October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Does LibGDX support Primitive Restarts for Triangle Fans in Mesh Indices?

OpenGL supports the ability to start a new Triangle Strip in an index array by inserting two duplicate indices, (what they call a "degenerate triangle"), like this: GLuint idxs[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7}; And it supports a similar ability to start a new Triangle Fan in an index

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i made an auth service with java spring using jwt, and when i try to register a user from postman it gaves me a 401 error saying that im not authorized to use the api. error when i try to use the api register method i try to use the password that spring gave me

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ClassNotFoundException when trying to reference classes in jars in a sub-directory inside the executable jar

Projects I have 2 Gradle based Java projects which both get packaged as .jar files: Core A java-library Creates a .jar containing the projects .class files and a lib/ inside the .jar containing all the project’s 3rd party dependency .jar files Contains the following in it’s build script for the .jar that is created for

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Why are the product.id and recipeIngredient.product fields null in the logs?

And what might be causing the total unit cost of the ingredients to always calculate to zero? Important: Despite these issues in the logs, the product and the unit cost of the ingredients are saved in the database without any problems. Entity ProductDTO: public class ProductDTO { private Long id; private String name; private String

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Why can't I pass lambda inline into try-with-resources

Help me understand why the following code doesn’t compile. AutoCloseable is a single abstract method interface and I am able to assign it to lambda expression, just not in try-with-resources context: class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { try (AutoCloseable test = () -> System.out.println("Closing")) {} } } I’m getting following compilation error

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Combine documents with FileNet annotations

I have developed a java tool to download documents and annotations from CPE 5.5.10. We have documents in various formats like pdf, images, MS Office documents etc., and various types of filenet annotations. I am trying to combine the downloaded documents with annotations that I downloaded from filenet to create a annotated document as it

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Algorithm for partitioning an array into subsets with target sums

Example: input = [2, 3, 3, 4, 5] sumTargets = [8, 6, 3] I want an algorithm to partition the input into subsets whose elements sum to the targets, in this case 8, 6 and 3. Both input and sumTargets can be of any size and it only needs to return one possible set of

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Error connecting to Athena Database from Metabase

I previously used two VPCs. One had an MSK cluster and an msk-athena connector, and the second was used to run Metabase on ECS. I was able to set up an Athena database in Metabase, which connected to Athena to query my MSK Kafka topic. However, when I changed my setup and used a single

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Databricks JDBC Insert into Array field

I am trying to insert some data into a databricks table which has Array fields (field1 & field2). I am using JDBC for the connection and my POJO class looks like this public class A{ private Long id; private String[] field1; private String[] field2; } I am using jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(String sql, final List<Object[]> batchArgs, final int[]

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Missed signal in a Java

Can this code ever lead to missed signal? If yes, then how? private Object lock = new Object(); private boolean conditionMet = false; public void waitForCondition() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (lock) { while (!conditionMet) { lock.wait(); } // Proceed when condition is met } } public void signalCondition() { synchronized (lock) { conditionMet = true;

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