Dominion of Darkness (2024) Details: Here you will get information about the psychological and supernatural horror film Dominion of Darkness (Original title: Kuasa gelap). The movie was released in 2024 with a runtime of 1h 36m. The film follows the journey of a priest who doubts his faith and becomes involved in exorcising a demon from a teenager. The movie is directed by Bobby Prasetyo, with a screenplay by Andri Cahyadi, Robert Ronny, and Vera Varidia. The film has received an IMDb rating of 5.8/10 from approximately 648 votes, with over 1.6K users adding it to their watchlist.
Dominion of Darkness Movie Info:
- Movie: Dominion of Darkness (Kuasa gelap)
- Director: Bobby Prasetyo
- Writers: Andri Cahyadi, Robert Ronny, Vera Varidia
- Stars: Jerome Kurnia, Lukman Sardi, Astrid Tiar
- Genre: Psychological Horror, Supernatural Horror, Horror
- Release Date: 2024
- Runtime: 1h 36m
- IMDb Rating: 5.8/10
- IMDb Votes: 648

On a dark night, Father Thomas struggles with the final moments of his sister Diandra. While Diandra is terrified, Thomas prays for her, asking God for blessings. But her life cannot be saved. Several years after this incident, we see Father Thomas serving in the church. He intends to resign from his position, because his faith has been shaken. “I’ve made up my mind,” he says with deep shock.
Meanwhile, Maya’s relationship with her daughter Kayla is severely strained. Kayla is facing the conflicts of her youth, especially over her mother’s new boyfriend, Dennis. Kayla’s best friend, Zilla, is a complex girl, taking on a frightening attitude. “I’ve got an idea,” Silla suggests, “let’s summon his spirit” – the spirit of Kayla’s dead father, to ask Dennis to help her dispel the spell.
Without their parents’ permission, the two go to the cemetery at night and perform a ritual to summon a demonic spirit called a gelangung. “Gelangung, gelangsae. We’re having a little party. Come uninvited. Go alone,” they whisper. But they have unwittingly unleashed a dark force.
A few days later, Silla unexpectedly dies. Medical investigations fail to find a cause for her sudden death. Kayla is shocked by the death of her best friend, but her mother soon notices that she is changing. She exhibits terrible behavior at school, speaking in English and Latin, and writing profane words on the walls, calling all victims sinners.
The church fathers conclude that it is a demonic possession. Father Rendra, an experienced exorcist, tries to solve Kayla’s demonic possession, but fails. “This is a possession of darkness – not one, but several unclean spirits,” he says. He asks Father Thomas to be his assistant.
At first, Thomas hesitates. “I am unworthy to help you. My faith is weak,” he says. But Rendra challenges him: “When we fight demons, they can see our emotions and our past sins. They use that to scare us.”
Eventually, Father Thomas agrees to learn the art of exorcism. As the situation worsens, Kayla turns on her mother. “Do you want to kill me?” the demon asks Maya. “Your mother has her own secrets.”
Maya soon reveals their secret to Father Thomas: Kayla’s real father is not Maya’s husband. “I got pregnant in high school,” she reveals. “My parents threw me out. My life was ruined, until I finally met my husband. He led me to Jesus Christ, Father.”
As Kayla’s condition worsens, Father Thomas and Father Rendra prepare to perform one last exorcism to cure her. The demon, Shababel, appears to him as Thomas’ sister Diandra. “I don’t want to die, Thomas,” she says. But Thomas knows this is a deception.
“God is with me!” Thomas declares, finding new confidence in his power. “By the power of Jesus Christ, I punish you, devil! Meet your doom!” He fights the demon. The unclean spirit is finally released, and Kayla and her mother are reunited.
After the exorcism, Father Thomas abandons his plans to resign from his position. “I have found my purpose, Father. God is here with me,” he declares. Father Rendra happily acknowledges: “God never makes mistakes in choosing his servants.”
Thomas is training for his new job as an exorcist, and then he prepares to follow in his teacher’s footsteps. He receives a phone call: “Thomas, sorry to bother you. Someone needs help tonight. We need to exorcise now.” Father Thomas is completely dedicated to his new mission.
This film shows the path to mental health through the qualities of personality, deep focus, and restraint. Instead of being possessed by our fears, we can triumph over them by honestly dealing with them. Regardless of our history, we can overcome the influence of this kingdom of darkness through faith and responsibility. The film conveys a deeper message: we must not allow the sins of our past to frighten us. Instead, we can find true healing by focusing on our present and our faith, rising above our past.
This cemetery scene shows us the importance of facing our darkness. Kayla and Zilla were deeply hurt, but they unknowingly unleashed forces they could not control. And when we try to control our lives, we actually allow the forces that control us to control us.
True liberation comes not from running away from deep trauma or finding direct ways to call our loved ones, but from living our present lives fully and grappling with our inner darkness. Kayla and Maya’s story shows that we all carry secrets, but it is by bearing them honestly that we find true healing.
Eventually, Father Thomas finds his purpose. Through his grief and loss, he finds his calling to help others. Despite his doubt and disbelief, he has something greater to show. Despite his anger and anguish, he finds a certainty based on God—a faith that is stronger than his turmoil and fear.
In the face of any hardship or imperfection, the purpose of our lives is not to help others through power and power, but to love and serve. Beyond our pain, suffering, and loss – beyond our pain, suffering, and loss, there is the power to change the world and illuminate its dark corners.