October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Knowing all the cucumber tags related to a set of test cases before running them in Java

I am working on a test project in Java using Cucumber and JUnit5. I am running both API and UI test cases for a web application. For the API test cases we are using XSRF tokens as an extra layer of security (besides the usual bearer token). Today I am getting this token in the

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HikariCP-Oracle Connection Pool Recreated on Every Invocation in Java Micronaut Azure Function

I’m working on a Java application built with the Micronaut framework that leverages Azure Functions for a serverless design. The application connects to an Oracle database. However, I’ve encountered an issue where a new connection pool is being created on every single function invocation. This leads to a rapid increase in the number of active

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Type inference error when generic class constructor builds an instance of another generic class with bounded type

When type parameter is bounded (T extends Comparable<? super T>), I encounter a type inference problem using <> to let the compiler infer the type in the following example: import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; public class InferTypeArgApp { static class ACollection<E extends Comparable<? super E>> { // static class ACollection<E> { // <-- If

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Tomcat and Spring: Issue with Query Param Being Truncated (EVAL Keyword)

I’m encountering an issue with my Spring application running on a standalone Tomcat server (version 8.5.92), where a query parameter value is getting truncated under specific conditions. Problem: I’m making the following POST request using Postman and cURL to my Spring Boot application: curl --location 'http://localhost:8085/studies/S_STD01(TEST)/roles?siteOid=S_EVAL(TEST)' The issue is that when the query parameter siteOid=S_EVAL(TEST)

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Looping to get TextField values out of TilePane

Hey all I am having a difficult time trying to get my textfield values out of my TilePane. The tree is this: This is what it visually looks like: My code: for (Node node : Agency_Contacts.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) { ObservableList<Node> childrens = Agency_Contacts.getChildren(); for (Node node1 : childrens) { if(node1 instanceof Pane) { ObservableList<Node> n = ((Pane)

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How to send Multipart form data with restTemplate Spring-mvc

I try send request via RestClient: fun uploadFile(file: MultipartFile): MyDtoRs { val resource: Resource = file.resource val parts = LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Any>() parts.add("file", resource) val httpHeaders = HttpHeaders() httpHeaders.contentType = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA val httpEntity = HttpEntity(parts, httpHeaders) val restClient = RestClient.create() return restClient.post() .uri("my/url") .body(httpEntity) .retrieve() .toEntity(MyDtoRs::class.java) .body!! } When sending the MultipartFile body via RestClient, I

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How do i convert this SQL query into a criteriaBuilder\JPA method?

I am using Java 8. I have a SQL database with nodeId, name, ipaddress, and status. I have a class called ServerDao and a DTO class called ServersDto. I want my method to ping the ipaddresses in my database, and for the status column to change to up or down whether they ping or not.

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Group by returning lists or values in spring jpa

I’m trying to do something really simple, but I somehow can’t make it work without a native query. Here is my entity: public class A { private long id private String key private UUID value } In my repository, I have the following method: @Query(value = """ SELECT key as key, ARRAY_AGG(value) AS values FROM

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How can I optimize a large Java application using multi-threading without causing resource contention?

I’m working on a Java application that handles a large volume of data processing tasks. Currently, the application runs sequentially, but I want to improve performance by introducing multi-threading. However, I am concerned about potential resource contention and race conditions. Here are some specifics: The tasks involve frequent access to shared resources, including reading and

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Custom join in a @ManyToMany or @OneToMany mapping without join table

I’m trying to define a custom join condition between the two following entities. class Period { private long id; private String category; private Date start; private Date end; @ManyToMany // Or @OneToMany private Collection<Event> events } class Event { private long id; private String category; private Date date; } I want to retrieve in Period

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