October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open standard for electronic document exchange maintained by the International Organization for


Integrate pdf.js into a JavaFX Application without adding the entire pdf.js repository

I’m working on a JavaFX application where I want to integrate pdf.js to display PDF files. However, I’m looking for a way to do this without having to include a large number of files from the pdf.js repository directly into my project. So far, I’ve found this following ways to do it: PDFBox: this way

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Extracting text from pdf with custom font

I have a voluminous PDF file containing text with specific scientific notation. I’m trying to extract the text using pdfplumber. At first, I noticed that certain symbols are extracted as capital Latin characters, while technical symbols like ‘[‘ and codes e.g., (cid:8) are also present. Moreover, the same code is often displayed in the file

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Read numbers under barcode (not barcode stripes itself) in .NET 8

I need help about reading numbers under barcode (not stripes) from PDF file. My idea was to convert page to image and then read it. This is example of barcode that is located in the top right part of PDF document. (https://i.sstatic.net/jtJl89rF.png) I tried ZXing to try and read numbers under barcode, from image at

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Docfx generate PDF

Describe the bug PDF generate isn’t located where I believe it’d be after following the documentation. I might have misunderstood something, so I hope somebody could help. To Reproduce Here's my docfx.json { "metadata": [ { "src": [ { "files": ["**/*.csproj"], "exclude": ["**/bin/**", "**/obj/**"], "src": "../" } ], "dest": "api" } ], "pdf": { "content":

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How to create link that downloads a PDF that is in byte array form

I have a byte array of a PDF from a database call I made and now I want to make it so that the user can click a link and download the PDF of that byte array. This is what I have attempted. <a href="<s:url action='downloadPdf'/>">Download PDF</a> public class DownloadPdf extends ActionSupport { private InputStream

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Create pdf:s that are digitally signed

Where I work, we sometimes train customers. Every participant of these training will get a training certificate. The current method is that we have a template where we change the time period and the name of the trainer. These templates are then printed by one of the office secretaries, that then in turn need to

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Jumping to a specific PDF tag in microsoft Edge

I’m trying to open PDF document on specific device tag in Microsoft Edge browser. By device tag I mean a link in electrical documentation (eplan) in my case to a sensor. This functionallity works in Chrome. For example I want to show sensor with device tag ‘=CO+3110M1-1361B361’. Working url for Chrome looks like this: https://…/ePlan.pdf#%3DCO%2B3110M1-1361B361

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Arabic words reverted in pdf in openhtmltopdf and itext

I used both openhtmltopdf and itext to generate pdf files, but all arabic words are reverted in pdf, though they are fine in html. The order of words is fine, but inside each word letters are reverted. First letter swaps place with last,etc. Even if I dont use html, but simple Paragraph in itext with

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