonry layout using the masonry shortcode.
  • Menu – Add vertical or horizontal menus to your WordPress site using the menu shortcode
  • Parallax Scene – Allows you to create a content section where you can add transparent layers stacked on top of each other.
  • Person – Add a person to your page/post.
  • Pricing Table – Add a pricing table to WordPress with the pricing table shortcode.
  • Promotional Box – Add a promotional box to your page/post.
  • Spacer – Adds a spacer between sections on your page.
  • Table – Adds a styled table with column headers and data.
  • Tabs – Adds tabs to the page/post.
  • Testimonies – Allows you to add testimonies to your page.
  • Timeline – Allows you to add a timeline, with multiple events.


  • Animated Image – The animated image shortcode adds animated images that slide left, right, up, or down along the screen
  • Audio – The audio shortcode lets you play mp3 and ogg files on your WordPress pages.
  • Chart – Adds a bar, line, radial, polar area, pie, or doughnut chart.
  • Device Mockups – The device mockups shortcode works in conjunction with the Device Mockups plugin and allows you to show your work in high resolution, responsive device mockups
  • Fullscreen Video – Shows a fullscreen video in the background of the page/post.
  • Gallery – Adds an image gallery to the page.
  • Google Docs Viewer – Add a document (ex. PDF, PowerPoint, Word, etc.) to your WordPress websites using Google Docs Viewer.
  • Image – Adds an image with several different effects and options.
  • Image Compare – Compare two images on top of each other.
  • Map – Used to add a Google map to your page.
  • Post Media – Used to add post media (images, video, audio) to your page.
  • QR Code – Adds a QR code chart.
  • Video – Used to add a responsive video from WordPress and many popular sites.


  • Blog – Used to add a list of blog posts to your page.
  • Books – Used to add a list of books posts to your page.
  • Clients – Used to add a list of clients posts to your page.
  • Coupons – Used to add a list of coupons posts to your page.
  • Custom Post Type – Used to add a list of custom post type posts to your page.
  • Events – Used to add a list of events posts to your page.
  • FAQ – Used to add a list of faq posts to your page.
  • Jobs – Used to add a list of jobs posts to your page.
  • Locations – Used to add a list of locations posts to your page.
  • Movies – Used to add a list of movies posts to your page.
  • Music – Used to add a list of music posts to your page.
  • News – Used to add a list of news posts to your page.
  • Pages – Used to add a list of pages to your page.
  • Portfolio – Used to add a list of portfolio posts to your page.
  • Post Fields – Used primarily in conjunction with template custom post type to create templates.
  • Post Meta Data – Easily add post metadata to your WordPress post and pages using the Metadata Shortcode.
  • Project – Used to add a list of project posts to your page.
  • Quotes – Used to add a list of quotes posts to your page.
  • Recent Books – Used to add a list of recent books posts to your page.
  • Recent Clients – Used to add a list of recent clients posts to your page.
  • Recent Coupons – Used to add a list of recent coupons posts to your page.
  • Recent Events – Used to add a list of recent events posts to your page.
  • Recent Jobs – Used to add a list of recent jobs posts to your page.
  • Recent Locations – Used to add a list of recent locations posts to your page.
  • Recent Movies – Used to add a list of recent movies posts to your page.
  • Recent Music – Used to add a list of recent music posts to your page.
  • Recent News – Used to add a list of recent news posts to your page.
  • Recent Pages – Used to add a list of recent pages to your page.
  • Recent Portfolios – Used to add a list of recent portfolio posts to your page.
  • Recent Posts – Used to add a list of recent blog posts to your page.
  • Recent Projects – Used to add a list of recent project posts to your page.
  • Recent Quotes – Used to add a list of recent quotes posts to your page.
  • Recent Recipes – Used to add a list of recent recipes posts to your page.
  • Recent Team – Used to add a list of recent team posts to your page.
  • Recent Testimonials – Used to add a list of recent testimonials posts to your page.
  • Recipes – Used to add a list of recipes posts to your page.
  • Team – Used to add a list of team posts to your page.
  • Testimonials – Used to add a list of testimonials posts to your page.


