October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


used in multiple contexts: generic programming (especially C++), and data/document generation using template engines, web template


Specialize function by argument values known at compile time in C++

I have some function with 2 arguments: distance and radius float expensive_function(float distance, float radius) { return distance + radius; } The whole project only uses 2 different radiuses and they both are known at compile time (1.2f and 3.4f). Is there a way to specialize this function knowing that? I would like something like

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Page limitation due to menu activation after the page – template has fully loaded

In the first option – page loading mode – this is if you interrupt it at the loading stage and not completely. The page is not completely loaded. In this case – option – all the content is displayed in the browser – the content that has time to load is loaded accordingly – which

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Why does this function throw a “std::bad_any_cast”

I am using C++ 17, the following code throws a std::bad_any_cast exception. The message printed: Current type in m_any: St8functionIFSt3anyP7ContextEE Function type: St8functionIFSt3anyRP7ContextEE The message indicates that m_any stores a type of Context*, yet when compute(Context*) is called, it treats context as Context*&. template<typename Ret> class AnyCallableF { public: AnyCallableF() = default; template<typename F> AnyCallableF(F&&

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Power Automate date conversion error when using planner/outlook template

I am trying to create a flow that will add/create an event in Outlook Calendar when a task is assigned in Planner. I have found a template that seems to accomplish this however, when trying to test I receive the following error that the date input isn’t valid because of the timezone: Below are the

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Friend declaration for template class in C++

#include <iostream> class MyClass { public: template <typename U> friend class MyTemplateClass<U>; }; int main() { return 0; } The code provided above, tries to declare MyTemplateClass as a friend class to MyClass. But, the issue arises when the compiler misinterprets it as specialization of template class MyTemplateClass which clearly, is not intended? This works:

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Issues with boilerplate HTML in the Django templates folder

"I’ve tried reinstalling all extensions, adjusting settings, and reinstalling VS Code, but the auto-suggestion of snippets in templates/index.html doesn’t work. However, when I move index.html out of the templates folder to ./index.html, the snippets start working again. How can I fix auto-suggestions for snippets inside the templates folder?" What I tried: Reinstalled all VS Code

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Access non-type template parameter of CRTP derived class from CRTP base class

In the following CRTP code, is there a simple way to access the non-type template parameter N in Base that is exposed by Derived? template <typename TDerived> struct Base { int array[TDerived::NValue]; }; template <int N> struct Derived : Base<Derived<N>> { constexpr static int NValue = N; }; int main() { Derived<8> derived; } The

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C++ class member's specialization with nontype arguments

I need to define a class with nontype template parameters and specialize one of its function member’s. The code below is a reasonable simplification of what I need to do (we can assume this is c++11 but I don’t think the C++ standard is the issue here). template <class T, std::size_t LIMIT=100> struct A {

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Unclear template resolution

I was going through the exercises in this post https://www.slamecka.cz/posts/2021-03-17-cpp-metaprogramming-exercises-1/ First of all, I want to say huge thanks to the author. The problems were quite interesting, challenging, and engaging. One part of the problem caused me some issues, and I don’t really understand why. /** * 18. Define Insert for Vector, it should take

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C# Show pre-configured template based on a condition in WPF

So let’s say I have multiple grids laid out, 2 of them are static and will not change, but the third grid, is meant to show elements based on a set of conditions outlined. If one condition is met, then the third grid should show 2 input boxes. If another is met, 1 input box,

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