October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery is a popular cross-browser JavaScript library that facilitates Document Object Model (DOM) traversal, event handling


Add a separator only if there is more than one element

I have a todo list that I made with the help of Pranav Rustagi and Twisty. I still have a problem for which I can’t find a solution. Between each text added, I want to add a separator (pipe). My problem is that when I delete the first element, the next element, which becomes the

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Make a function that creates a grid

The idea is: a random number, "lets say 4000" I have limited space defined by a function I want to change the properties of a class to fit these parameters i want to make 4000 boxes fit in the parametrized scope and i want to alternate color on click I’m stuck at generating the ‘div’

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Extracting info from JSON response

I’m trying to get the last value of "TMiles" in the following JSON. [{ "__type": "MileageReport:http:\/\/pcmiler.alk.com\/APIs\/v1.0", "RouteID": null, "ReportLines": [{ "Stop": { "Address": { "StreetAddress": "Apple Park Way", "City": "Cupertino", "State": "CA", "Zip": "95014", "County": "Santa Clara", "Country": "United States", "SPLC": null, "CountryPostalFilter": 0, "AbbreviationFormat": 0, "StateName": "California", "StateAbbreviation": "CA", "CountryAbbreviation": "US" }, "Coords": {

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hide elements according to index position using jquery

I have a dynamic table with many columns and rows. In some cells there is specific value "N/A". I want to hide cells containing "N/A" along with its table header too How is it possible using jquery I tried this code and it works partially. Table cells were hidden perfectly but only first table header

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How to find the following HTML Element

I have a menu with submenu with a structure like this: <ul> <li> <a class="navigation-item">Menu Item 1</a> <a class="submenu-toggle" /> <ul class="submenu"> <li> <a class="navigation-item">Submenu Item 1</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> I want to add a class to submenu-toggle if Submenu Item 1 is selected. How can I find the submenu-toggle in this case? closest('li')

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Uncaught TypeError: 'append' called on an object that does not implement interface URLSearchParams

I am trying to make a php page with pagination function by first submitting a form and then updating the area with a page click function. The Form that will be submitted is like this: <form class="row g-3" name="search" id="search" method="POST" action=""> <div class="row g-3 align-items-center"> <div class="col-sm-3"><label for="departmentSer" class="col-form-label">Select Department:</label></div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <select class="form-select"

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How to Upload a Video Files Template in GrapesJS?

I’m working with GrapeJS for a project and have successfully implemented custom image upload functionality using the tag. Now, I need to do something similar for videos. Specifically, I want to: Add a video template (like a tag) to the editor. Allow users to upload a video file and set the video source dynamically. Ensure

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HTML Button w/ jQuery $('CLASS').on('click tap touchstart', function(event) not working on mobile (WordPress BricksBuilder)

I’ve edited the code from the last time I posted this question using some advice, unfortunately the ‘DUPLICATE’ that I was linked to also did not fix the problem. Here is the code I’m working with: <button class="brxe-button main-cta-button pricing-btn faq-btn bricks-button bricks-background-primary">Pricing</button> <button class="brxe-button main-cta-button plans-btn faq-btn bricks-button bricks-background-primary">Plans</button> <button class="brxe-button main-cta-button seo-btn faq-btn

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