  • Badge – Places a colored badge on the page.
  • Blockquote – Adds a blockquote to the page.
  • Code – Adds a preformatted code section to the page.
  • Definitions – Add a list of terms and definitions vertically or horizontally.
  • Dropcap – Adds a paragraph dropcap character.
  • Emphasis – Adds a paragraph with text that emphasizes the content.
  • Filler – The filler shortcode helps you quickly mock up content by adding filler text and images.
  • Heading – Allows you to add a heading with your own styles
  • Highlight – Highlights text on the page with a background color.
  • Label – Allows you to add a label to the page.
  • Lead – Adds a lead paragraph good for highlighting a block of text.
  • Popover – Allows you to add a popover to any word/phrase of your choice.
  • Tooltip – Allows you to add a tooltip to any word/phrase of your choice.

Custom Post Types

  • Books – Add books and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Clients – Add clients and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Coupons – Add coupons and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Events – Add events and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • FAQ – Add a frequently asked questions sections to any page or post
  • Jobs – Add jobs and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Locations – Add locations and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Movies – Add movies and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Music – Add music and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • News – Add news and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Portfolio – Add portfolio items and display them in 13 different layout options
  • Project – Add project items and display them in 13 different layout options
  • Quotes – Add quotes and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Recipes – Add recipes and display them in a number of different layouts.
  • Snippets – Add snippets so that you can easily reuse code
  • Team – Add a team and display it in a number of different layouts.
  • Templates – Add templates so you can use them for displaying any of these post types
  • Testimonials – Add testimonials and display them in a number of different layouts.

Additional Features

  • 100% mobile responsive.
  • Add shortcodes from the WordPress visual or text editor.
  • Create code snippets that you can reuse
  • Easily create templates that you can use for displaying your posts, with the use of the Templates custom post type
  • Visual Composer integration
  • Built on Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Easily add 140 different animation effects. Animate an item on a delay, on mouse hover, on mouse click, when scrolled into view, or after a timed delay .
  • Translation ready
  • Right-to-left (RTL) language support built in as a plugin option
  • Parallax content sections and images
  • Many image hover effect options with Adipoli and Effeckts
  • Filter regular posts and posts from 15 different custom post types with transition effects using MixItUp


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.6 (April 20, 2019)

* Fixed labels with spaces in the [intense_chart] shortcode
* Fixed a Redux Framework issue with Customizer
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.7.13)


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.5 (December 19, 2018)

* Added the ability to disable loading of the JavaScript assets asynchronously
* Added font color and text alignment attributes to the [intense_content_box] shortcode
* Fixed an issue caused by deferring the loading of the imagesloaded JavaScript asset
* Fixed the [intense_filler] shortcode to load images over https from lorempixel.com
* Fixed a PHP 7.2 warning in the [intense_overlay] shortcode
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.7.9)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (3.6.15)


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.4 (July 24, 2018)

* Fixed an [intense_menu] styling issue with Microsoft Edge
* Fixed a warning when showing post tags on posts that don't have tags
* Fixed a JavaScript conflict with CloudFlare caching
* Fixed code for Google Maps API key to be used in script URL
* Cleaned up a potential empty style tag on the [intense_icon] shortcode
* Cleaned up a potential empty style tag on the [intense_hr] shortcode
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.7.1)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (3.6.9)


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.3 (March 9, 2018)

* Added "center" option to Image shortcode Align attribute
* Added "Show Only Upcoming" option to Custom Post Type shortcodes. Used with 
  "Order By" date fields to show only posts that are upcoming.
* Added "No Posts Message" option to Custom Post Type shortcodes (shows when no results).
* Fixed Button shortcode Smooth Scroll issue
* Fixed two, three, and four column "text hover" post templates
* Fixed "hide" and "show" CSS classes so they are more specific to Intense
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.6.9)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (3.6.8)


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.2 (January 15, 2018)

* Added [intense_hide] shortcode used for hiding post content
* Added Mobile Inactive option to Collapsibles shortcode for making collapsible item inactive
  when loading on a mobile device
* Fixed OAuth settings dialog for sites served over HTTPS
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.6.7)


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.1 (December 2, 2017)

