October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Not able to run very simple method

I am trying to set SQLQuery and trying to get its result via bean but unable to fix it. Here is my code: public static int countTotalNumberOfRecords(String countQuery) throws SQLException { CountQueryDAO db = new CountQueryDAO(); PagingBeanProcessor bean = new PagingBeanProcessor(); bean.setCountQuery(countQuery); bean = db.selectAll(); int totalRecords = bean.getTotalRecords(); return totalRecords; } This is how

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Calculating variance in Java with arrays

I’m very new to programming and I’m having troubles calculating variance. First of all, I have file that is full of data. The exercise is: there are shops and each shop sells same brands of apples. We are looking at the sourness of apples (measures on 0-5 scale). So the my problem is, that I

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How to access the top level/enclosing class instance having the instance of the inner class

NOTE: I’m not talking about the way of accessing the enclosing class FROM the inner class, that is not the problem at all. What I’m talking about is the following: class TopLevel { class InnerClass { } } // in some other class A.java public void execute(InnerClass ic) { } Here, in the execute() method,

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Confused about eureka server functionality

when I started eureka server in spring cloud ,in the dashboard, I saw that the renew threshold is 1. Why is this at all? I did not register an instance in it that wants to take a value. Also when I registered a client microservice in it, as it is clear in the second picture,

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java bytecode exception catch block's boundary

I got a class which generated by dex2jar, the bytecode like this public boolean a(com.google.android.exoplayer2.metadata.Metadata); descriptor: (Lcom/google/android/exoplayer2/metadata/Metadata;)Z flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC Code: stack=2, locals=6, args_size=2 0: iconst_0 1: istore_2 2: aload_1 3: getfield #38 // Field com/google/android/exoplayer2/metadata/Metadata.d:[Lcom/google/android/exoplayer2/metadata/Metadata$Entry; 6: astore 5 8: iload_2 9: aload 5 11: arraylength 12: if_icmpge 134 15: aload 5 17: iload_2 18:

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Request for Library or API for Nearby Cellphone Number Detection || Spring Boot || Java

I’m looking for a library or API that can help me develop a Java or Python application to detect nearby cellphone numbers. Ideally, the application should be able to: Identify nearby cellphone devices: Detect the presence of cellphones within a specified range. Retrieve cellphone numbers: Obtain the numbers of detected devices. Estimate distance: Approximate the

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Apache pdfbox – Split A4 page into A7 sections

I’m given a document of A4 pages with 8 A7 sections on each page. I need to extract the data from each A7 area of each page because they’re related. Is it possible to break each A4 in 8 A7 and go through the data. You need to sign in to view this answers

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Can't reinstall Android Studio on mac

guys! Previously i’ve successfully downloaded Android Studio, but today i faced some issues with Android SDK configuration and decided to fully reinstall the application and honestly it would be better if i didn’t do this. I have mac and i decided to google some stuff like "how to fully delete android studio on mac". I

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What's wrong with the Tower of Hanoi

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Solution { public void move(int size, List<Integer>A, List<Integer>B, List<Integer>C){ if (size == 1){ C.add(A.get(0)); A.remove(0); } else { move(size-1,A,C,B); C.add(A.get(0)); A.remove(0); move(size-1,B,A,C); } } public static void main(String[] args){ List<Integer> a = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> b = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> c = new ArrayList<>(); a.add(3); a.add(2); a.add(1); a.add(0); Solution

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Embedded Mongodb without downloading it while running integration test cases

Is it possible to use embedded Mongo and de.flapdoodle in Spring Boot 3 and version 4.x without downloading it and binaries? If yes, Please provide an example. I am using java 21, Springboot 3 and flapdoodle 4x versions. While running integration test cases You need to sign in to view this answers

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