October 21, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


used in multiple contexts: generic programming (especially C++), and data/document generation using template engines, web template


Syntax restriction on constructors of template classes

When I define a templace class, I can write this (as less <T> as possible): template <typename T> class Foo { public: Foo(){} Foo(Foo const&){} ~Foo(){} }; Or this (as many <T> as possible): template <typename T> class Foo { public: Foo<T>(){} Foo<T>(Foo<T> const&){} ~Foo<T>(){} }; When I define the functions of the class, I

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AVEVA System Platform : OCMC Log Error 80040e14 – Create instance fail to save the object one or more related objects may be in use

AVEVA System Platform 2023 – Log Error 80040e14 Create instance fail to save the object one or more related objects may be in use You need to sign in to view this answers

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How do I deduce one template parameter from another?

I have my functor class that can encapsulate function/member function and arbitrary count of function parameters. #include <tuple> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> template <class PARENT> class FunctorHandlerBase { public: typedef typename PARENT::TRET RTYPE; typedef typename PARENT::TUP ARGS; virtual RTYPE operator()(ARGS) { return RTYPE(0); }; }; template <class PARENT, typename MFUN> class FunctorHandler : public FunctorHandlerBase<PARENT>

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Attempting to use a template function with a single non-type template parameter

I tried a version of the prorgam that avoids recursion: #include <iostream> template <int N> constexpr int factorial() { int value = 1; // 0! = 1 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { value *= i; } return value; } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { std::cout << factorial<5>()

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Pass list of objects as argument in terraform helm_release

I have a variable list of objects tolerations, which I am trying to pass to helm_release terraform resource. The code block below is part of a module and I am importing that module in different place and using tolerations as an input. locals { metabase_namespace = "metabase-test" } resource "helm_release" "metabase-test" { name = "metabase-test"

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ODR-use a member function of a template class only if it is valid

I need to define a member function __say_hi on a class template, which will not be called anywhere, but still need to be kept by my clang-based frontend. To do so, I add a constexpr static member which holds the address of the function. The problem is that the __say_hi might not compile if the

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