October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Huffman Coding Java

So I have this question: Consider a DMS with seven possible symbols Xi, i = 1, 2, … , 7 and the corresponding probabilities p1 = 0.37, p2 = 0.33, p3 = 0.16, p4 = 0.07, p5 = 0.04, p6 = 0.02, and p7 = 0.01? We first arrange the probabilities in the decreasing order

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How to find latitude and longitude using Java

I want to find the current geolocation, latitude and longitude, of the computer at any one time using Java. My understanding is that there are no native Java libraries that handle this. What library might I use, then, that would be simplest, given that my requirements are no more complex than that? Thank you. You

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Optional Data Exception false when reading object from file

I am trying to read objects from file to display them on a jpanel but I am having a hard time deserializing them. public static void saveFile(Screen screen) { JFileChooser find = new JFileChooser(); find.setCurrentDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))); int result = find.showSaveDialog(find); if(JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == result) { File file = find.getSelectedFile(); try { FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(file);

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Is it possible to use env/system variables inside newrelic.yml

I wonder if i can use env/system variables inside of my new relic java agent config. I know that the env variables rewrite the corresponding settings, but i want to use the env variable value inside this yml file (i want to add label based on environment name) You need to sign in to view

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How to flip error with no-error with projectreactor in Java?

I have instance of Mono<MyClass1> It can either have value or be an error. Now I need to convert it to Mono<MyClass2> where error and no-error flipped mono .doMagic( $ -> { if( error ) { return Mono.just( new MyClass2 .. ) } else if( no-error ) { return Mono.error(...) } } Is this possible?

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will the Floyd's cycle detection algorithm, with the fast pointer having three steps jump work?

class SingleLinkedList { Listnode head; // instance creation is possible without creation of the object class Listnode { // classes and methods can be static or non-static int data; Listnode next; Listnode(int data) { this.data = data; this.next = null; } } } class SingleLinkedList1 extends SingleLinkedList { // Remove duplicates from a sorted linked

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Why is spring finding two qualified options for same class?

Spring appears to be recommending the same class twice as potentially qualifying for autowiring: once as myDateTimeFormatter and another as io.company.thirdparty.MyDateTimeFormatter? Why does Spring see the same class as these two different options? I’d like Spring to simply autowire so I can call myDateTimeFormatter.myFoo() inside my Spring Boot Starter app. Has anyone ever seen similar

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Reactive API needs to call parallel downstream APIs and await responses

I have a number of devices (currently eight, but could be more in the future) with a simple blocking HTTP REST api. One makes a GET call to give a value, the API responds with success or fail, but always a 200. There’s another GET to find the current setting. So, a typical sequence would

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Erro no OpenCV CascadeClassifier com Java e Spring

Estou desenvolvendo um algoritmo de reconhecimento facial, usando Java com Spring Boot e OpenCV. @Service public class ReconhecimentoFacialService { static{ System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // load opencv_java } @Autowired private AlunoRepository alunoRepository; private CascadeClassifier faceDetector; @PostConstruct public void init() throws URISyntaxException { System.out.println("\nPOST CONSTRUCT ReconhecimentoFacialService"); String xmlFilePath = "C:/Users/MeuUsuario/Documents/GitHub/projeto/backend/src/main/resources/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"; System.out.println("XML File Path: " + xmlFilePath); this.faceDetector = new

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Spring Boot Reactive WebClient – How To Add Custom SSL Host Name Validation

I have am calling another API using WebClient. I have a cert that is being used by API that has a hostname X. However, if I want to make https calls to the API using a different url from the certificate, I correctly get an error. The problem is that I will be using a

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