* Added Toolset integration, certain fields now have the option to select Toolset fields
* Added [intense_card] shortcode used for displaying content in a card
* Added the ability to display map routes with the [intense_map] shortcode
* Added cache control options to the Extras settings tab
* Added clearing of the cached shortcode list when the cache is cleared
* Added region, sub region, type, lat/long, phone, and rating to the Location custom post type
* Added options to [intense_chart] shortcode for customizing tooltips, grid lines, and labels
* Fixed the [intense_counter] shortcode so it won't count beyond the end value
* Fixed [intense_content_section] parallax background images on mobile devices
* Improved lazy loading so that it will start to load content before
  it becomes visible during scroll
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.6.6)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.9.0 (September 11, 2017)

* Added attribute and attribute value options to the [intense_promo_box] shortcode for the button
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.6.2)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Fixed a deprecated function call that was used with Visual Composer
* Fixed a false positive PHP7 error in Visual Composer mapping class
* Fixed videos in Owl Carousel not resizing properly after loading


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.8.9 (June 23, 2017)

* Added link and show_on_hover attributes to [intense_map_marker] shortcode
* Added attribute and attribute value options to the [intense_button] shortcode 
* Added new three column template for team posts
* Updated [intense_image] shortcode so "linkurl" now accepts page/post ID for building link
* Updated all file system calls to use WP_Filesystem API
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.5.14)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (
* Fixed [intense_content_section] shortcode's WordPress video background autoplay on mobile devices
* Fixed [intense_video] shortcode YouTube videos showing incorrect video
* Fixed [intense_timeline_event] shortcode 'Featured' setting not working properly


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.8.8 (April 24, 2017)

* Added [intense_blur] shortcode to allow elements to be blurred on hover
* Added [intense_if] shortcode to allow for showing/hiding of content based on post ID
* Added transition, box_shadow, and hover_box_shadow attributes to the [intense_button] shortcode
* Added hover_color attribute to the [intense_alert] shortcode
* Added show_icon attribute to the [intense_content_box] shortcode to allow for hiding of the icon
* Added the ability to skin the [intense_content_section] shortcode's margin and padding
* Added a blank default option for the [intense_heading] shortcode's text_transform attribute
* Added [intense_video] oembed requests as transients to improve load time where possible
* Added "dmy" (10 Mar 2001) date format option to [intense_date] shortcode
* Added the ability to skin the "Read More" Display Text for post shortcodes
* Added new two, three, and four column templates for displaying posts
* Added new two, three, and four column templates for displaying of team posts
* Added check for Uncode's version of Visual Composer, that is included in their theme
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.5.11)
* Updated Redux Framework to the latest version (3.6.4)
* Removed deprecated Google+ support for gallery
* Fixed the previous pagination link in the default pagination template for post related shortcodes
* Fixed gallery image PHP warning when style attribute isn’t set
* Fixed potential null item issues in [intense_image] and [intense_content_section] shortcodes
* Fixed multisite activation not showing activation prompts and button
* Fixed an issue with older versions of PHP for one of the shortcodes
* Fixed a warning by adding a check to ensure the template search path has files
* Fixed muting of [intense_content_section] background video
* Fixed clearing of shortcode dialog transient
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.0+


Intense WordPress Plugin - v2.8.7 (February 7, 2017)

* Added modifier attribute to the [intense_permalink] shortcode for adding content to the end of the link
* Added Smooth Scroll Speed and Smooth Scroll Offset options to the [intense_button] shortcode
* Added Smooth Scroll Speed and Smooth Scroll Offset options to the [intense_content_section] shortcode for 
  use with the Advance Button
* Added Font Size, Font Color, and Font Family options to the [intense_overlay] shortcode for the Title
* Added error handling for pulling image data from cache
* Added the option to not include the tracking code based on user role
* Added sorting of gallery photos from external sources
* Added an option to preload a number of images when lazy loading the [intense_gallery] shortcode
* Added option to FAQ posts to set it to be active (open) when using the [intense_faq] shortcode
* Added automatic loading of recent media images to gallery widget
* Added "Equal Height" option for [intense_row] shortcode to make columns have the same height
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to the latest version (5.5.5)
* Disabled lazy loading of [intense_content_section] shortcode backgrounds for zoom in mode
* Fixed all custom post type dates broken by previous ACF update
* Fixed SmugMug album paging and showing multiple albums on one page
* Fixed illegal offset warning for [intense_flip_box] shortcode in newer versions of PHP
* Fixed PHP 7.1 related warnings and issues

For a full list of changes, view the changelog found within the documentation.


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