October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

axure problem with instructions that scroll me up when mouse enter or exit

I have problem in axure program that i put interaction on dynamic panel that when mouse enter will flip also when mouse exit will flip. So, the problem is when the mouse enter or exit the page move top the page. Some times it is work like i flip it 5 times and the 6th

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Quel sont les raison pour lesquelles une implémentation de code sans erreur syntaxique ne puisse pas fonctionner?

En javascript, j’essaie de vouloir créer une application qui génère le code QR pour l’implémenter en RA mais le formulaire de présentation de mon QR est bien afficher sauf qu’aucun des mes bouton ne fonctionne. Que faire s’il vous plait ? J’ai vérifier la version de JavaScript que j’ai utiliser, j’ai procéder a une vérification

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Making planets follow their orbit in HTML/CSS

So I’m working on a React project for the first time (Only working with HTML and CSS so far). I’m trying to create a solar system where the planets evolve around the sun. For the snippet below I only included the first planet with its orbit so far. The sun is supposed to be centered

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Allow decimal in an input (Angula)

i am working in a little project with Angular but i face the next problem, the input from a form don´t let me introduce decimal, like 23.5, i don´t know if something is wrong, please help with this problem, this is the code: <div class="form-group" *ngIf="bolivaresVisible" [ngClass]="{'has-error': cuenta.get('bolivares')?.invalid && cuenta.get('bolivares')?.touched}"> <label for="bolivares{{i}}">{{ cuenta.get('currency')?.value === 'bolivares'

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Inspect Element

Here is the rewritten message: "Hello, I’m experiencing an issue with my Shopify store. On the order confirmation page, there’s an unwanted small icon/image behind the ‘Cash on Delivery (COD)’ text. Using Inspect Element, I found the corresponding Div code in the HTML section. However, I’m struggling to locate the original file within my Shopify

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why does the character encoding of html source code needs to match the one declared in the meta charset tag

the title very much describes the question, the html standard says explictly that the only value acceptable for meta charset tag is utf-8, and even the nu html checker throws an error if any else value is used. But it also throws another error at the same time saying " Internal encoding declaration iso-8859-1 disagrees

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Issues with displaying the graph generated using table in outlook

I’m using the following code to generate a graph where the widths are calculated dynamically based on current and projected values, both of which are also dynamic. While the graph displays correctly in an online HTML compiler, it does not render properly in Outlook. Please help me resolve this issue. <table style="background-color: #343a42; border-radius: 10px;

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Cant type inside an iframe

When I code I like to put iframes but the problem is when I view the finished project and I try to type in the link it doesnt work here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Eaglercraft Site - Astra Client</title> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="astra client.jpeg"> </head> <body><iframe src="https://raw.githack.com/BarneyCompiler/AstraClientEagler/main/javascript/EaglercraftX_1.8_Offline_International.html" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;height:100%;width:100%;position:absolute;top:0%;left:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe> <p>Your

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Dynamic variable placeholders (e.g., {{section}}) not replaced in HTML when rendering PDF

I’m working on a system that processes Excel files, extracts data, and inserts dynamic variables into an HTML string, which is later rendered into a PDF. The backend uses a regular expression to capture a numeric value (e.g., 94), which I want to insert into the HTML as part of a description. The issue is

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What should a tab's `aria-controls` refer to when inactive content isn't rendered?

I have an app with some tabs, but since it is rendered clientside it seems much more straightforward to render only a single (i.e. the currently selected) tab panel content at a time. In cases like this, what should the aria-controls target be for the inactive tabs? Can I reuse the identifier of the single/shared

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